
Department Computer Information Systems



End-User Computing

Summer 2008

General Information

Course Instructor

Dr. S. Imtiaz Ahmad

Room 412 OwenBuilding


Office Hours

Tuesday, Thursday: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Other hours by appointment

Textbook (Optional)

James A. O’Brien

Introduction to Information Systems, 14th Edition
McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2008

ISBN 0-07-340292-5

(ISBN 0-07-304355-9)

Electronic Course Pack

IS 215 Home Page


Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to give students an understanding of concepts, basic tools and problem-solving techniques in end-user computing including the topics such computer structure and operations, data communications, web page design, structured and unstructured decision making processes, database structure, and developing business applications with Microsoft Excel and Access.

The students will develop an understanding of how computing or information technology (IT) is empowering and changing the environment of business organizations. For practical insight, the students will examine sample scenarios of flow and processing of information in the workplace. In addition to understanding information systems in business, the students will also undertake simple projects in order to gain meaningful hands-on experience.

Another objective to be achieved in this course is to expose the students to issues on the impact of computers and information technology on society.

IS215 is a BBA core class. The following competencies must be assessed:

  • Clear, concise, and persuasive written business communication using appropriate software tools*
  • Proficient use of software for operating systems, e-mail, spreadsheets, presentation packages, database management, and Internet access*
  • Application of basic mathematics (percentages, graphs, basic algebra) in solving business problems*
  • Understanding of an information system (IS) and the different types of IS
  • Understanding the support role of IS within organizations: strategic, tactical, and operational
  • Describe the principles needed to plan, motivate, and manage change including resistance to change
  • Understanding of hardware, software, networks, telecommunication, and related technology concepts
  • Understand the underlying technologies behind the Internet and the World Wide Web
  • Description of database concepts, components, structures, access, security, and management considerations
  • Understand the functionality of web-based e-commerce sites
  • Describe the impact of IS on organizations, individuals, and society
  • Understand the roles of IS personnel within an organization and the different career paths within IS

* COB core competencies

Course Contents

The broad categories of topics to be covered include Productivity Tools, Business Applications, Management Challenges, Foundation Concepts of Information Systems, Business Application Cases, Information Technology and Infrastructure, and Developing Business and IT Solutions.

The course is divided into six sections. Each section gives coverage to some distinct aspect of end-user computing and information technology. The following are some the highlights:

Section I: Introduction to Information Technology

This section of the course gives an overview of the concepts necessary for understanding the nature of computer and information systems, and the process of information systems development. A brief historical overview of events in IS evolution is presented, and the basic hardware and software concepts are introduced.

Section II: Computer Architecture

This section discusses the components and structure of digital computers, how the computer maintains and processes information, with basic understanding of binary numbers and arithmetic. The students will also learn how to select and configure personal computer components for desktop applications.

Section III: The Internet and Web Pages

This section deals with developing an understanding of the Internet and its application as the worldwide web of interconnected hosts with computer connections. In particular, the students will learn HTML language and apply it in designing web pages for simple business applications. The students will also learn, if time permits, web page interaction (server side) programming via JavaScript/PHP as well as the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Extensible Style Sheets (XLS) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) used in e-commerce.

Section IV: Data Communications

This section deals with an understanding of coding and transmission of data. It will discuss synchronous and asynchronous mode of communication, and examine in detail how modems have been used to convert digital data into signals for transmission over the public switched telephone network (PSTN). A basic understanding of the packet switching will also be provided.

Section V: Decision Making and Problem Solving

This section addresses the process of decision making for problem solving both in structured and unstructured situations. The students will develop solutions for both types of situations and will use Microsoft Excel for developing some typical business applications.

Section VI: Data Management and Database Systems

This section deals with modeling of business data and design of relational database systems for business data management. The students will study a simple but typical business situation for data modeling, implementing and testing the database solution using Microsoft Access.

Course Pedagogy and Learning Evaluation

The primary instrument of pedagogy will be in-class discussion of readings and cases coupled with a series of graded assignments and examinations. Some assignments will involve observing information technologies and applications in business settings. Others will be based on the students’ actual use of information technologies and systems. For example, students will develop solutions to several assignments, including web pages using/HTML and web page generators, spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel, and database using Microsoft Access.

Course grade will be based on the performance in the two examinations, performance in assignments, and the quality of participation in class discussions. The grade will be determined as follows:

5 Assignments 300 points

5 In-class activities 100 points

2 Examinations 600 points

Total1000 points

The grading scale will be as follows:

- +





Ebelow 600


All assigned work is expected to be individual effort unless specified otherwise. Attendance in classes and participation in class activities is required for securing points assigned to in-class activities that may consist of questions-answers as well as unannounced quizzes. Consultation and mutual advice among students is encouraged for the purpose of homework. However, any homework judged to be a copy, will result in a score of zero for the copier and the source of copy. It may result in further penalties. The University’s policies with respect to the Integrity of Scholarship and Grades, as stated in the catalog will be followed. When working in teams, make sure to select your partners correctly from the beginning since your grade will depend on the collective effort. Teams cannot be dissolved. If someone in a team drops the class, the remaining members in the team are responsible for the assigned work. All reports must be typewritten. Charts and diagrams must be drawn using appropriate tools and in a consistent manner. When answering the questions posed in a case study, be brief and concise. After a team assignment is completed, each team member must write a team evaluation that may affect the grade of individual members of the team for that assignment. Assignments must be completed prior to the class session for which they are assigned. Late homework will not be accepted. All examinations will be open book. There is no make-up for missed examinations.

Proposed Schedule of Course Topics

Date / Topic / Materials / Work Due

July 1


Introduction to End-User Computing

Introduction to Computers /

T1, Web 2

T2, T11, Web 3

July 3

/ Selection and Configuration of Computer Components for Desktop Applications /

T3, T4, Web 3

July 8 / WWW and Web Page Development /

T10, Web 5

July 10 / Problem Solving and Decision Making /

T9, T12, Web 4

/ A1
July 15 / Business Applications Development using MS Excel / T8, T9, Web 7
July 17 / Business Applications Development using MS Excel / T7, Web 7 / A2
July 22 / First Examination
July24 / Introduction to Data Communications / T6, Web 6
July 29 / Introduction to Organizing Business Data / Web 8, T5, T8 / A3
July 31 / Modeling Business Information / T5, T7, Web 8
August5 / Database Development Using MS Access / T5, T7, Web 8 / A4
August 7 / Database Development Using MS Access / Web 8
August 12 / Social and Ethical Issues in Using Computers / T11
August 14 / Second Examination / A5
August 19 / Final Review

Ai: Homework Assignment #i; Tj: Textbook Chapter #j

Ethos Statement

Eastern MichiganUniversity

College of Business

The College of Business students, faculty and staff comprise a professional, interdependent community committed to perfecting responsible, ethical business professionals to serve business and the wider world. Through a positive learning experience mirroring the business world’s best aspects, the community respects the group’s common mission and the individuals comprising it. Community members foster the COB ethos through behavior growing from six interrelated values:

1) Integrity

Integrity is practicing in all areas of life what we profess to believe. It is commitment to professional standards in the whole person.

2) Honesty

Honesty requires respect for the truth; it means being truthful, sincere, and straightforward.

3) Trustworthiness

Growing out of integrity and honesty, trustworthiness is the confidence others have that we mean what we say; we can be counted on.

4) Respect

Respect is deference or esteem for what we value. We recognize others’ worth as ends, not means. Respect is key to our other values.

5) Learning

We value learning as an end in itself and as a practical tool for success in lifelong professional growth. We gain up-to-date, practical and theoretical knowledge through effective, often participative learning and research.

6) The Work Ethic

We practice self reliance and responsibility to our business profession and community. We are industrious and often self supporting.