I. Call to Order – D. Bardhi called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. Members present were Gail Gilman, Sherrie Miller, Ralph Thomas, David Moody, and Niraj Patel. TDC staff present was Diane Bardhi. Guests present were Stephen Freeman, John Ream, and Carrie Hess.
II. Citizens to Be Heard (3 minute limit) – There were no citizens to be heard.
III. Approval of Minutes from 4-14-16 – Minutes from April’s meeting unanimously approved.
IV. Financial Reports
A. Clerk’s Office Financial Report (A) – Reviewed
B. Bed Tax Revenue Spreadsheet (A) – Reviewed. April bed tax numbers had not posted and were not included on the report.
V. Committee Reports
A. Advertising Committee – S. Miller
1. Local Promotion “Get Out and See Own Backyard” – D. Bardhi updated. Full page ad to be printed in the Wakulla Neighbor in June edition. D. Bardhi will send a proof this week to members for review.
2. Fox 49 TV Summer Promotion – D. Bardhi presented. Members decided too
much of a timing issue with upcoming deadline and to pursue having own Wakulla County tourism video produced instead. D. Bardhi to follow up on video estimate. Will present at June meeting.
3. Birding Advertising/Widget Mock Up – D. Bardhi presented advertising rates for Bird Watcher’s Digest. Members will consider when we get closer to the season. D. Bardhi also presented the free eBird Trail Tracker (eTT) widget. Unanimously approved to add the widget on an independent birding page to be created by D. Bardhi.
4. Radio – D. Bardhi presented. Council approved budget up to $600 for a two- month summer radio campaign. D. Bardhi to contact Nicole with Oyster Radio.
5. Production of Video Promo – D. Bardhi to meet with Rafel Fortier and get estimate for video to be used in various mediums.
6. Remnant Advertising Space – D. Bardhi presented. Members did not feel this was the right target for Wakulla County.
7. Visit Florida Social Program Update – D. Bardhi updated members. Wakulla County was one of 14 destinations in Florida chosen to participate in the 48 hours of Sunshine social media FAM tour weekend hosted by Visit Florida. The event will take place on June 5 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Panacea, Florida.
8. The Connect Agency Updates – Stephen Freeman and John Ream updated.
B. Website Committee – D. Moody
1. Web Hosting Contract – R. Thomas still reviewing and will update
D. Bardhi.
2. Website Status – D. Bardhi updated. The TDC Business & News page is complete.
VI. Council Members and Staff Discussion Items
A. Original North Florida October Meeting – D. Bardhi to speak with Jessica regarding use of credit card for WEI application/reservation. Wakulla County is hosting the Original North Florida Task Force October meeting.
B. Visit Florida Renewal – Tabled until June meeting.
C. Schedule Budget Meeting – Tabled until June meeting.
D. 16/17 Budget Review – Tabled until June meeting.
E. Historical Bike Tour Grant – D. Bardhi researching grant opportunities.
F. Interns – D. Bardhi presented summer intern job responsibilities. Members unanimously voted to offer Allison Mills the summer intern position with a pay of $10 per hour. D. Bardhi to prepare contract and meet with A. Mills on Monday.
G. Outreach Coordinator Updates – D. Bardhi
1. FSU Vendor Thursday – Tabled until June meeting.
2. Birding Workshop – Unanimously approved for C. Hess to move forward with the workshop application for full scholarship.
3. Welcome Center Festival – D. Bardhi presented.
4. VNNF Minneapolis Trade Show – D. Bardhi presented.
5. Visit Florida Flagler Awards – D. Bardhi presented.
VII. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m. The next meeting will be on June 9 at 8:30 a.m. at the Welcome Center.