1550 John Brashay Gersum 18s holds one cottage and garden with the appurtenances by the warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum 3s
The same John holds the third part of one fulling mill by [blank] and renders per annum 12d and the third part of 1
1572 John Brayshey holds by indenture bearing date 14 April 6 Eliz one cottage with garden and the third part of one fulling mill, to hold for the term of 21 years from the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Mary next before the date aforesaid. And it yields per annum for the cottage and garden 3s and for the third part of the mill 13d and the third partof a penny at the feast aforesaid 4s 1d
1579 jurors John Brayshaye one cottage, one barn with other houses, and one half acre of grounde, and other three [?]rethe by estimation. The whole rent 4s 8d.
1583 Thomas Brayshaw son of John Brayshaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one fullinge mylne standinge upon the watter of Ribble whereof 2 pte now are in the tenure of Thomas Banks and the therd pte in the tenure of the said John his father to whome the said Thomas hathe surrendred the said second pte of the Rent of 3s4d To have Yelding And paying for his fyne 16s
Provided that he shall pmytt the said John his father to occupy the pmsses During his lief and the wife of the said John the 3rd pte thereof during her lawfull widowhood
1602 Thomas Brashaw for a tenement 3s, for a fulling mill 3s 4d and for a close at Brigholme 20d, 8s
The same Thomas for a close at Brackenber, 12d 9s 2d or 17s 2d
1621 Fine £41 6s Thomas Brayshey (an error heir was Bridget and wife Jane) holds by indenture dated 18 November 2 James 1604 One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 4s, One fulling mill of the annual rent of 3s 4d One close of meadowe in Overbrig Holme, of the annual rent of 20d, And 2 parcels of ground in Thackthwayte, of the annual rent of 12d, And also three parcels of ground in Thackthwayte aforesaid, containing by estimation in all three roods, of the annual rent of 8d, late in the tenure of John Swaynson and then in the tenure of the said Thomas Brayshey, And also all those 2 parcels of meadow ground in Thackwayte aforesaid within the fields of Gigg. aforesaid, containing by estimation one acre, more or less, parcels of the tenement of Thomas Brayshey deceased, of the annual rent of 8d, all which were then in the occupation of the said Thomas Brayshey, And all houses etc, Except etc as before, To hold for 7000 years without impeachment etc, Yielding per annum 10s 4d rent at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,And for Moore Rent 17d at Michaelmas only, With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former leases of G aforesaid.
[Note in RH margin: examined 10s 4d And for Moore Rent 17d Thereof Wm Bankes 8½d Anne Banckes 4¼d & ... Tho. Preston 3¾d ... 1d]
[Note in LH margin: Thereof Tho. B. Jun 20d Henry Walker 2s 4d George Falthropp 3s ... 3 persons ... the fulling mill 3s 4d]
Should be 11s 4d
1600 9s Thomas Brayshaw holds one tenement with a barn, stable, yard and garden adjoining and also certain lands dispersed in the fields aforesaid
Sum total 6- 2- 7- 2 £3 7s 10 ½ d
Meadow 3- 0- 3- 2
Arable 3- 2- 4- 0
1613 Thomas, Brayshaw, , , 10s 4d now Samuel ??s, , , ,
Brayshaw Thomas 1606 v30 f162 the son of John born before 1659
In the name Amen 12th September 1606 I Thomas Brayshaw of Giggleswick within the county of York yeoman sick in my body but of perfect remembrance I praise God do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul to almighty God by whose mercy through the redemption of Jesus Christ his only son I believe to be saved, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Giggleswick. Also it is my will and mind that my debts be paid of my whole goods.
Also I give and bequeath all my goods movable and immoveable to Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter equally to be divided between them. And it is my will and mind that Jane my wife have her right of and in my houses and grounds. Item I do quit and bequeath the sum of three score pounds mentioned in one indenture of bargain made between me and Alan Bateman my son-in-law unto Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter to be paid unto them in such manner and form as in the said indenture is set down and declared whereof twenty pounds shall be and remain to the only use and behoof of the said Jane my wife and her assigns and forty pounds of the said three score pounds shall be and remain to the only use and behoof of Bridget my daughter and her assigns. And if default in payment of the said £ in such force and order as in and by the said indenture it ought to be paid that then and from thenceforth the lesees (feofees) mentioned in the aforesaid indenture and their heirs shall stand and be seized of and in the house, messuage, lands, edifices and hereditaments which … mentioned in the said indenture to have .. of the said Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter to their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the true intent and meaning of the said indenture. And if it shall fortune that Bridget my daughter shall exit out of this mortal life before she come to marriage or the age of twenty one years then I give twenty pounds parcel of the said forty pounds to her bequeathed unto the said Alan Bateman my son-in-law .
Alice the daughter of John was baptised 1st October 1559Item I give to my sister Alice Jackson (14, 5, 1582, Alicia, BRAYSHAW, , Willelmus, JACKSON, , 14, 5, 1582) her children ten pounds thereof to be divided amongst them equally.
Item I give to Thomas Howson my godson and three of the youngest children of Thomas Howson deceased late of Settle the other ten pounds residue of the said forty pounds to be equally divided amongst them.
Item I give and bequeath to Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter the walk mill of three shillings and four pence rent and one close of ground lying at Lawkland [?] and all assurances which I have concerning the same to be equally divided between them. Also one acre dale of ground …… acre haykthwaite, one parcel of ground called farwell Bank and one other parcel of ground called Redbulk one other parcel of ground lying nigh to the Red Bulk and one other parcel of ground called Gilbert Sleights lying within the territories of Giggleswick and all my taken ground whatsoever and all assurances grants of them and of them equally to be divided between the said Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter to their executors administrators and assigns for ever to have and to hold one moiety of so much thereof as is inheritance to Jane my said wife and to her heirs forever and the other half to my said daughter Bridget and to her heirs for ever and to have and to hold so much thereof as is held by lease or leases and all my estate that is to say one moiety thereof to my said wife her executors and assigns and the other moiety to my said daughter Bridget her executors and assigns for and during all such term and terms of years as I have in them or any of them.
Item I give to Agnes Bateman my daughter one acre ….. of ground lying in Thackthwaite to her executors administrators and assigns provided always that if it shall fortune the said Bridget my daughter to die before she come to marriage then it is my will and mind that her part and portion of the ground above ….. shall come and remain to the said Alan Bateman and Agnes his wife to their heirs executors and assigns for ever.
Agnes married Alan Bateman 11th June 1604
And also if it shall fortune the said Agnes Bateman wife of the said Alan to die and have no issue of her body lawfully begotten at the time of her death and that moiety part or …….. assigns having paid the said sum of three score pounds mentioned in the said indenture.
Item it is my will and mind that all the whole ….. title interest and ……… of in and to the messuage, tenement, lands and hereditaments which I have ……… …………. in the said indenture shall remain ……. unto the only use and behoof of Bridget my daughter to her heirs and assigns and for lack of her then the said messuage, lands and grounds whichever terms shall ….. and remain to Thomas Howson my godson and James Jackson my sister’s son of Clapham to their executors and assigns for ever always reserving my wife her widows right … ………. before in these …….. mentioned to the executors hereof which ….. ….
Also I make and appoint Jane my wife and Bridget my daughter joint executors of this my last will and testament. And I will that they shall see my debts paid. And I do ,,,,, Thomas Craven, Thomas Carr of Settle, Richard Preston and Thomas Stackhouse to be supervisors hereof and to help my wife and daughter …… …….. …….. These being witnesses Thomas Craven and Brian Bainbridge.
Fine £20 John Swaynson holds by indenture dated 9 July 3 James of England etc
One mansion or dwelling house and one garden, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 3s, then in the tenure of the said John Swaynson, by the assignment of Wm. Hyne former tenant of the same,
And also one parcel of ground lying to the barn or lathe of Chr. Preston in the Demesnes of G aforesaid.
[Note in LH margin:
This is entered after amongst other things granted to Mr Robert Banckes in Fee Farm.]
parcel of ground on the Ley Riges,
And one other parcel of ground lying on the feed croftes in G aforesaid, which said several parcels of ground were heretofore parcels of the ancient messuage or tenement in G aforesaid, then in the tenure of Ric. Preston aforesaid,
And the fourth part of one fulling mill in G aforesaid, near above the Water corn mill there, in 4 parts to be divided, then also in the tenure of the said Jo. Swaynson, together with the occupiers of th’other 3 parts thereof,
The 4th part of all grounds, wastes, profits and commodities, and all ways, paths, watercourses and easements thereunto belonging,
All which parcels of ground and 4th part are of the yearly rent of 3s 8d,
Provided that one close under Craven Banck, called the Crest, formerly granted to Tho. Paley without rent, one shop and garden formerly granted to the aforesaid Mr Hyne without common, and three parcels of ground in Thackwayte formerly granted to Thomas Braishey senior, with common, for 8d, shall not pass in this grant, To hold for 6000 years without imp. etc. Yielding 6s 8d rent at the said 2 terms equally, And for Moore rent 21d at Michaelmas only,
1621 Fine £65 13s 4d
John Harryson holds by indenture dated 20 November 2 James I 1604:
One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in Giggl. aforesaid, of the rent of 17s 3d,
Exceptions as in Mr Shute’s lease (except parcels of the premises rented at 12d passed to Tho. Dockery, 8d Rent laid upon Thomas Braysey)
So the rent for this ... is but 15s 7d,
To hold for 6000 years <without impeachment of waste> with like covenants as in the last.
And thus he renders yearly at the terms aforesaid equally [in RH margin: 15s 7d.]
And for such part of the Moors as to the premises belongeth or shall be allotted, 3s 10d for his moor rent at Michaelmas only.
[Note in LH margin: Thereof Jo. Harrison 2d Robt. Cote 12d Wm. Batman 18d James Dixon 2d Cr. Braishey 12d Jo. Foster 18d Ric. Preston cord 12d Cr. Preston 2s 6d Wm. Foster sen. 6d Tho. Walker 6d John Armestead 6d Rich. Preston 14d Tho. White 4d. Rowland Falthropp 18d & the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d.]
[Note in RH margin: Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d Jo. Foster 21d Tho. Braishey Jun. ... Rich. Preston ... Rich. Preston 1s ... himself 7... Total]