7th Grade Geography: Chapter 2 Test Review
- What is the largest and deepest ocean? Pacific Ocean
- What term means the constant movement of the earth’s water from oceans to air to land and back to oceans? Water Cycle
- Most of the Earth’s freshwater is found in ______. Glaciers and ice caps
- What is the Gulf Stream? A warm ocean current
- A region’s climate is determined by movement of air, the movement of water currents, and ______. Latitude
- People who live in the Tropics usually have a ______. Hot climate
- El Ninos occur when ______. Cold winds from the east are weak
- The warming of the earth from the buildup of gases in the air is ______. Greenhouse Effect
- Some farmers practice crop rotation to ______. Avoid using up all the minerals in the soil.
- Subarctic climate, tundra climate, and ice cap climate are in what major climate region? High Latitude
- What water can be tapped by wells? Groundwater
- Dense forests called rain forests are located ______. Along the Equator
- Land areas in latitudes near the Equator are called the ______. Tropics
- The dry area on the leeward side of coastal mountains is called a ______. Rain Shadow
- Huge evergreen forests called taiga grow in what region? Subarctic
- What term refers to the partly dry grasslands that surround many deserts? Steppes
- The thick layer of vegetation that forms the top layer of a rain forest is the ______. Canopy
- Areas in both the tundra and subarctic regions have frozen layers of soil called ______. Permafrost
- The main sources of air pollution are ______. Industries and Vehicles
- Some scientists believe that increasing amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere will cause the earth to ______. Warm
- What former politician made the movie, An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore
- Broad grasslands with few trees are known as ______. Savannas
- A weather pattern characterized by severely cold, bitter winters and short, cool summers is known as ______. Subarctic Climates
- The weather pattern characterized by hot, humid, rainy summers and short, mild winters is known as ______. Humid Continental Climate
- The weather pattern characterized by hot, humid, rainy summers and short, mild winters is known as ______. Humid Subtropical Climate
- Almost all the water on the earth’s surface is ______Salt Water
- What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by water? 70 Percent
- What percentage of the earth’s freshwater is frozen in glaciers? 80 Percent
- Areas with humid subtropical climate have heaviest rainfall in ______. Summer
- What climate does Marbury, AL have? Humid Subtropical
Matching: make sure to know your key terms, the four layers of the earth we discussed (balloon demonstration- atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere).
Map: must be able to identify cities on a map using the coordinates based on the Equator and the Prime Meridian.