A Weekend Discovering Awareness Retreat
With Father Tony D’Souza, S.J.
What Do I Really Want?
September 24th (evening), Sat.25, Sun. 26, 2010
Join Fr. Tony for a weekend of teaching, practice and personal spiritual direction ($225)
Loretto Spirituality Center, 4000 S. Wadsworth, Littleton, Co 80123
Fr. Tony brings together innovative spiritual and psychological practices to help us ask a profound question- “What do I really want?” Instead of getting stuck looking outside ourselves for what we think we want- money, fame and love- we can instead discover inner awareness. True spirituality is a process of discovering who we truly are: created in the image and likeness of the Divine. We begin to see ourselves and others without judging. Love and non-violence begin to happen. We begin to have a deeper experience of harmony with nature and greater inner freedom. Fr. Tony will lead guided meditations, answer questions and share helpful insights to support you in experiencing the peace and freedom that comes from embracing the totality of who you are in the present moment. Retreats offer in-depth instruction, time for practice and individual spiritual direction.
For Tony’s Fall 2010 events and to order Tony’s books, CDs and DVD, visit www.broadbandliving.org
What Do I Really Want?
A Discovering Awareness Retreat
with Fr. Tony D’Souza sj
Loretto Spirituality Center
Friday - Sept. 24th thru Sunday-Sept. 26th- afternoon
A weekend retreat with Fr. Tony D’Souza SJ
Loretto Spirituality Center – 4000 S. Wadsworth Blvd – Littleton, Colorado 80123
Please complete this form and along with your payment mail it to the
address below. Thank you. If you have any questions, call Ann Connor.
Name(s): ______________________________________________________________
Address(es): ____________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________
Plan A: Overnight $225 per person After Aug.1 $235 Number of People: __________
Plan B: Commuter with meals $130 per person After Aug.1 $140
Number of People____________
(price includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday)
Plan C: Commuter/ bring your own Brown Bag food: $105 After Aug.1 $115
Number of People_______
Payment in full will reserve your space.
Check Amount Enclosed: ________________
Please make check payable to Ann Connor.(address below)
*****Check in: 6-7 p.m. Friday eve. Check out 3 p.m. Sunday
Cancellation/Refund Policy: To receive a refund, notice of cancellation needs to be received one
month prior to the event. After this grace period your fee is nonrefundable. You may also consider
sending someone in your place. Thank you.
Ann Connor . 12389 W. Alabama Place, Lakewood, CO 80228 – 303.985.4287