Monday, Dec. 7, 2009

Notre Dame CHS – Carleton Place 9:15am

  1. Attendance and Introductions: Dave Loken, Joellen Bauder, Mike Hoy, Deb Walden, Chris Spratt, Leanne Watt, Paul Carriere, Jean Pye, Mark Lewis, Bern Boulerice, Phil Moore, Dale Huddleston, Tony Quick, Lynn Carss, Andrew Lovett, Scott Baird, Chris Morrow, Bryan English, Dennis Hutt
  2. Additions to Agenda: moved: Paul Carriere, 2nd: Mark LewisCarried
  3. Adoption of Agenda: moved: Deb Walden, 2nd: Chris SprattCarried
  4. Approval of Sept 2009 Exec meeting minutes:

Moved: Leanne Watt, 2nd: Tony QuickCarried

  1. Business Arising from Sept 2009 Exec meeting minutes:

Update: AELS system-having real difficulties with Upper Canada due to legal ramifications around privacy. Using this system helps gather statistics for OFSAA. able2extract.com will allow someone at the school to download the program and input all the students in the school on the system to send to OFSAA who will complete the process. It will be up to each individual school to discuss whether to follow this procedure.

-Updating of Local Association Information: completed by end of the meeting

  1. Transfers: Dates and Information (Tony)

-needed to have a second meeting in October. People are not getting information in a timely fashion. This makes it very difficult for the committee to rule on.

Monday, Feb8 is next meeting. If the information/paperworkis not in by the Friday Feb 5 then the request will not be considered. This info is posted on the website. It would really help if every guidance dept be given Transfer in a Nutshell (if they do not have one) to remind them of the importance of informing new students about the transfer policy. Guidance counselors should also inform students leaving a school in their exit meeting of ramifications if move.

Joellen will remind the principals of the transfer policy procedures.

  1. Financial Report and Approval (Leanne)

-Not all associations have paid their annual fees. This results in a decrease in our account. Dues should be paid by December 1 as stated in the Constitition

Moved: Deb Walden, 2nd: Jean PyeCarried

  1. Classifications Report (Paul and Mark)

-Updating of classifications Chart – can be seen on the website

-Ange Gabriel, La Seigneurie, and St Joseph have not sent in their numbers

-There will be changes next year in Cornwall area

-FYI: Thomas Aquinas is a AAA school (declared before Dec 15)

  1. Principal’s Report (Joellen)

-5 principals were invited today and did not attend

-Joellen has asked that a link be added to the website for principals so that they can receive information that they need regarding sports in their school and its place/responsibilities

- the principals reps for each area were identified and a list given to Joellen

-a mass email from Joellen and Suche will be sent to principals explaining what EOSSAA is and welcoming them to EOSSAA

Moved: Phil Moore, 2nd: Mike HoyCarried

  1. Championship Calendar:(Deb and Bryan)

-Fall Championship season – Jury of Appeal protocol / rules / forms.

-Final dates for winter season are updated on the website (spring is also there, but as the spring seasons approach be sure to check in case of any necessary changes)

-Inclement weather protocol (cancelled buses, etc.): anyone going to a championship – it is their responsibility to check the weather the day before the event. If there are cancelled buses, then the teams should not travel on that day for obvious safety reasons. It is not the convenor’s responsibility to reschedule a new date due to weather. If they have a date available, they can, but they do not have to – it is the convenor’s call.

-Fall reports: less than half of the conveners have sent in their reports. It is important that they be sent in to record the results. Please remind any conveners in your area to submit the results. The four digit password at the bottom of the Championship results form on the website

Website: Ofsaa results are posted – Congratulations!!!

Appeal process: there were some issues which need to be reviewed at the AGM so that they know where to look. Jury of Appeal – convener, head official, member of the SAC committee must be in place.

Conveners must be aware of all the online resources that they must access in order to organize their event. Deb has received an unusually high number of queries regarding the running of EOSSAA competitions which could have easily been answered if the convener had accessed the website resources. Please remind conveners of the website.

-Senior Boys A volleyball convener reported a scenario that required Suche to write a letter of sanction to the principal/coach of the school involved.

-Football Championships debrief (Dale for Rob Druce)

  • EOSSAA football is alive and well. Rob would like to pull together the schools in the East to even the number of games played between Ottawa schools and EOSSAA schools. There is a meeting that is being proposed for March 2010 to address this issue.
  • The junior football program went further this past year. The football SAC should address the length of the season in March as well
  1. OFSAA Report (Mark and Jean)

-Commitment deadlines: need to be sent in by Dec 15. Jean went through the list to confirm EOSSAA commitments. Girls A Volleyball is in Kenora and EOSSAA has the ability to send 2 reps.

-EOSSAA entries: Girls A Baskektball went well. Suche James at Frontenac AAA BBB, Sean Retty in St Johns hosting AA GVB.

-OFSAA championships: 2010/2011- AAA Boys Soccer –Dave Loken; Krista Petrie in Alpine/Snowboard

-prior to 2010-2011 is first come first served if want to bid. If interested in 2012-13 the bid can be made in April

-Regional Caucus at OFSAA:

  • Busing issues – finding that costs have increased and the bus companies are dictating what happens, conflicts with regular runs. Asked that these issues be brought to the Ministry to address the problems. Principals are also aware of the problems.
  • Lack of young coaches – get word to principals to find a way to hire new teachers who want to be involved

-Try Day: there is still money available for this school year. Encourage schools to apply.

-Women’s CoachingSchool: at HumberCollege. Earlybird deadline is Friday, Dec 18.

-Scholarships: be sure to encourage students to look into what is available to them

-Leadership in School Sport Awards: encouraged to award them to female coaches. There have been more males who have been awarded this in the past. Nominations can come from any school in the province – it does not need to be from the host area.

-Participation surveys need to be returned to Mark so that he can send them on to OFSAA. They are now collecting them three times a year at the end of each playing season.

-Soccer: must use an OFSAA sanctioned ball

-Sanctioning tournaments: if you travel outside of province, you must be sanctioned by OFSAA. If you invite a team from outside the province, it must also be sanctioned. There was a real concern about teams playing ineligible players in exhibition games/tournaments – there is a movement to sanction all competitions

  1. Playing Regulations (Dennis, Mike and Suche)

-Nordic skiing:

Motion: The 1st place team in each age category will earn the right to represent EOSSAA at the OFSAA Nordic Ski Championships. The 2nd place team may also move on to OFSAA provided that all four scoring team members use the skate technique and demonstrate that they are capable of completing an OFSAA caliber course. A |Jury of Appeal consisting of the convener and two other knowledgeable coaches will make the final decision on qualification of 2nd place teams. Trial for the 2010-2011 season to be reviewed at the AGM

Moved: Mark Lewis 2nd: Tony QuickCarried

A report of the 2010-2011 season will be made at the Spring meeting.

-Basketball SAC must meet (Mike Hoy – End of March)

-need to review AAA school competition

-Other SACs that need to meet: Steve King will hold a Track and Field SAC meeting at

end of March. Tennis needs to meet.

  1. Web site Update: (Dave Loken)

-EOSSAA Championship Bids – Online (Principal Signature)

  • If a team would prefer to send in their bid by fax instead of online, then that is another viable option. They can send the bid in to Deb Walden or Bryan English. The deadline for faxes must be one week before the online deadline so that it can be inputted on the website for all to see.
  • Faxed bids will be due on Friday, March 26, 2010 – with principal’s signature
  • Online bids will be due on Thursday, April 1, 2010
  • Online bids are sent/copied to the Athletic Director, Principal, Championship convener so that all aware of the bid
  • Communications officers should inform their local associations of the online bid process so that potential conveners can get their bids in time.

-Championship Reports

  1. Ambassador Contract: (Dale)

-continue with past relationship with the Ambassador to hold the retreat in Kingston

  1. Spring Meeting (Dale and Suc

Monday April 26 (evening), Tuesday April 27

  1. Constitutional Review Committee - Dale

-Jury of Appeal and board of reference language (consistent with forms)

-Mark Lewis and Dale Huddleston will review the forms and have one form ready with consistent information on timeline and cost. They will report at the Spring meeting.

  1. OFSAA Eligibility Computer System (AELS): (Mark)

-EOSSAA championships could move to use this system

  1. Pete Beach/Retirees Committee: (Lynn Carss and Dennis Hutt)

-names need to be submitted to Lynn/Dennis

  1. President’s Report

-Encourage two way communication between conveners and coaches

  1. Next Meeting (Suche)

-Monday April 26, Tuesday April 27 at the Ambassador Hotel in Kingston

  1. New Business

-declaration dates: Oct 15, Dec 15, Mar 15 if declaring up to the next level

  1. Adjournment12:15pm:Mark Lewis

*Reminder to communications officers to please update local association information on website before you leave.