Week 32/11
08/08/2011 – 12/08/2011
Weekly Planning Lists
Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007
(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007
(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area / Contact Number / Meeting Location
Central Area
South Central Area
South East Area
North West Area
North Central Area / 2222932
8166710 / Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office
Contact Area Office for location
Finglas Area Office
Bunratty Area Office
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 2715/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Trustees of Brookfield Lawn Tennis Club
Location / Brookfield Lawn Tennis Club, Palmerston Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal / Planning permission is sought for the replacement of 20no. 10m high lamp standards, for court lighting, with 16no. new 10m high lamp standards and new lamps.
Registration Date / 04-Aug-2011
Additional Information Received
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2394/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Pextell Ltd
Location / 34-35, College Green, Dublin 2
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the following works to number 34 College Green,
a) replace previous identification sign and building number signs at the front door and
b) replace the existing fittings for the external floodlighting to the front of the building with new altered fittings, and to replace an existing external fire escape staircase to the rear of no. 35 College Green with a new improved staircase. These works are all being carried out in association with the use of this space as a retail unit.
Registration Date / 09-Aug-2011
Additional Information Received
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3106/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / A. Larchet
Location / Rear of 74, Eglinton Road, Dublin 4
Proposal / Planning permission to demolish small detached shed abutting adjoining property and construct detached single storey dwelling (incl. new vehicular off-street parking from laneway off Clonskeagh Road), at rear.
Registration Date / 09-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3116/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / (on behalf of Radora Dev. Ltd), Declan Taite, Statutory Receiver
Location / Creche Building, Elm Park, Merrion Road, Dublin 4
Proposal / Planning permission for modifications to previously approved applications 1539/02, 1559/05, 3273/01, 4370/04, 4653/06, 5553/05 comprising provision of additional facilities for the crèche building located at the southwest corner of the site. The development will result in 7no. short term accessible car set down/ drop off spaces adjacent to Block OBA; associated landscaping; additional fencing to proposed play areas to the east and west of the crèche building, fencing to be glazed to north and south and timber fencing to match existing to east and west; and the construction of an enclosed fire stair to the south of the existing crèche building, timber clad and with opaque glazing at first floor level.
Registration Date / 10-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3128/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Redridge Properties Limited
Location / 44, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Planning permission for a change of use from guesthouse to hotel use for development at this site. Development will consist of gross area 650.5sqm of a 4 storey existing building incorporating 20 existing bedrooms all with ensuites, one disabled bedroom with disabled bathroom. Existing elevations remain unaffected.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3133/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / William Dick
Location / 4, Merrion Square North, Dublin 2
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Change of use from office to residential use and internal alterations to the second floor level only (79sq.m gross floor area). Alterations shall comprise; new internal entrance fire lobbies, new door ope to connect front and rear rooms; subdivision of rear room to two bedrooms; provision of bathroom and kitchen with associated services and all necessary repair and conservation works.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3134/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / John O'Brien
Location / Lands To The North Of, 25, Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal / For a dwelling house on side garden lands, presently forming part of 25 Beech Hill drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, to include
a) 2-storey pitched roofed 4 bedroomed, end of terrace house with single storey flat roofed annex (228 sq.m)
b) Roof level bedroom and en-suite with associated roof dormer windows and velux roof lights
c) Pedestrian and vehicular gates, on site parking, landscaping and all site development works.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 2536/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / K and C Donovan
Location / 3, Dartry Road, Dartry, Dublin 6
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE-Permission sought for demolition of single storey extension to rear, conservatory at first floor level to rear and single storey extension to side. The construction of single storey extension to side & rear, reinstatement of sash windows to side & rear and alteration of window to side to form new doorway.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Additional Information Received
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2894/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Mr Gavan Jones
Location / 10, Londonbridge Road, Dublin 4
Proposal / For the replacement of the existing garage structure. The development consists of the demolition of the existing garage structure located at the gable end of the existing 2-storey end of terrace dwelling and the construction of a new single storey habitable structure.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Additional Information Received
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3104/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Mr. and Mrs. D. Wynne
Location / 40, Windsor Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Permission to create a pedestrian entrance gateway in the rear garden side boundary wall onto the laneway at the side.
Registration Date / 09-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3110/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Brendan and Nicola Moran
Location / 82, Palmerston Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Planning permission for works consisting of the demolition of the existing rear extension and construction of a new four-storey rear extension comprising a three-storey return structure over basement level, the partial demolition of garden shed in rear garden, the removal of basement entrance doors and reinstatement of original window openings to front at basement level, adjustments to internal partition layouts, refurbishment of building fabric and finishes and associated alterations.
Registration Date / 09-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3122/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Location / Danesfield, Seaview Terrace, Dublin 4
Proposal / The development will consist of demolition of existing conservatory, podium and foundations; construction of a new conservatory, podium and foundations.
Registration Date / 11-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3130/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Chris Gordon
Location / 37, Bellevue Park Avenue, Dublin 4
Proposal / Planning permission to enclose extended side and rear garden with a plastered block wall, 2.4 metres high, with rear vehicular entrance from adjacent laneway.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3131/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Maura and Michael Conneely
Location / 7, Brighton Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal / The development will consist of the demolition of the existing lean-to, single storey kitchen to the rear return and the construction of a new 27sqm extension to the rear. Additional area 11.5sqm at ground floor, 5sqm at 1st floor. The proposal incorporates a new living/dining area at ground floor level and re-configuration of return at first floor level. The development includes roof lighting and sundry other minor works.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3135/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Robert McLoughlin
Location / 56, Palmerston Gardens, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal / The works will consist of
i) elevational changes including the removal of stone from the northern elevation and its replacement with render, minor alterations to the existing windows on the north and east elevations and to the existing ground floor entrance doors on the south and east elevations and the provision of 3 no. windows on the eastern elevation.
ii) a first floor extension of c. 10m2 on the northern elevation of the dwelling set behind the existing building line,
iii) a habitable room and attic space at second floor level and the provision of 4 no. velux windows, three south facing and one north facing
iv) roof lights on the single storey element of the existing structure.
Registration Date / 12-Aug-2011
Area / Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)
Application Number / WEB1137/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Michael Harty
Location / 8, Daniel Street, Dublin 8
Proposal / The development will consist of the refurbishment of the existing ground floor and addition of a new rear extension to include raising the profile of the existing rear pitched roof to provide first floor bedroom accommodation with a new window to the rear first floor elevation. The addition of Velux roof light’s to the front roof plane and rear flat roof and associated site works including minor modification to drainage works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at the offices of Dublin City Council, Planning Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 during its public opening hours (9.00a.m.- 4.30p.m.). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.
Registration Date / 10-Aug-2011
LAWS: ***NONE***
SAWS: ***NONE***
/ Area 1 - South EastApplication Number / 0094/11
Application Type / Section 5
Decision / Grant Exemption Certificate
Decision Date / 11-Aug-2011
Applicant / Brian Cusack
Location / 23, Leinster Square, Dublin 6
Proposal / EXPP:Essential repairs to the main structure which was extensively damaged by water penetration due to the heavy snow and inclement weather in December 2010 and January 2011.
/ Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 0144/11
Application Type / Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision / Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date / 09-Aug-2011
Applicant / Breda Clifford
Location / 32, Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Proposal / SHEC - The development will consist of the change of use from office to residential of basement, first and second floors with access from the ground floor. Works will also include associated refurbishment/ conservation/ maintenance/ redecoration and services works.
/ Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 0146/11
Application Type / Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision / Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date / 11-Aug-2011
Applicant / Anne Larchet
Location / 74, Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal / SHEC: one unit, Proposed detached single storey dwelling to rear.
/ Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 2239/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 12-Aug-2011
Applicant / Comhairle Ard Oideachais Cumann
Location / 3, Clare Street, Dublin 2
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the erection of a Commemorative Plaque, at street level, on the front elevation of a protected structure.
/ Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 2272/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 11-Aug-2011
Applicant / Moonlightwaves Ltd
Location / Rear, 7, Wellington Road, Dublin 4
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For the construction of a new 2-storey over basement detached mews dwelling with glazed light-well. Provision of 2 no. off street parking spaces and new pedestrian gate with alterations to existing vehicular entrance & provision of new automatic gates. Proposed mews to consist of 4 no. bedrooms (2 double with ensuite, 2 single). Bathroom, W.C, kitchen, living areas, storage & ancillary spaces and associated site works. Proposed mews is accessed through an existing vehicular entrance from Heytesbury Lane Ballsbridge Dublin 4.
/ Area 1 - South East (Nov 09)Application Number / 2639/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 12-Aug-2011
Applicant / Edward Fitzgerald
Location / 22, Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6
Proposal / PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the conversion of the existing bathroom extension at the rear into a living room with a new pitched roof and additional glazing, the reinstatement of the stairs to the basement, the conversion of a first floor bedroom to a bathroom and the provision of off street parking at front accessed off Ranelagh Road, in association with reinstating the premises as a single family residence.