Challenges in Livestock and Poultry Production- Solutions with Biotechnology
(17th - 19th April, 2017)
Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal Dist-Satara, 412801, Maharashtra
(Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur)
Chief Patron
Prof. A.K. Misra
Vice Chancellor
MAFSU Nagpur
Dr. N.P. Dakshinkar
DI & Dean (Vety)
MAFSU Nagpur
Dr. A.S. Bannalikar
Director of Research
MAFSU Nagpur
Dr. N.N. Zade
Director of Extension
MAFSU Nagpur
Dr. A.S. Ranade
Associate Dean
Organizing Secretary
Dr. A.H. Ulemale
Associate Professor Dept. Of Surgery & Radiology, KNPCVS Shirwal
Joint Secretaries
Dr. P.P. Mhase
Dr. R.P. Kolhe
Dr. P.V. Mehere
Dr. K. Kundu
Dr. A.Y. Doiphode
ISVIB Office Bearers
Dr. R.K. Singh
Director, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly
Vice Presidents
Dr. K.S. Palaniswami
W-145, Anna Nagar
West Extn, Chennai-01
Dr. G. Dhinkar Raj
Translational Research Platform for Vet. Biologicals, CUL Buldings, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-51
Dr. A. Thangavelu
Secretary, ISVIB
MVC, Chennai-07 / Invitation Letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
It’s my pleasure to invite you for 'VIBCON-2017', The 23rdAnnual Convention of Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology National Conference on “CHALLENGES IN LIVESTOCKPOULTRY PRODUCTION - SOLUTIONS WITH BIOTECHNOLOGY”, beingorganized by KNP College of VeterinaryScience, Shirwal, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra, 412801,during 17th _ 19thApril, 2017.The scientificprogramme of VIBCON-2017 will focus on following themes:
- Biotechnology and immunology based applications for combating emerging andre-emerging diseasesof livestock and poultry.
- Biotechnology basedinterventions for enhancinganimal/poultry nutrition andproductivity.
- Biotechnology and immunology based interventions for enhancing animal/poultry health andreproduction.
- Application of biotechnology in food processing industry.
- Advancements in veterinary immunology and diagnostics.
- Applications of nano-biotechnology in livestock and poultry medicine.
- Horizons for animal genomics and proteomics.
- On field applications of biotechnology and immunology-Interactive session.
Registration fees including accomodation
Category / Registration before
28th Feb, 2017 / Registration fees after
28th Feb, 2017
ISVIB Member / ₹5000 / ₹6000
Non member / ₹6000 / ₹7000
Corporate representative / ₹7000 / ₹8000
Accompanying person / ₹2500 / ₹3500
Student / ₹3000 / ₹4000
Foreign delegates / US$200 / US$250
SAARC delegates / US$100 / US$150
ISVIB AWARDS:In recognition to the outstanding contributions in the field of Biotechnology and Immunology, the ISVIB confers various awards as mentioned below:
- ISVIB Young Scientist Award
- ISVIB Mid-career Scientist Award
- GADVASU Woman Scientist Award
- Lingard Memorial and Burnett Team Award
We look forward to meet you at VIBCON-2017
Kind Regards
Organizing Secretary, XXIII ISVIB,Associate Professor and Head
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal
District- Satara, Maharashtra, PIN-412801
Cell:07768068008,07768078008, E-mail: