Annotations and Abstracts
· Hogervorst, E. HRT and Cognition: is testosterone an alternative ? American Aging Association, 28 May-1 June 2009 Scottsdale Arizona Yale Hotel, USA Invited keynote speaker
· Hogervorst, E. HRT and Cognition. Invited speaker EMAS London, 16-19 May 2009
· Hogervorst, E. Testosterone, cognitive function and AD. Testosterone and men's health. 1 Nov, 2009 Royal College of Physicians Dublin, Ireland
· Hogervorst, E. Caffeine and sport performance. Psychobiology meeting Lake district Ambleside Low wood hotel Lake District UK 6-9 September 2008 (invited keynote lecture)
· Hogervorst, E. Diagnosing dementia. International Psychogeriatrics meeting Novotel Jakarta July 2-5, 2008 (invited keynote)
· Hogervorst, E. Dental and other risk factors for dementia. Trisakti International Dentistry meeting Bumi Karsa Hotel Jakarta July 6-9 2008 (invited keynote lecture)
· Hogervorst E, Bandelow S. Diagnosis of early dementia Acta Neuropsychiatrica Conference Buenos Aires Argentina Invited keynote speaker Sept. 5-8 2007 (will also give separate talk on testosterone levels in dementia at this conference)
· Hogervorst, E. Testosterone and cognition in postmenopausal women. 18th meeting North American Menopause Society Invited keynote October 3-6 2007 Dallas Texas
· Hogervorst, E. Testosterone and well being in different cohorts. Invited paper as main speaker British Andropause Meeting RSM 28-30 March 2007 London
· Hogervorst E et al.. Dementia in Indonesia oral presentation at the International Dementia Conference Nairobi Africa, 10-13 April 2007
· Hogervorst, E. Androgens, genetic polymorphisms and Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s association meeting Madrid July 16-21 2006 (invited key note speaker)
· Hogervorst, E. TSH and cognitive function in elderly of MRC CFAS. BSRA meeting St Anne’s college 12th of July 2006 (invited key note speaker)
· Bandelow, S., Hogervorst, E., Combrinck, M, Smith A.D. Improving the diagnosis of early dementia using computerized validated systems. BSRA meeting St Anne’s college 12th of July 2006
· Hogervorst, E. Effects of testosterone and genetic variations relating to androgen metabolism on cognitive function in elderly men and women. The Aging Male 2006; 9 (1) March 2006 the World Conference on the Aging Male 2006 Feb 14-21, page 67 (poster)
· Hogervorst, E. Androgens and genetic variations in men with AD. Invited main speaker. The Aging Male 2006; 9 (1) March 2006 the World Conference on the Aging Male 2006 Feb 14-21, page 4.
· Hogervorst, E. Bandelow, S., Combrinck, M., Smith, A.D. Testosterone replacement may not be a good idea for everyone. Oral as main speaker and poster presentation Research Into Ageing/Help the Aged Grant holders conference Birmingham 5-6 September 2005
· Hogervorst. Differential Diagnoses of Dementia. Leicester Delivering the best 14 July 2005 (won best poster award £200,-)
· Hogervorst, E. CAG polymorphisms and Alzheimer’s disease in men. Testosterone and Androgens Society. Royal Society, London, 23-26 February 2005 (invited lecture as main speaker)
· Hogervorst, E. Diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease, MCI and VCI using cognitive tests. Anti-Ageing Conference, London, Sept 10-11, 2004 (invited paper as main speaker)
· Tri Budi W. Rahardjo *, Sudijanto Kamso *, Yudarini *, Subarkah*, Vita Priantina Dewi *, Philip Kreager ** and Eef Hogervorst Social Acivities and Possible Dementia among the Elderly in Rural and Urban Areas presented at the Geraitric Scientific Meeting in Jakarta 25–27 May 2007.
· E.S. Strotmeyer,1 F. Lauretani,2 E. Hogervorst,3 N. de Rekeneire,4 A.V. Schwartz,5 D.K. Houston, 6 J.S. Lee, 7 F.A. Tylavsky, 8 A.I. Vinik,9 K. Yaffe, 5 S. Kritchevsky, 6 S. Bandinelli,10 L. Ferrucci,11 T.B. Harris,11 A.B. Newman.1 Low vitamin B12 levels are related to worse peripheral nerve function in older adults. The GSA symposium, Peripheral Nerve Function and Its Associations in Aged Populations Friday Nov 17th 2006, Pitssburgh
· Henderson VW, Hogervorst E, Bandelow S. Mental activity, episodic memory, and mild cognitive impairment in a rural cohort. Neurology 62[suppl. 5]:A210, 2004.
· Hogervorst, E. Testosterone and vascular risk factors. 7th International symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging July 18-23, 2004, Kloster Mehrerau, Bregenz, Austria (invited paper as main speaker)
· Hogervorst, E. Testosterone and Alzheimer’s disease. Prague, 2004 February 26-29. The World Conference for the Ageing Male Conference (invited paper as main speaker)
· Hogervorst, E. Levels of testosterone in women with AD. Washington DC March 17-20, 2004. Second world conference on Women’s mental health: cognitive aging and dementia (invited as main speaker)
· Schrijnemaeckers, A.M., Hogervorst, E., de Jager, C., Budge, M.M., Smith, A.D. MCI and procedural learning. VAS-Cog Gotheburg, Sweden, August 28-30 2003
· Van Os, L.A.H.M., Hogervorst, E., Combrinck, M., Smith, A.D. TSH and vascular risk factors for AD. VAS-Cog Gotheburg, Sweden, August 28-30 2003
· Hogervorst, E. HRT and cognitive function (invited lecture as main speaker). The 6th European Congres on Menopause (EMAS). Bucharest, Romania, 24-28 May, 2003
· Hogervorst, E. Combrinck, M. & Smith, A.D. Testosterone and Alzheimer's disease (invited paper as main speaker). Androgens Society. Royal Society, London, 31-1 January/February 2003
· Hogervorst, E. Combrinck, M. & Smith, A.D. TSH and AD. Alzheimer's Association meeting 20-25th July 2002, Stockholm
· Hogervorst, E. Lehman, D., McBroom, J. & Smith, A.D. Low levels of TT are associated with the APOE e4 genotype. Alzheimer's Association meeting 20-25th July 2002, Stockholm.
· Hogervorst, E. Combrinck, M., Dowsett, M, & Smith, A.D. Methodological and conceptual difficulties in assessing the association between sex hormone levels and Alzheimer’s disease The Graylyn Conference on Women’s Health. Poster Women’s cognitive Health, Graylyn International Conference Centre of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Nov 8-10, 2001.
· Hogervorst, E. Serum homocysteine and gonadal hormone levels in the elderly. Poster 3rd International Homocysteine Conference Sorento July 1-5, 2001, 62.
· Hogervorst, E. Serum homocysteine, cerebrovascular risk factors and white matter low attenuation on CT in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Poster 3rd Internat. Hcy Conf. Sorento July 1-5, 2001, 131.
· Hogervorst, E.. The nature of the effect of HRT on cognition in elderly women (invited lecture main speaker). British Pharmacological Society, Autumn meeting at the School of Pharmacy, Univ. of Bradford, 6-8 September, 2000, 12.
· Hogervorst, E., Barnetson, L., Dowsett, M., Smith, A.D. Women with Alzheimer’s disease have higher levels of estradiol than controls. Poster The 5th Annual Graylyn Conference on Women’s Health. The role of estrogen and other factors in dementia, Graylyn International Conference Centre of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Nov 8-10, 1999, 4.
· Hogervorst, E., Boshuisen, M., Riedel, W., & Jolles, J. The effect of hormone replacement therapy on cognitive function in elderly women. International Society of Psychoneuro-endocrinology (ISPNE) XXIXth Annual Meeting. Europahalle Trier, Germany, Aug 02-06, 1998, 11-12.
· Hogervorst, E., Riedel, W.J., Schmitt, J.A.J., Houx, P.J., & Jolles, J. The effect of age, health, and speed of information processing on complex memory performance. Newsletter Dutch Psychological Association (NVP), December 1997; 12 (3), 33.
· Hogervorst, E., Riedel, W.J., van Boxtel, M.P.J., Visser, PJ, Hameleers, P., Seij S, Jolles,J. Hypoxia and hyperventilation as models for cognitive deficiencies. European NeuropsychoPharmacology, June 1996; 6 (S3), 145.
· Riedel. W., Hogervorst, E., Verhey, F., Jolles, J. Scopolamine is a model of memory dysfunction not of aging. European Neuropsychopharmacology, June 1996; 6 (S3), 144.
· Hogervorst, E., Riedel, W.J., van Boxtel, M.P.J., Jolles, J. Hypoxia and hyperventilation as models forcognitive defiencies. European Neuropsychopharm., Sept 1996; 6 (S4), 166.
· Riedel, W.J., Hogervorst, E., & Jolles, J. Cognitive enhancers and human aging. European Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Amsterdam, 3-7 September 1995.
· Riedel, W., Leboux, R.L.M., Hogervorst, E., Quist, A., Van der Vusse, A., Verhey, F.R.J., & Jolles, J..Caffeine enhances memory function after cholinergic blockade. Neurobiology of Aging, 1994, 15 (1), S100-101.