Organic System Update – Ruminant Livestock
Your inspection fee will be calculated based on the last calendar year’s gross organic annual sales.
Section 1. General Information NOP §205.201, .401
- Provide a brief description of the changes that have been made to your business since your last update:
An updated Livestock Inventory Record must be submitted annually.
- Describe the corrective action you took in response to any noncompliance notices or conditions for continued certification you received last year:
- Do you have a copy of the National Organic Program Standards? Yes No
The NOP Standards are available online at:
- Do you intend to certify any of the following: Processing Crop
Section 2. Pasture: Physical Description NOP §205.202
National Organic Program requires that any field or farm parcel from which harvested crops are intended to be represented as organic must have had no prohibited substances applied to for a period of 3 years.
Please complete the information below and attach a current field history sheet for each field. At least 36 months of history are required for all fields.
- Have you reviewed your Section 2 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
- Complete this table for all new addresses and parcels added since your last update:
Field ID / Parcel Address / Number of Acres / Rented or Owned / Managed for at least 3 years
Organic / Transitional / Conventional
Adjoining Land Use NOP § 205.201(a)(5) and .202(c)
If you have added any new fields or there have been changes in buffer zones or adjoining land use since your last update, you must complete the following table. Show all adjoining land uses on your field maps. No changes
Location or Field Number / Type of Buffer (crop land, treeline, hedgerow, wildlife planting, grass strip) / Width of Buffer / Adjoining Land Use / If crop is harvested from buffer, describe use (sale, non-organic livestock feed, seed, etc.)
Section 3. Pasture: Seeds, Annual Transplants and Seedlings NOP §205.204, .240
Have you reviewed your Section 3 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 3 and submit with this update.
If you use non-organic seed, you are required to maintain documentation of commercial unavailability and have this available for review at your annual inspection. A Seed and Planting Stock Search Record is available for download at .
All labels, receipts, delivery tickets, evidence of commercial unavailability, treatments, and non-GMO documentation must be on hand at the time of inspection to verify compliance with the National Organic Program. Failure to have documentation at your inspection may impact or delay your organic certification.
Section 4. Pasture: Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrient Management NOP §205.203, .240
Have you reviewed your Section 4 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 4 and submit with this update.
Section 5. Pasture Materials Input Inventory NOP §205.203, .206
The NOP requires producers to manage crop nutrients and soil fertility to maintain or improve soil organic matter. All material ingredients must be nonsynthetic unless specifically approved on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (§205.601). Prohibited nonsynthetic ingredients listed on §205.602 must not be used on organic land.
Please list all soil amendments, fertility inputs, pest management, and disease control products. Indicate how you verify that it is an allowable material by checking the appropriate box (you may check more than one). Use your application records or materials list from last year’s inspection report as a reminder. If you prefer, you can submit your materials list in other formats (Excel, Word, etc.). Use additional sheets as necessary.
Input Material
(Brand Name or Source) / Restricted? / Verification
NOP Generic
(§205.603) / Clemson Approved / OMRI Listed
If you include a generic material rather than a specific brand name, you are responsible for assuring that the specific material is allowed for organic livestock production. Have all products available for review at your inspection.
Section 6. Pasture: Crop Rotation and Cover Crops NOP §205.205
National Organic Program requires a producer to implement a crop rotation that maintains or improves soil organic matter, provides for pest management, manages deficient or excess plant nutrients and provides erosion control. These practices can include, but are not limited to sod, cover crops, green manure or animal rotation.
Describe your crop rotation plan, including annual crops, perennial hay and cover crops used:
N/A Pasture only (no hay, silage, or other crops harvested). Skip to Section 7.
Section 7. Pasture: Natural Resources and Water NOP §205.200, .240
Have you reviewed your Section 7 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 7 and submit with this update.
Section 8. Pasture: Weed, Pest, and Disease Management Practices NOP §205.206
National Organic Program requires that producers implement management practices to prevent weeds, pests and diseases in your crops grown for livestock. When these preventative practices are insufficient, a producer may use nonsynthetic substances or synthetic substances approved under Nation Organic Standard 205.601.
These materials must be documented in Section 5: Pasture Materials Input Inventory in this system update!
Have you reviewed your Pasture: Weed, Pest, and Disease Management Practices table and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update the following table.Attach additional sheets as necessary.
Weed, Pest or Disease / Weed / Pest / Disease / Preventative Practice / Cultural and Mechanical Practices Used for Control
Section 9. Feed Harvest, Storage, Production NOP §205.201, .237, .239, .272
Have you reviewed your Section 9 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 9 and submit with this update.
Section 10. Livestock Operation Profile: Source and Production NOP §205.201, .236, .272
Have you reviewed your Section 10 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 10 and submit with this update.
Provide Clemson University with a list of all animals on your farm on the Livestock Inventory List. Note: if you already have this information available in another format, such as an Excel spreadsheet, you may substitute that form for the Livestock Inventory List. List must include animal ID, date of birth, and organic slaughter eligibility.
Complete the summary chart below for all animals on your farm. / Enter number of animals in each of the columns below.
Livestock / Breed / Requested for organic certification / Organically managed but not requested for certification / Managed conventionally / Eligible for organic slaughter
Young Stock Over 6 Months of Age (calves, lambs, kids)
Slaughter Stock
Young Stock / Heifers
Bred Heifers
Lactating Animals
Dry Animals
Livestock Purchases
Complete the following table if you purchased any animals for which organic slaughter or livestock product certification is requested. No livestock purchases to date
Type of Livestock / # of Animals Obtained / Date Obtained / Source and Phone Number / Certified by which agency?
Section 11. Organic Feed Rations and Pasture NOS § 205.237
National Organic Standards require that producers provide slaughter livestock with a total feed ration composed of 100% organic agricultural products, including pasture and forage. This feed ration must be sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements for ruminants.
A Dry Matter Intake Worksheet must be completed for each group of animals.
- Is all feed certified organic? Yes No
- Dry Matter Intake Worksheet(s) are attached for each animal group? Yes No
- In the table below, list all feed used for livestock:
Date of Purchase/
Harvest / Type of Feed / Source of Feed / Quantity Purchased/Harvested / Certified Organic by:
Section 12. Livestock Flow Chart
Have you reviewed your Section 12 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 12 and submit with this update.
Section 13. Slaughter Livestock NOP §205.236
Have you reviewed your Section 13 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 13 and submit with this update.
Attach copies of any new organic product labels.
Section 14. Housing and Pasture NOP §205.239, .240
Have you reviewed your Section 14 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 14 and submit with this update.
Section 15. Livestock Health Care NOP §205.238
Have you reviewed your Section 15 and verified that the information is accurate? Yes No
If there are changes, you must fully update Section 15 and submit with this update.
Section 16. Livestock Input Inventory NOP §205.238, .603, .604
The NOP requires livestock producers to establish and maintain preventative livestock health care practices. All material ingredients must be nonsynthetic unless specifically approved on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (§205.603). Prohibited nonsynthetic ingredients listed on §205.604 must not be given to organic animals.
Please list all mineral mixes, enzymes, electrolytes, herbs, vitamins, parasiticides, teat dips, hoof treatments, vaccines, etc. that are administered to your organic animals. Indicate that it is an allowable material by checking the appropriate box (you may check more than one).
If you prefer, you can submit your materials list in other formats (Excel, Word, etc.). Use additional sheets as necessary.
Input Material
(Brand Name or Source) / Restricted? / Verification
NOP Generic
(§205.603) / Clemson Approved / OMRI Listed
If you include a generic material rather than a specific brand name, you are responsible for assuring that the specific material you intend to use is allowed for organic livestock production. Have all products available for review at your inspection.
Section 17. Recordkeeping NOP §205.103
The NOP requires organic producers to maintain records concerning the production, harvesting and handling of organic livestock and livestock products. These records must fully disclose all activities and transactions of the operation in sufficient detail to be readily understandable and auditable and must be available for inspection and copying. These records must be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the act and must be maintained for not less than 5 years.
- Please check the method of animal identification that you use on the farm:
- Do you maintain records of pasture/outside access (day, hours, etc.)? Yes No
Are the following records maintained:
- Receipts for all purchased livestock? Yes No N/A
- Receipts for forage production (seed, fertility inputs, etc.)? Yes No N/A
- Weight records of animals at slaughter? Yes No N/A
- Synthetic medications administered (date, dosage, animal ID)? Yes No N/A
- Herbal and natural remedies or other approved materials given to organic animals? Yes No N/A
- Vitamins, minerals or other materials administered for preventative health care? Yes No N/A
- Receipts for purchased feed products? Yes No N/A
- Records that treated or transitioned animals have been diverted from the organic market? Yes No N/A
- Sales records? Yes No N/A
- Any other records (please list below)? Yes No
You are required to maintain organic related records for 5 years and have them available during inspections.
Failure to have documentation at your inspection will result in compliance action.
Section 18. Affirmation
I affirm that all statements made in this system update are true and correct. No prohibited products have been applied to any of my organically managed fields during the three-year period prior to projected harvest. I understand that the operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 and National Organic Program Rules and Regulations.
I understand that acceptance of this update in no way implies granting of certification renewal by the certifying agent. I agree to provide further information as required by the certifying agent.
Signature of Operator:Date:
I have attached the following documents:
Maps of all parcels/fields (showing adjoining land use and field identification)
Livestock Inventory List Dry Matter Intake worksheet(s)
Field history sheets Documentation for fields owned or rented for less than three years, if applicable
Water test, if applicable Soil and/or plant tissue tests, if applicable
Residue analyses, if applicable Input product labels, if applicable
Organic product labels, if applicable
I have made copies of this questionnaire and other supporting documents for my own records.
Submit completed form, fees, and supporting documents to:
Clemson University
Organic Certification Program
511 Westinghouse Road
Pendleton, SC 29670
TEL: (864) 646-2140 FAX: (864) 646-2178
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Organic Certification Program 511 Westinghouse Road Pendleton, SC 29670
864.646.2140 FAX 864.646.2178