Phone: (740)663-2191
Fax: (740)663-4584
Dear Parents and Students,
On behalf of the staff at Huntington Elementary School, we would like to welcome all students and parents to our school.
This handbook has been prepared to provide you and your child with information about our school, and to answer any questions concerning the operation of our school. You can assist us by becoming familiar with this handbook.
Please feel free to contact the office at any time concerning questions you may have. The teachers will be happy to discuss your child’s academic or social progress. When a child, the child’s parents/guardians and the child’s teachers work together,he or she receivesa quality education fromour elementary school.
Please read and discuss this handbook with your child.
We are looking forward to a productive year - one which we are sure will truly benefit your child.
Matthew Murphy, Principal
(740) 663-2191 ext. 55123
Sarah Kohls, School Counselor
(740) 663-2191 ext. 55125
Lois Hocker, Secretary
(740) 663-2191
Danielle Hinshaw, Attendance Officer
(740) 663-2191
Pete Ruby, Superintendent
(740) 663-5892 ext.55129
Dan Riddle, Director of Special Programs
(740) 663-2191 ext.55141
We are passionately committed to cultivating the brilliance in every student, creating a brighter future!
Live the Legacy!
In the Huntington Local School District, we believe in education, embrace our community, value integrity, show pride in ourselves and expect success!
Every child can learn! We believe for a child to earn and receivean exceptional education it takes an equal partnership that consist of 1/3 the school employees, 1/3 the parent/guardian, and 1/3 the child. We treat each otherwith respect, to cultivate the brilliancein our student (your child)byplanting the seeds and developingthe skills necessary for a successful life.
The Huntington Parent Teacher Group exists to promote the education and welfare of our children. Parents are encouraged to join and participate in the activities of the volunteer group. We are always looking for new ideas
All visitors are asked to report to the office when they arrive at the building. Parents are alwayswelcome at Huntington and may visit at any time. Please sign in at the office and obtain avisitor’s pass before going to a designated classroom.
The Board of Education welcomes and encourages members of the community to attend athletic and other public events held by the schools in the District. Due to the need to maintain order and preserve the facilities of the District during the conduct of such events, the Board retains the right to bar the attendance of or remove any person whose conduct may constitute a disruption at a school event. School administrators are expected to call law enforcement officials if a person violates posted regulations or does not leave school property when reasonably requested. In accordance with Board Policy 7440 and AG 7440B, administrators may use metal detectors and other devices to protect the safety and well-being of participants and visitors.
No alcoholic beverage or other controlled substance may be possessed, consumed, or distributed at any function sponsored by the District or at any function occurring on Board property.
Raffles and similar forms of fund-raising by District-related organizations may be permitted by the Superintendent in accordance with Policy 9211-District Support Organizations and Policy 9700 - Relations with Special Interest Groups.
No qualified person with a disability will, because the District's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by persons with disabilities, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity to which Section 504/ADA applies.
For facilities constructed or altered after June 3, 1977, the District will comply with applicable accessibility standards. For those existing facilities constructed prior to June 3, 1977, the District is committed to operating its programs and activities so that they are readily accessible to persons with disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, providing accommodations to parents with disabilities who desire access to their child's educational program or meetings pertinent thereto.
If a student or adult is asked to leave or is removed from a school event, no admission fees shall be refunded.
Individuals with disabilities shall have an equal opportunity to purchase tickets for events that have been sanctioned or approved by the Board in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended.
Further, in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, the Board shall permit individuals with disabilities to be accompanied by their service animals in all areas of the District’s facilities where members of the public, as participants in services, programs, or activities, or as invitees, are allowed to go. (See Policy 8390)
Smoking and/or the use of tobacco and/or tobacco substitute products is prohibited at any time within any enclosed facility owned or leased or contracted for by the Board, and in areas directly or indirectly under the control of the Board immediately adjacent to locations of ingress or egress to such facilities. Such prohibition also applies to school grounds, and any school-related event, except at designated times and in designated areas as defined in statute and by Ohio's Smoke Free Workplace Program.
The Board is aware of the increasing desire of many parents and other members of an audience to use "camcorders" and other audio/visual devices at school events.
Such recordings can be made by parents or other members of the audience without restriction if the performance is not of copyrighted material. However, if the performance is of copyrighted material, recording can be made if the appropriate license authorizing such recordings has been secured in advance by the District. If the performance is of copyrighted material and the necessary license has not been secured in advance by the District, the audience shall be advised before the performance begins that audio and/or video recordings that will be re-broadcast or distributed in any way, such as posting on the internet, are prohibited.
The Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish rules and procedures governing the use of nondistrict audio/visual recording equipment at any District-sponsored event or activity. Such rules are to be distributed in such a manner that members of the audience who wish to record the event are aware of the rules early enough to make proper arrangements to obtain their recordings without causing delay or disruption to an activity.
Any person or organization seeking to film students or a school activity which is not a public event, must obtain prior permission from the Superintendent.
All notices, signs, schedules, and other communications about school events must contain the following statement:
"In accordance with State and Federal law, the District will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities who wish to attend and/or participate in school events. Such individuals should notify building principal if they require a reasonable accommodation."R.C. 955.43, 1716.02, 1716.03
28 C.F.R. Part 35
29 U.S.C. 794, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
34 C.F.R. Part 104
42 U.S. C. 12101 et seq., Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended
Revised 2/14/11
Revised 4/14/11
Revised 11/21/11
Revised 10/14/13
© Neola 2013
Parents are urged to contact the school whenever the need arises. Conferences can be arranged according to the teacher's schedule by contacting the Elementary Office at 663-2191.
Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in your address, telephone number, baby-sitter, or person to contact in case your child becomes ill or injured.
The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. It is very important that children do not arrive before 8:45 a.m. because there are no staff members on duty before this time.
Parents should notify the school by phone (663-2191) the day of the child's absence. The school will contact the parents by phone or by mail to verify, if we do not receive a call. All students in grades K-4 are required to bring a written note, signed by their parents the morning they return from being absent. All written excuses (parent and/or doctor note) will not be accepted after 72 hours (not including weekend) of the child’s return from an absence.Unexcused absents may result in a child receiving a zero on any and/or all assignments for the day/s absent. Out of school suspension and/or expulsions are unexcused absences.
Consequences for Unexcused and Excused absences are explained in the House Bill 410 of the State of Ohio. We will be following the most current copy and/or requirements of House Bill 410 if attendance becomes an issues with your child (our student). You may also contact our office anytime you have a question regarding your child’s attendance. Please refer to House Bill 410 and/or all of the written material of HB 410 if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s attendance.
Tardies are disruptive to the classroom and also have an adverse effect in your child's education progress. Students with repeated tardies will be asked to make up missed work and the time. Any student arriving at school after 9:00 should report to the office before going to the classroom. Students arriving after 9:00 or leaving before 3:15 will be counted tardy.
A request to have a child excused from classes early should be sent with the child on the morning of the dismissal. The time and reason for leaving should be included. When possible, medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours. A child will be released only to his/her parents unless the school has been notified in writing by the parents that they have granted permission for someone else to pick him/her up. The parent, or authorized person, must come to the office to sign the child out.
Students who are not riding the bus at the end of the day can be picked up in front of the High School Building. Parents need to park in the lower student parking lot or in front of the High School. For safety purposes cars will not be permitted in the upper driveway where the buses drive in and park. We require parents to sign their child out. The sign out area is located in the High School lobby. Students who are being picked up occasionally or on a daily basis will be permitted to leave their rooms at 3:15 for the dismissal. Parents will need to send a note to the child’s teacher on the day the child is to be picked up or a note for the entire year.
All changes regarding your child’s (our student) normal after school transportation arrangements must be provided to the office no later than 1 hour (2:15 p.m. on normal school days) prior to school dismissal. The school’s office reverses the right to deny any and/or all request to our student’s afterschool normal transportation routine made after 1 hour (2:15 p.m.) prior to dismissal.
In the event that school would be dismissed early or delayed, please have a plan of action prepared for your child(ren). These days can become very hectic, and this information would benefit the school greatly in getting your child home safely.
Elementary students may not stay after school for such activities as boy scouts, brownies, etc., unless there is an adult supervisor at school by 3:20. Parents must send written permission, which must be approved by the principal, if their child is to stay after school. Advisors must submit to the Principal: content of meeting, times of meeting, and the group meeting.
All enrolled students of Huntington Local School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the school year. Your child (ren) will be able to participate in the meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application. In addition, limited ala cart items will be available to purchase. To help with maintaining order and noise levels in the cafeteria, we are assigning each grade level tables. There are six columns of tables in the cafeteria. Each grade level will have two columns of tables to seat their students. Students are to get their lunches, report to their respective tables, and remain seated until the cafeteria supervisors release them to lunch recess. If you have any questions, please call Bonnie Mills in the cafeteria at 663-2871.
The only time students should bring toys, games, electronic devices, etc., to school is when their teacher instructs them to for classroom activities. Students will assume responsibility of any item brought to school. Students are not to bring electronic devices to school. Any ball brought to school must be marked with the student's name on it. The ball must be placed in a sack to be transported on the bus. NO HARD BASEBALLS OR FOOTBALLS ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL. The school district is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items that are brought to school.
A student attending any school in the Huntington Local School District may possess and use at school or at any activity, event, or program sponsored by or in which his/her school is a participant, a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms or to prevent the onset of asthmatic symptoms before exercise, if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
A.The student has the written approval of his/her physician and thewritten approval of his/her parent, guardian or other person having care or charge of the student. The physician’s written approval shall contain the following information:
1.The student’s name and address
2.The names and dose of the medication contained in the inhaler
3.The date the administration of the medication is to begin
4.The date, if known, that the administration of the medication is to cease
5.Written instructions that outline procedures school personnel should follow in the event the asthma medication does not produce the expected relief from the student’s asthma attack
6.Any severe adverse reactions that may occur to the child using the inhaler and that should be reported to the physician
7.Any severe adverse reactions that may occur to another child, for whom the inhaler is not prescribed, should such a child receive a dose of the medication
8.At least one emergency telephone number for contacting the physician in an emergency
9.At least one emergency telephone number for contacting the parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the student in an emergency
10.Any other special instructions from the physician
B.The school principal and school nurse assigned to the student’s building has received copies of the written approvals required by division A. of the policy.
Immunity from Tort Liability
The school district, a member of the board of Education, or a school district employee shall not be liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly arising from a district employee’s prohibiting a student to use an inhaler because of the employee’s good faith belief that the conditions of divisions A. B. of this policy had been satisfied.
When a school district is required to permit a student to possess and use an inhaler because the conditions of divisions A. and B. of this policy have been satisfied, the school district, any member of the Board of education, or any school district employee is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly arising from the use of the inhaler by a student for whom it was not prescribed.
Nothing in this policy eliminates, limits, or reduces any other immunity or defense that the school district, any member of the Board of Education, or any school district employee may be entitled to under O.R.C. Chapter 2744, any other provision of the Revised Code, or the common law of the state.
In compliance to/with Ohio Senate Bill 262, we, the Huntington Local School Board, established the following policy:
A.That members of the staff shall administer to students prescription drugs when the following conditions have been met:
1.A written request signed by the parent or guardian has been received by the office personnel.
2.Medication cannot be transported on the school bus by students. Parents mustbring the medication to the school nurse, principal or secretary in the originalcontainer clearly marked giving the name of the child, name of the medication, dosage directions, physician’s name, and prescription number. The parents mustsupply the school with the exact dosage. When the medication has beendiscontinued, any remaining medication must be picked up by the parent withinone week after discontinuation or it will be disposed of by the school nurse.