ontario regulation 438/02
made under the
City of Toronto Act, 1997
Made: December 23, 2002
Filed: December 24, 2002
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 11, 2003
Amending O. Reg. 191/00
(Ward Descriptions)
1.Subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 191/00 is amended by striking out the headings and descriptions of “Ward 27 — Toronto Centre-Rosedale” and “Ward 28 — Toronto Centre-Rosedale” and substituting the following:
Ward 27 — Toronto Centre-Rosedale, consisting of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centre line of Avenue Road with the centre line of the Canadian Pacific Railway;
Thence easterly along the centre line of said Railway to the centre line of Yonge Street;
Thence northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to the centre line of Woodlawn Avenue East;
Thence easterly along the centre line of Woodlawn Avenue East to the westerly limit of Rosehill Reservoir;
Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the said Reservoir to Rosehill Avenue;
Thence easterly along Rosehill Avenue and its easterly production to the centre line of the Vale of Avoca Ravine;
Thence northerly along the centre line of the said ravine to the southerly limit of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery;
Thence in an easterly direction along the southerly limit of Mount Pleasant Cemetery to the intersection with the northerly production of the easterly limit of the former City of Toronto;
Thence southerly, southeasterly and easterly along the easterly limit of said former City to the centre line of the Don River;
Thence generally southerly along the centre line of the Don River to the southeasterly production of the centre line of Rosedale Valley Road;
Thence northwesterly along the southeasterly production of the centre line of Rosedale Valley Road and the centre line of Rosedale Valley Road to the centre line of Bloor Street East;
Thence westerly along the centre line of Bloor Street East to the centre line of Sherbourne Street;
Thence southerly along the centre line of Sherbourne Street to the centre line of Queen Street East;
Thence westerly along the centre lines of Queen Street East and Queen Street West to the centre line of University Avenue;
Thence northerly along the centre lines of University Avenue, Queen’s Park Crescent West, Queen’s Park and Avenue Road to the point of beginning.
Ward 28 — Toronto Centre-Rosedale consisting of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of University Avenue and Queen Street West;
Thence easterly along the centre lines of Queen Street West and Queen Street East to the centre line of Sherbourne Street;
Thence northerly along the centre line of Sherbourne Street to the centre line of Bloor Street East;
Thence easterly along the centre line of Bloor Street East to the centre line of Rosedale Valley Road;
Thence southeasterly along the centre line of Rosedale Valley Road and its southeasterly production to the centre line of the Don River;
Thence generally southerly along the centre line of the Don River to the centre line of the Keating Channel;
Thence westerly along the centre line of the Keating Channel to the southerly production of the centre line of Parliament Street;
Thence southerly in a straight line to the southerly extremity of the centre line of the Eastern Channel of Toronto Harbour;
Thence south 5º 00' west to the southerly limit of the City of Toronto;
Thence generally northwesterly along the southerly limit of the said City to the southwesterly production of the centre line of the Western Channel of Toronto Harbour;
Thence northeasterly along the southwesterly production of the centre line of the Western Channel of Toronto Harbour to the easterly extremity thereof;
Thence due east to the southerly production of the centre line of York Street;
Thence northerly to and along the centre line of York Street to the centre line of Front Street West;
Thence westerly along the centre line of Front Street West to the centre line of University Avenue;
Thence northerly along the centre line of University Avenue to the point of beginning.
2.The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
2.Despite subsection 3 (2) of Ontario Regulation 438/02, the regular election in 2003 in the City of Toronto shall be conducted as if section 1 of that Regulation (remaking the descriptions of Wards 27 and 28) were in force.
3.(1)Subject to subsection (2), this Regulation comes into force on January 1, 2003.
(2)Section 1 comes into force on December 1, 2003.
Chris Hodgson
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Dated on December 23, 2002.
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