Fax/Email To:

Office of the Majority (Gordon) Office of the Minority (Hall)

(202) 225-3895 (202) 226-0113

April 30, 2010

The Honorable Bart Gordon The Honorable Ralph Hall

The U.S. House of Representatives The U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Chairman & Ranking Member Hall:

I am writing in support of passage of the “America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010.”

Innovation in the manufacturing process is an important driver of the U.S. economy and key to our global competitiveness. Advances in manufacturing technology will help harness renewable resources, produce fuel-efficient automobiles, retool factories, and protect our national security. Programs within COMPETES, such as Manufacturing Extension Partnerships, the Technology Innovation Program, and ARPA-E, help companies like [COMPANY NAME] meet the challenges of competing in the ever-changing world marketplace.

Developing products for the future requires know-how and a substantial commitment to R&D. In today’s world, however, operations are lean, skilled workers are scarce and R&D is risky and expensive. Given the cost and uncertainty of our business tax and regulatory systems, most small- and medium-sized manufacturers can’t obligate the resources necessary to move into new, emerging, and changing markets necessary to our survival. COMPETES will support our efforts to modernize the manufacturing process. I am especially encouraged by the new loan guarantee program to help our companies access capital to invest in innovative technologies that will assist them becoming more efficient and competitive.

The President has shown he understands the important role of innovation plays in America’s competitiveness by pledging to double the budgets of key programs within the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology over the next 10 years. I appreciate that COMPETES keeps us on that path. The modest government investment in these programs reaps big rewards.

Reauthorization of COMPETES is one essential element of a national innovation strategy. Thank you for your leadership in moving this legislation forward.
