You and your class have been selected to create a virtual museum to teach others about America’s struggle for independence during the American Revolution. You will become an expert on a specific person or battle by conducting research on your subject, gathering as much information as possible from multiple, credible resources. Using the graphic organizers below, you write a short description of your subject and the importance of it in the war and then, using the graphic organizers below, you will determine the major details of the subject and then the sub-details for each major detail. Then, you and your classmates will create a virtual museum “room” by using a non-linear PowerPoint presentation. Ultimately, you will be giving the class a 2-minute presentation about your subject so that we can all learn the information. TO RECAP:

1.  Research you topic, gathering information from credible resources.

2.  Fill in the sheet with the description and significance your subject.

3.  Fill in the major details of your subject and the sub details.

4.  Create your “room” using a non-linear PowerPoint and present it to the class.

Name of Person or Event: ______

Important dates: ______

Description of Event or Person during the Revolutionary War:








Importance or significance of event or person








Sources I used (at least 3):

Here are some suggested resources to help you out! :

This talks about many important people-

This talks about many important battles-

Comprehensive and to the point-

History Channel-



National Parks Service-

Awesome American Revolution timeline-

For you visual learners out there-

Super kid-friendly-

Rubric Category / Description / Score
Historical Accuracy and Depth of Content / All information is historically accurate and relevant. All pertinent information is provided and expanded upon in detail in the words of the students. / /20
Creativity and Effort / Information is presented in a creative way that is engaging to the viewer. Student clearly spent a great deal of time and effort constructing their presentation. / /20
Organization and Neatness / Information is clearly presented in a logical and organized way. Project is and aesthetically pleasing. / /20
Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics / No spelling, grammar or mechanical errors exist and the presentation is completely coherent. / /15
Museum Elements / Student includes at least three major categories within museum room that links to sub-rooms within their topic that goes into further detail regarding presentation topic. / /10
Bibliography/Resources / Student has used at least 3 different reliable resources to derive information. / /10
Presentation / Presentation is clear and engaging to the audience. Student’s presentation is informative and student spends minimal time reading off of presentation or notecards directly. / /5

Name: ______Score: ______