Jamieson United Methodist Church
Administrative Council Meeting February June 8, 2017
Members Present:Charlie Simmons, Bob Meeker, Leigh Felton, John Bright, Marshall Puryear, Barbara Cowley, Dave Norwood, Belinda Sheppard and guest Linda Pulliam
John Bright opened the meeting with prayer7:30 pm on Thursday, June 8thin the Fellowship Hall of the church.
Annual Membership Report (Linda Pulliam):The church membership records have now been organized nd computerized. The hard copies, organized by year, are filed in the church office, with older membership registers, dating from 1898 to 1945, placed in the Church Archives in the Adult Sunday School room. Current records have been computerized and stored in a dropbox which is accessible by the Pastor, Administrative Assistant, and Membership Secretary. Current Membership is Active 114, Inactive 95, totaling 209.
Trustees Report: (Marshall Puryear)
Parsonage: We are still waiting for the replacement heat pump's defrost cycle board to arrive. The Admin Council approved the $15,000 to update the two bathrooms, replace window blinds, and replace one storm door. We need to know exactly where the funds are so that we can properly charge out these approaching bills. Termites were found and American Exterminating treated the Parsonage. Welding on the riding lawnmower is now being performed by Mike Cowley and we also plan to replace the cutting blades. Projects we plan to complete this year are sealing the patio and adding a cleanout to the sewage drain.
Church: Ronnie Owen has completed replacing some exterior trim and guttering. . Our new AC serviceman will come back and assess each AC unit for a biannual service. Painting of the Fellowship Hall basement is 100% complete. The Admin Council needs to determine how these basement rooms are to be used. Then it can be determined if base molding and new flooring will be installed. There was discussion about making rooms multi-purpose to give us more flexibility for growth. We could also put doors on the hallway shelves and use this for storage. We also have shelves that we can install once the room uses have been established.
ACTION: Charlie Simmons has charged the Administrative Council to consider use of the rooms downstairs and come prepared to the next meeting with ideas.
Lay Leader/Program Council: (Leigh Felton). We are still in need of an Education Chair, especially by next year when we are responsible for VBS. This year's VBS is at the Clarksville Baptist Church and it will run next week. Our church is providing a meal one of the nights and volunteers are requested to help out. The choir is expanding and the trustees were asked for possible solutions with space. The Pathways to Discipleship was dropped in favor of adopting small group interaction sessions. We have some people interested in attending Walk to Emmaus. The UMW is very active and reported on their educational events, the Jumble Sale, Carnations for Mother's and Father's Day, college boxes sent, World Day of Prayer, mission activities, and a UMW kickoff event on July 29th. The UMM have been gearing up to formalize their organization with their ongoing activities.
Staff Parish Relations Committee: (Ken Morgan). Charlie Simmons relayed from Ken that the required forms for the district have been submitted on time and Pastor John Bright has been appointed for another year.
Finance Committee:
Budget report. (Sharon Bass) Bob presented a report from Sharon. Contributions exceed income by $14.2K YTD. As a reminder, we are not paying full Apportionments.
Budget vs Expense
- Copier Maintenance slightly over budget
- Budgeted amounts for Parsonage Maintenance & Parsonage Maintenance Savings were erroneously reversed. This has now been corrected. This should have no impact since all funds go towards Parsonage Maintenance, which is showing as slightly over budget; however, funds are available in Parsonage Maintenance Savings. John Gilmore has been made aware.
- Heating Allowance - ~$260 was paid above what has been allotted for the year doe to expenses occurred related to the significant maintenance work completed on the Parsonage
- Staff Salaries - per direction from SPRC, have adjusted Susan Dalton's salary down and am now paying Janelle semi-monthly effective May 15th (end of May payroll payment). Therefore, have added "organist" line item to the report. The budget remains on the Choir Director line.
Designated Gifts
- Unspent Amounts
- Staff Christmas Gifts ($20) To be spent at the end of the year
- Kairos ($200) PJ has indicated that he will be submitting expenses. After PJ/Leigh expenses, I believe this should be paid to Grace Inside. Please confirm. YES.
- Book Harvest ($128) Remaining amount after some purchases @ Scholastic Book Fair
- Annual Conference ($127 + additional $50) - to be paid by month end June
- Dollars for Missions - ($50 Annual Conference, $50 Evergreen) to be paid by month end June
- Endowment Fund - Beginning balance 2017 was $11,505. Month end April 2017 was $11,636
- 4X Ladder - Invested end of May 2016. Balance has increased by $752 as of end of month April 2017
Budget Discussion: (Bob Meeker) Since Sharon has had a change in her job situation, she is not as readily available for quick action checks needed via the discretionary fund. After discussion, a motion was made by Dave to create a separate fund bank account for discretionary fund for easier and faster access by facilitator (Pastor John), and seconded by Barbara. MOTION PASSED.
Also due to Sharon's recent change in her job situation, she will not be able to serve as Treasurer after this year. We need to start scouting for a replacement.
A Financial Audit was completed, and we have the preliminary results, with only trivial recommendations that can be easily managed. We will need a new auditor in the future, so we found another auditor via Crenshaw Methodist that has very reasonable fees. Our changes in the counting process are going well although we are still tweaking.
Pastor: (John Bright)John will start "State of the Church" reports to the Council to keep everyone informed of the political processes and decisions that will affect the United Methodist organization. He provided information on recent bishop actions, judicial rulings, formation of a special conference, membership decline, and possible actions in the near future.
Lay Servant: (Leigh Felton) Leigh reported that he completed the second course in his Lay Speaker training. He is learning a lot and has a new appreciation for hymns written by Charles Wesley.
Old Business: NA New Business: NA
Adjournment: Barbaramoved to adjourn. DaveSeconded. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Belinda Sheppard, Secretary
2017 Upcoming Meetings (Please mark your calendars):
Aug 10, Oct 12, Dec 14