LMPG Minutes
Present:John Backes, Elena Bianco, Larry Cheng, Michele Davis, Debbie Doepping, Fred Edwards, Paul Fernandez, John James, Margaret Parker, Joanna Tillson
Meeting convened 1:35 pm.
John B. welcomed new LMPG members: Debbie Doepping from Technical Processing is replacing Kathy Wentworth. Fred Edwards from Media Center is replacing Dwight Edwards.
John B. stated that the purpose of LMPG is to assist the Director in providing oversight in the planning and implementation of the division's strategic plan, annual goals, and daily operations.
2.Division Goals: Discussion/Approval
The LMC faculty have been working on the 2000-2001 LMC division goals. John B. reviewed the nine different goals with LMPG members, and they stand approved (see attachment).
3.Relocation/Renovation: Status/Issues
John B. attended a Renovation meeting at the Admin. Bldg. today. The goal as stated at the renovation meeting is for the existing LMC building to be completely vacant by December 15, 2000, in order to reduce the cost of heating and electric utilities.
However, the lights should be left on 24 hours/day in Room 109, where the collections are housed. After the building is closed, heaters will be installed in the collections area.
Blueprints were submitted to the city for the approval process. Building permits have not yet been issued. John B. has the blueprints at this time, and will make them available to faculty and staff through Monday, Dec. 4. They are located on the table in the faculty/staff lounge. John B. is requesting that faculty and staff check the blueprints to make sure that they accurately reflect the counters and cabinets, as these will become permanent fixtures that cannot be changed after being installed.
While substantial progress has been made, the boat room in the 2900 building is still not completely dry. LMC staff still in the existing LMC Building will not move into the boat room area until the area is dry.
4.Policy/Procedures: Creation/Revision/Questions
Joanna T. and Elena B. will be drafting a clause be added to the LMC Policies that cell phones should be eliminated in the LMC. This clause will be added specifically to the Student Conduct policy.
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John B. stated that the LMC would be held to 1999 standards, with Standard V being the most important one that we will be held accountable for. John B. will distribute documents this week to faculty and staff concerning accreditation standards.
6.Other Business
Student Transparencies: Larry C. stated that the Media Center will make up to 3 black & white transparencies/per student free of charge, and additional ones will be at 50 cents each. The Media Center can make color transparencies for faculty only. The Media Center can also make color 35 mm slides, but no color copies. Debbie Puvogel is the hourly employee who is working in Media Production.
Voyager: Leslie P. H. stated that Voyager is scheduled to be updated next week, although the upgrade may or may not actually be completed.
Multicultural Center Trip: John J. discussed an upcoming tour to Vancouver, Canada which will be offered through the SCC Multicultural Center this spring. More details will follow at a later date.
LMC Holiday Party: The LMC Holiday lunch is scheduled on Wednesday, December 13, at 12:00 noon at Fortune City Buffet restaurant. Invitations have been distributed, and the cost of the lunch will be $8.00 cash, payable to Michele D.
LMC Holiday Charity: The Women's Center has a Giving Tree in the Student Union Building, which provides an opportunity for faculty and staff to pick a tag from the tree and buy a requested item, to benefit recipients at New Beginnings shelter for women and children. LMPG members opted to utilize the Giving Tree as a charitable opportunity this year rather than LMC "adopting" a needy family as has been done in the past.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 2:30 p.m. (LMC Faculty/Staff Lounge)
Meeting adjourned 2:30 p.m
LMPG Minutes
Present:John Backes, Elena Bianco, Larry Cheng, Michele Davis, Debbie Doepping, John James,
Tom Moran, Margaret Parker, Leslie Potter-Henderson
Meeting convened 1:35 pm., Room 2812
1. Minutesfrom the 11/29/00 LMPG meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Division Goals Review: Goals 1, 2, 3
3 division goals will be reviewed at each LMPG meeting.
- Elena B. is working on Information Literacy. This goal should be near completion by the end of winter quarter.
- Joanna T. is working on Assessment, and
- John J. is working on External Funding. Kae Peterson will attend the Feb. 7 LMPG meeting to review the Foundation's plans for the college and the division.
At the next meeting, the following goals will be reviewed:
- Distance Learning (Tom M.)
- Staff/Faculty Training (Leslie P. H.)
C.Curriculum Development (Larry C.)
3. Relocation/Renovation: Status/Issues
Building permits have not yet been issued by the City of Shoreline. Until building permits are issued, bids cannot be obtained for construction work.
4. Policy/Procedures: Cell Phones
A clause prohibiting cell phone use in the Library/Media areas has been drafted for incorporation into the LMC noise policy. The LMPG members approved the cell phone policy, and since Joanna T. was not present, she will review it prior to its final inclusion in the electronic and paper copies of the LMC policy/procedures notebook.
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5. WEB Re-design
Elena B. and Tom M. have begun discussion of re-design of the LMC web page. Although the re-design is still in the planning stage, the goal would be to divide the information into division areas.
6. Media Center: World Language Tape Sets
Effective Winter quarter 2001, the Media Center now is making available world language tapes to students. The Media Center staff batch duplicates all of the language tapes, and charges the students only the actual cost of the audiotape itself. If students would prefer to have the original language tape duplicated free of charge instead of purchasing a copy, this service is still available as well. The Media Center also has its own cash box for processing sales of tapes and making change.
7. Curriculum, Winter Quarter 2001
CMU 261: Larry C. is teaching CMU 261, Tuesdays, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the TV studio.
LIB 150, Section 01: Elena B. is teaching LIB 150 as a stand-alone class at Lake Forest Park, TTh, 8:30 - 10:20 a.m. (Enrollment = 4).
LIB 150, Section 02: Leslie P. H. is teaching LIB 150, as a linked class to ENG 102, MW 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
(Enrollment = 15).
8. Other Business
Faculty Renovation Questionnaire: John J. has prepared a questionnaire for all faculty on campus to complete re: LMC renovation. John J. requested that LMPG members review the questionnaire and provide any changes to himself or Michele D. by this Friday, January 5, at noon. The questionnaire will then be copied and distributed to all faculty on campus.
NEXT MEETING: The following is the schedule of the remaining LMPG meetings for Winter quarter 2001:
Wed., January 17, 1:30 p.m, Room 2812
Wed., February 7, 1:30 p.m, Room 2812
Wed., February 14, 1:30 p.m, Room 2812
Wed., February 28, 12:30 p.m, Central Conference Room, Admin. Bldg. (NOTE: This meeting is tentative, and has an earlier start time of 12:30 p.m.)
Wed., March 14, 1:30 p.m, Room 2812
Meeting adjourned 2:30 p.m
LMPG Minutes
Present:John Backes, Elena Bianco, Larry Cheng, Michele Davis, Debbie Doepping, John James,
Tom Moran, Margaret Parker, Leslie Potter-Henderson, Joanna Tillson
Guest:Kae Peterson, SCC Foundation
Meeting convened 1:30 pm., Room 2812
1. Minutesfrom the 01/03/01 LMPG meeting were reviewed and approved, with one change:
Larry Cheng teaches CMU 261, not 260.
2. SCC Foundation Presentation
Kae Peterson, Director of the SCC Foundation, informed the LMPG that one year from this Spring, the Foundation will implement a large community campaign to raise $2 million in funds. The campaign will be headed by two co-chairs, and the funds raised will be designated into three areas:
- $500,000 for furnishings and artwork for the new LMC building (a portion of these funds may be designated as an acquisitions endowment),
- Scholarship endowment, and
- Foundation operating endowment.
Kae will attend another LMPG meeting in June to update the group on fundraising goals for the LMC.
3. Division Goals Review: Goals 4, 5, 6
3 division goals will be reviewed at each LMPG meeting.
A.Tom M. is working on Goal #4, Distance Learning. Tom reported that all components of Goal #4 have been worked on. The LMC now has 2 additional databases.
B.Leslie P. H.. is working on Goal #5, Faculty/Staff Training. Elena B. has been offering training for online database courses.
C.Larry C. is working on Goal #6, Curriculum Development. Larry reported that he has videos and CD's and a master course outline to develop a course similar to the 260 series. It will be an electronic course. Work is ongoing on this project.
At the next meeting, the Division Goals 7, 8, and 9 will be reviewed.
4. Relocation/Renovation: Status/Issues
John B. reported that based on the information he has received at renovation meetings, the City of Shoreline is close to issuing building approval for the new LMC. John B. has a diagram of how the old LMC building and grounds will be fenced off during the renovation. The south end will be completely fenced off, with a gate for accessing the old building.
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5. Policy/Procedures: Media Circulation; Cell Phone Use
Larry C. is working on integrating Media Center into the current Circulation policies. The cell phone policy is finished and will soon be moved to the electronic notebook on the shared drive.
6. Marketing
Joanna T. will be in charge of the newly-formed LMC Marketing Subcommittee. Faculty and staff volunteers from the LMC are needed to join this subcommittee that will be involved in developing marketing strategies for our students to become more aware of what the LMC services and program are. Faculty and staff who are interested in joining the Marketing Subcommittee should contact Joanna.
7.Other Business
Faculty Renovation Questionnaire: Janice Ellis of Nursing won the latte prize for getting a 100% score on the faculty questionnaire that John J. distributed re: LMC renovation.
Black History Week LMC Display: Joanna T. encouraged faculty and staff to go over to the Student Union Building and see the LMC Black History display during the month of February. The display will be changed every week during this month.
Tour to Vancouver, B.C.: John J. and Larry C. completed their one-day trip to Vancouver, B.C., to preplan an upcoming tour to Vancouver which will be offered through the SCC Multicultural Center this spring.
NEXT MEETING: Wed., February 14, 1:30 p.m, Room 2812
Meeting adjourned 2:30 p.m
LMPG Minutes
Present:John Backes, Elena Bianco, Larry Cheng, Michele Davis, Debbie Doepping, Fred Edwards,
Paul Fernandez, John James, Tom Moran, Margaret Parker, Leslie Potter-Henderson,
Joanna Tillson
Meeting convened 1:30 pm., Room 2812
1. Minutesfrom the 02/07/01 LMPG meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Division Goals Review: Goals 7, 8, 9
A.Goal #7, Diversity & Multiculturalism: A bibliography of Multicultural Canada (books and videos) is now available, and can be obtained from Debbie D. Joanna D. has created a filmography related to Black History Month, and has been posted to the faculty listserv. The LMC has worked with the Multicultural Center to have displays for special events such as Black History Month and Martin Luther King Day. The LMC was a presence at MLK Day, with a display table.
B.Goal #8, Technology: Leslie P. H. and John B. have been working on Technology. The coming year's plans are completed and the 24-month plan is being prepared. LMPG will review the coming year plan, but the 24-month plan will probably not be ready for review until early Spring quarter. Once approved by LMPG, it will be submitted to the Technology Committee.
C. Goal #9, Media Policies: Larry C. is working on revising and creating new Media Center policies.
D. Update on Goal #2, Assessment: Joanna T. is working with Jim James of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment, & Research, on developing assessment tools for the LMC program.
At the next meeting, the Division Goal #1, Information Literacy, E. Bianco), Goal #2 (Assessment, Joanna T.), and Goal #3 (External Funding, John J.) will once again be reviewed. Three Division goals will continue to be reviewed at each LMPG meeting on a rotating basis.
3. Mission Statement: Review/Revise
The existing LMC Mission Statement, which is posted on the LMC Website, was distributed by John B. Assessment at the program level is conducted using the Mission Statement as a tool. Tom M. and John J. will assist John B. is reviewing and editing the existing Mission Statement, and a first meeting time will be set.
4. Curriculum
The final Spring quarter time schedule has been published and two sections of LIB 150 will be taught, both linked to ENGL 102 classes. This will be the first time that LIB 150 is linked to ENGL 102, as it has been previously linked to ENGL 101. The spring schedule is:
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LIB 150, Section 01, 10:30 a.m. Tues./Thurs., taught by Elena B., linked to ENGL 102, taught by Sean Rody.
LIB 150, Section 02, 11:30 a.m. Wed./Fri., taught by Leslie P. H., linked to ENGL 102, taught by Du-Valle Daniel.
Larry C. will not be teaching a CMU course during Spring quarter, but will be working on Goal #6, Curriculum Development, developing an electronic course similar to the 260 series.
Summer quarter course construction is due March 6. Although Elena B. will not be teaching LIB 150, Leslie P. H. may offer it as a linked course.
Fall quarter course construction is due March 26. LIB 150 will be offered as a linked course. Additionally, Elena B. may once again offer LIB 150 as a standalone at the Northshore Center due to its present success. Larry C. will teach CMU 261.
John B. reported that the Instructional Services Council (ISC) has requested a list of linkable courses from across the curriculum, including Library/Media. Library faculty will go through the course catalog and develop a logical list of linkable professional/technical and academic courses by the end of the 1st week of March. The goal of developing these lists is to increase FTE and student success.
5. Endeavor/Voyager
John B. reviewed the major highlights of the 19-item agenda of last week's Library/Media Directors Council (LMDC) which he attended. One of the most important outcomes of the meeting was that the LMDC voted to continue the full-time Systems Coordinator position, presently held by Dale Burke. The position will cost SCC approx. $8,000 yearly (cost based on a particular college's FTE). John B. has a Report and Evaluation of ORCA Activities, July 1, 2000 - January 31, 2001, which was submitted by Dale Burke. John B. will route this evaluation to LMC faculty and staff.
The upgrade to Voyager 2000 has been delayed. Dale Burke will determine when the upgrade will be completed.
6. Marketing Subcommittee
No volunteers have come forward to serve on the LMPG Marketing Subcommittee since last week's meeting. During today's LMPG meeting, Michele D., Fred E., John J., and Margaret P. volunteered to serve on the committee. Joanna T. is in charge of the committee and will contact the new members about a first meeting. Other LMC faculty and staff not serving on the committee may be asked to carry out some marketing plans.
7. Other Business
Multicultural Canada Lecture: John J. reminded LMPG that there will be a lecture given by Ernest Johnson, Thurs. Feb. 16, at 1:45 p.m. in the Student Union Building Fishbowl.
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New Signage for the Library: Janice Ellis of Nursing has suggested that there be a sign placed visibly near the road which runs North/South behind 5100 where the temporary Library is located. LMPG thought this was a good idea, and John B. will consult Larry Rebo of Facilities Planning to determine if this new signage is possible.
NEXT MEETING: February 28, 12:30 p.m, Central Conference Room, Admin. Bldg.
Meeting adjourned 2:30 p.m
LMPG Minutes
Present:John Backes, Elena Bianco, Michele Davis, Debbie Doepping, Paul Fernandez, John James, Tom Moran, Margaret Parker,
Meeting convened 12:30 pm., Central Conference Room
1. Minutesfrom the 02/14/01 LMPG meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Division Goals Review: Goals 1, 2, 3
A.Goal #1, Information Literacy. Elena B. is working on Information Literacy. This goal should be near completion by the end of winter quarter.
B. Goal #2, Assessment.: As Joanna was at Reference during this meeting, no update was available.
C.Goal #3 External Funding, John J. is preparing letters to Student Club Advisors and Presidents, asking for donations for LMC acquisitions. The 1st Nations Club has already given a donation. John J. is to outline additional ideas for soliciting gifts to the LMC.
At the next meeting, the following goals will be reviewed:
Goal #4, Distance Learning (Tom M.)
Goal #5, Staff/Faculty Training (Leslie P. H.)
Goal #6, Curriculum Development (Larry C.)
3. Mission Statement: Review/Revise
John B. and Tom M. have had a meeting concerning rewriting of the LMC Mission Statement, and have been working on a draft. When the draft is completed, it will be presented to LMPG for review.
4. Budget Process
Preliminary budgets for the 2001-2002 will be distributed in March. LMPG will discuss and provide budget priorities. Budget recommendations for the 2001-2003 biennium are due to the Interim President on Monday, April 23, 2001. Due to FTE issues, we each need to think about what we want to keep and maintain. We need to build priorities, e.g., what do we need in the building to make our area work? We need to know how much of each type of furniture is needed in our area, but identifying the cost is not necessary at this time. These ideas need to be brought to the next LMPG meeting.
5. WEB Pages: Status Report
Elena B. is working on the new design for the LMC web page. The faculty needs to meet to finalize the front page categories. The goal is to have the "front end" completed by the end of 2001.