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Curriculum vitaeTherese Ljungquist, born Tunedal

Higher education:

Doctoral degreeinPhysical therapy / Physiotherapy, KarolinskaInstitutet, May 2002 ‘

Master's degree in physical therapy, MScPT, KarolinskaInstitutet, December 1994

Diploma in Physiotherapy Education, Physiotherapy Institute in Stockholm, KarolinskaInstitutet, June 1977

Present position: Administrator, Study Programme Administration Unit, Education Support Office, Central Administration (UF), KarolinskaInstitutet. June 2017 – continued

Main previous positions and periods of appointment:

Administrator, Department of Neurology, KarolinskaInstitutet, May 2015-June 2017

Research coordinator, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Insurance Medicine, KarolinskaInstitutet, January 2010-May 2015

Coordinator, Stockholm County Council, Healthcare administration, Sept. 2004 - June 2009

PhD student, KarolinskaInstitutet, Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine and Dept of Neurotec, Division of Physiotherapy , February 1995 - August 2002

Physiotherapist, HälsoInvest, Stockholm, April 1992 - April 1997

Physiotherapist, KarolinskaHospital, June 1977 - May 1992

Publications in peer reviewed international scientific journals:.

  1. Gustavsson C, Hinas E, Ljungquist T, Alexanderson K.

Obstetricians/gynecologists’ problems in sickness certification consultations:

two nation-wide surveys. ObstetrGynecolInt 2016 Article ID 9421316,

  1. Ljungquist T, Hinas E, Nilsson GH, Gustavsson C, Arrelön B, Alexanderson

K. Problems with sickness certification tasks: experiences from physicians in

different clinical settings. A cross-sectional nation-wide study in Sweden.

BMC Health Services Research 2015;15:321.

  1. Ljungquist T, Alexanderson K, Kjeldgård L, Arrelöv B, Nilsson GH.

Occupational health physicians have better work conditions for handling

sickness certification compared to general practitioners - results from a nationwide

survey in Sweden. Scand J Publ Health 2015;43:35-43

  1. Bränström R, Arrelöv B, Gustavsson C, Kjeldgård L, Ljungquist T, Nilsson GH, Alexanderson K. Sickness certification at oncology clinics: perceived problems, support, need for education and reasons for certifying unnecessarily long sickness absences. Eur J Ca Care 2014;23:89-97
  2. Bränström R., Arrelöv B., Gustavsson C., Kjeldgård L., Ljungquist T., Nilsson G.H., Alexanderson K. Reasons for and factors associated with issuing sickness certificates for longer periods than necessary: results from a nationwide survey of physicians.BMC Public Health 2013, 13:478
  3. Gustavsson, C, Kjeldgård, L, Bränström, R, Lindholm, C, Ljungquist, T, Nilsson, G. H, Alexanderson, K. Problems experienced by gynecologists/obstetricians in sickness certification consultations. ActaObstetGynecolScand 2013;92: 1007-16.
  4. Ljungquist T; Hinas E; Arrelöv B; Lindholm C; Wilteus AL. Nilsson GH; Alexanderson K. Sickness certification of patients--a work environment problem among physicians? Occ Med 2013;63:23-29.
  5. Nilsson GH, Arrelöv B, Lindholm C, Ljungquist T, Kjeldgård L, Alexanderson K.Psychiatrists' work with sickness certification: frequency, experiences and severity of the certification tasks in a national survey in Sweden. BMC Health Services Research2012;12:362
  6. Ljungquist T, Arrelöv B, Lindholm C, LöfgrenWilteus A, Nilsson GH, Alexanderson K. Physicians who experience sickness certification as a work environment problem: where do they work and what specific problems do they have? A nationwide survey in Sweden. BMJ Open2012;2:e000704 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000704.
  7. Rasmussen-Barr E, Lundqvist L, Nilsson-Wikmar L, Ljungquist T. Aerobic fitness in patients' at work despite recurrent low back pain: A cross-sectional study with healthy age-and gender-matched controls. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008;40(5):359-365.
  8. Jensen IB, Bergström G, Ljungquist T, Bodin L. A 3-year follow-up of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for back and neck pain. Pain 2005;115:273-283.
  9. Ljungquist T, Nygren Å, Jensen I, Harms-Ringdahl K. Physical performance tests for people with spinal pain – sensitivity to change. Disability and Rehabilitation 2003;25:856-866.
  10. Ljungquist T,Nygren Å, Jensen I, Harms-Ringdahl K. Physical performance tests for people with long-term spinal pain – aspects of validity. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003;35:69-75.
  11. Jensen IB, Bergström G, Ljungquist T, Bodin L, Nygren ÅL. A randomized controlled component analysis of a behavioral medicine rehabilitation program for chronic spinal pain: are the effects dependent on gender? Pain 2001;91:65-78.
  12. Jensen I, Bodin L, Ljungqvist T, Bergström G, Nygren Å. Assessing the needs of patients in pain: A matter of opinion? Spine 2000;25(21):2816-2823.
  13. Ljungquist T, Harms-Ringdahl K, Nygren Å, Jensen I. Intra- and inter-rater reliability of an 11-test package for assessing dysfunction due to back or neck pain. Physiotherapy Research International 1999;4(3):214-232.
  14. Ljungquist T, Fransson B, Harms-Ringdahl K, Björnham Å, Nygren Å. A physiotherapy test package for assessing back or neck dysfunction – discriminative ability for patients versus healthy control subjects. Physiotherapy Research International 1999;4(2):123-140.

Abstracts accepted and presented at international scientific meetings

Ljungquist T, Hinas E, Alexanderson K. Sickness certification as a work

environment problem – results from a nation-wide survey in Sweden. 20:th EUMASS Congress, Stockholm 11-13 Sept 2014

Ljungquist T,Kjeldgård L, Arrelöv B, Nilsson GH,Alexanderson K. Occupational physicians have better prerequisites for handling sickness certification cases, compared to other physicians - results from a nation-wide survey in Sweden. 6th European Public Health Conference, Brussels November 13-16 2013.

Ljungquist T, Hinas E, Lindholm C, Löfgren A, Alexanderson K. Sickness certification – a work environment problem among physicians in Sweden. 3rd European Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, November 10-13, 2010 (European Journal of Public Health, 20:17-17, 2010).

Lindholm C, Arrelöv B, Nilsson G, Ljungquist T, Alexanderson K. The association between manager’s support and a policy regarding sickness certification on one side and physicians’ sickness certification practice on the other. 3rd European Public Health Conference 10-13 Nov 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2010. (European Journal of Public Health, 20:198-198, 2010.)

Ljungquist T, Harms-Ringdahl K, Nygren Å. Which outcome measures should we use in rehabilitation for back and neck patients? 5th Nordic Research Symposium in Physiotherapy in Reykjavik, 22-24 juni 2000.

Academic thesis

Physical performance tests and spinal pain – assessing impairments and activity limitations. KarolinskaInstitutet, Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine and Dept of Neurotec, Division of Physiotherapy, May 2002.

Publications in Swedish journals (in Swedish)

  1. Grahn B, Kjellberg K, Ljungquist T, Stigmar K, Wåhlin C. Arbetsförmåga, del 1. Definitioner, modeller, perspektiv, prediktorer, riskfaktorer. Fysioterapi 2012;5:42-49.
  2. Grahn B, Kjellberg K, Ljungquist T, Stigmar K, Wåhlin C. Arbetsförmåga, del 2. Bedömningarochinsatser. Fysioterapi 2012;6:36-42.
  3. Jensen IB, Bergström G, Bodin L, Ljungquist T, Nygren Å. Effekteravrehabiliteringeftersjuår. UtvärderingavtvårehabiliteringsprogramiSverige. Läkartidningen 2006;23:1829-1839.
  4. Boström, C, Ljungquist, T: Aktivdynamiskträning - någotförreumatiker med axelsmärta? Sjukgymnasten 1984(14):25-29.
  5. Tunedal T, Wikstrand M, Swedborg I. Varförochhurbehandlarvilymfödemiarmenhosbröstcanceropereradepatienter? Sjukgymnasten 1983 (1):10-14.

Reports etcetera (in Swedish)

  1. Elrud, R, Ljungquist T, Alexanderson K. Litteraturöversikt svenska

rapporter (”grå litteratur”). Bilaga 3. Förstudierapport Stöd för rätt

sjukskrivning. Sektionen för försäkringsmedicin, Karolinska Institutet 2015


  1. Ljungquist T. Utvärderingavutvidgadsjukgymnastiskundersökninginomarbetsförmågeutredning (AFU). Sektionenförförsäkringsmedicin, Institutionenförkliniskneurovetenskap, KarolinskaInstitutet 2014 ISBN 978-91-7549-350-3
  2. Alexanderson, K, Arrelöv B, Bränström R, Gustavsson C, Hinas E, Kjeldgård L, Ljungquist T, Nilsson G. Läkareserfarenheteravarbete med sjukskrivning. Resultatfrånenenkätstudieår 2012 ochjämförelser med 2008 och 2004. Rapport 2013. Sektionenförförsäkringsmedicin, Institutionenförkliniskneurovetenskap, KarolinskaInstitutet 2013. ISBN 978-91-981256-0-3
  3. Alexanderson, K, Arrelöv B, Gustavsson C, Hinas E, Kjeldgård L, Ljungquist T.Läkareserfarenheteravarbete med sjukskrivningi Stockholm. Resultatfrånenenkätstudieår 2012 ochjämförelser med 2008 och 2004. Rapport 2013. Sektionenförförsäkringsmedicin, Institutionenförkliniskneurovetenskap, KarolinskaInstitutet 2013. ISBN 978-91-981256-2-7
  4. Alexanderson, K, Arrelöv B, Hinas E, Ljungquist T, Nilsson G. Försäkringsmedicinskkompetensochkompetensutveckling bland läkare under vidareutbildningiStockholmslän. Resultatfrånenenkätstudieår 2012 ochjämförelse med 2008. Sektionenförförsäkringsmedicin, Institutionenförkliniskneurovetenskap, KarolinskaInstitutet 2013. ISBN 978-91-981256-3-4
  5. Jensen I, Bergström B. Ljungquist T, Määttänen H, Busch H, Nygren Å. Manual förarbetslivsinriktad multimodal rehabilitering (MMR) vid icke-specifikarygg- ochnackbesvär. 2012. Institutetförmiljömedicin, Enhetenför interventions- ochimplementeringsforskning, Karolinska Institutet.
  6. Hansson T, Ljungquist T. Effektenpåhälsaocharbetsåtergångefterrehabilitering vid Ryggcentra. Rapport frånVetenskapligaRådetförRyggcentra. Hälso- ochsjukvårdsnämndensförvaltning, Stockholmslänslandsting, januari 2008.
  7. Ljungquist T. Utvärderingav KVÅ/testmodulen. Rapport Stockholmslänslandsting / Landstingsstyrelsensförvaltning/Vårdinformatik 2006.
  8. Bergström G, Jensen I, Ljungquist T, Bodin L. Kostnadseffektiviteten vid rehabiliteringavpatienter med långvarignack-/ryggvärk. Entreårsuppföljning. Sektionenförpersonskadeprevention, InstitutionenförKliniskneurovetenskap, KarolinskaInstitutet, mars 2004.
  9. Nathell L, Lisspers J, Ljungquist T. Problem ochmöjligheterförmindreföretag – åtgärderinomlantbrukssektorn. Slutrapport. Skogs- ochLantarbetsgivareförbundet, SvenskaLantarbetareförbundetochKarolinskaInstitutet, mars 2002
  10. Jensen I, Bergström G, Ljungquist T. Projekt III. Rehabiliteringavpatienter med smärttillståndfrånryggkotpelaren. SektionenförPersonskadeprevention, KarolinskaInstitutet 2002.
  11. Jensen I, Bergström G, Ljungquist T. Rehabiliteringavpatienter med smärttillståndiryggkotpelaren. I Nygren Å (red.). HUR-projektet, envetenskapligutvärderingavrehabilitering. SektionenförPersonskadeprevention, KarolinskaInstitutet 1999.
  12. Ljungquist T. Rörelsetest Body Awareness Scale BAS-Hälsa - ettförsök till validering. Projektarbete 10 poänginommagisterutbildningen, KarolinskaInstitutet, dec 1994
  13. Ljungquist T. Enkliniskutvärderingsmetodavmedicinskträningsterapiförkroniskasmärtpatienter med single subject design. Projektarbete 10 poänginomforskningsförberedandefördjupningskursisjukgymnastik, KarolinskaInstitutet Stockholm 1988
  14. Boström C, Ljungquist T.Aktivdynamiskträning – någotförreumatiker med axelsmärta. Rotationsträning med pulleyapparatenligt den medicinskaträningsterapinsprinciper. Forsknings- ochutvecklingsarbetefrånHälso- ochsjukvårdsnämnden, Stockholmslänslandsting. Rapportserie 12/1984. ISSN nr 0282-3608.


Independent project in medicine, 30 credits, Study Programme of Medicine at Uppsala University, spring 2015.Ludvig Knape. Läkares upplevelse av att använda elektronisk överföring av läkarintyg till Försäkringskassan – är de relaterade till läkarens ålder (Physicians’ experiences from usingelectronicsicknesscertification forms for the Social Insurance Agency - aretheyrelated to physician’s age)?

Degree project in medicine, 30 credits, Study Programme of Medicine, KarolinskaInstitutet, fall 2013.

  1. Katrin Persson. Karaktäristika hos läkare som upplever det vara mycket problematiskt att bedöma patienters arbetsförmåga (Characteristics of physicians who experience assessment of patients’ work capacity as problematic).
  2. Joanna LarsdotterHuldt. Läkareserfarenheteravkonflikteroch hot isjukskrivningsärenden (Physicians experiences of conflicts and threats related to sickness certification of patients).

Higher education in insurance medicine for physicians, 22.5 credits, KarolinskaInstitutet, Division of Insurance Medicine2011-2012

  1. AgnetaLillqvistBennstam. Perceptions ofcollaborationwith the Social Insurance Agencyamongoccupational physiciansandother doctors.4.5credits
  2. LarsKarlsson.General practitioners’experienceofhandling sickness certification- a comparisonofsurvey responses fromhealth centersinDalarnaand Södermanland.4.5credits.

Master degree, 360 credits: 7 persons 2006-2015

Basic academic degree, 180 credits: 6 physiotherapy students, 2003-2006


-Lectures on Människanirörelse (Human in movement), Freestanding course at advanced level, 15 credits, Department of Neurobiologi, Care Sciences and Society, KarolinskaInstitutet, fall 2016. Subject: ”Assessments of functional capacity”.

-Lectureson theMaster's program"Workand Health"atthe Department ofPublic Health Sciences, Division of Occupational and EnvironmentalMedicine,KarolinskaInstitutet
1.Tests ofphysical function andactivity2012-12-06
2.Vocationalmultimodal rehabilitation(MMR) for non-specific back and neck problems2013-01-14(along withbehavioral therapist HilleviBusch,IMM, KarolinskaInstitutetat)

-Lecture at the Occupational andEnvironmental MedicineSpring meetingin Malmö2013-04-25, Do occupational physicianshave better prerequisites for handlingsickness certificationcases, and if so, why?

-Responsibleforan education day forphysical therapistsin The Physiotherapy Days in Gothenburg2013-10-04 together with four PhD colleagues , "Sustainable health. The physiotherapist'sroleinpromoting, strengthening andassessing work ability. "

Someother commissions

-Member of committee for development of methods for assessing work capacity, a commission assigned to the Social Insurance Agency from the Swedish government, 2011-2012. Development of a model for physiotherapy assessment within the project.

-Mentorship: Palmlöf L. Neck pain – factors of importance for the prognosis. Project plan for doctoral dissertation. Department of cardiovascular epidemiology, Institute for Environmental Medicine, KarolinskaInstitutet, 2010 -continued

-Reviewer for different scientific journals, such as Disability and Rehabilitation and BMC journals (biomedcentral.com)


-Specialist certification:Specialist in physical therapy within orthopedic manual therapy. The scientific council of Swedish Registered Physiotherapist’ Association, March 2010.

-Degree in orthopedic manual therapy Step 2, Division of orthopedic manual therapy, Swedish Registered Physiotherapists’ Association, May 2005

-Private practitioner (physiotherapist) part-time 2000- continued

-Numerous clinical courses in rehabilitation, behavioral medicine, sports medicine, and orthopedic manual therapy, many of them representing high school points.

-Many years of experience in rehabilitation as a physiotherapist, including working in a multidisciplinary team

-At present working at KognitivaTeamet Rehab, involved in an agreement with Stockholm County Council concerning persons with long-standing pain conditions or fatigue syndrome

T. LjungquistUpdated 2017-11-22