Student name______Grade Level:______

PRE-AP Course:______


The Advanced Placement (AP) program is a cooperative educational endeavor between secondary schools and colleges and universities where college level courses are taught in a high school program. The purpose of the Pre-Advanced Placement courses is to give students the opportunity to develop skills that will enable them to be successful in AP courses. Pre-AP courses are characterized by an immersion in rigorous content, an accelerated pace, and performance assessment at the synthesis and evaluative levels. Typically, successful Pre-AP students are task-oriented, proficient readers, able to prioritize their time, and have parental support.

Parents and students must sign a copy of the contract for each AP/PreAP class and return it to the appropriate Pre-AP teacher.

General Course Expectations:

·  Successful completion of each Pre-AP course requires individual study time outside of class on a regular basis.

·  For a student whose grade average for the first semester is less than 80, a student-parent-teacher conference will be held to evaluate the advisability of the student remaining in the class for the second semester. The campus principal may consider extenuating circumstances and allow the student to continue in the course for the second semester on a probationary status. (EXCEPTION: See criteria for Algebra I 8th grade below).

·  Students enrolled in Algebra I in the 8th grade must maintain at least an 80 average to remain in the class. If a student’s grade falls below 80 during both the first and second six weeks, the student will be removed from the course. If a student’s grade falls below 80 at the end of the semester, it is strongly advised that the student exit from the course.

·  Students may exit a Pre-AP course course no earlier than the 16th day and no later than the Monday following the end of the first 6th weeks of the first semester for a one-semester or two-semester class by following the REQUIRED steps listed below. A student may also exit after the end of the first semester. Students beginning the second semester of a two-semester course are expected to remain in the class throughout the semester. A student desiring to exit a Pre-AP course within the initial time window or after the end of the first semester (for a two-semester class) must take the following steps:

* Attend a minimum of 3 documented tutorial sessions

* Attend a documented student/parent/teacher conference that includes the parent and

teacher signatures on the exit form. The exit form must be submitted to the

counselor’s office for consideration by the campus AP/Pre-AP Steering Committee.

·  If a student transfers from a Pre-AP course during the semester, the grades for that student will transfer to the course in which the student enters. The student will receive the weighted credit of the course that he enters and is enrolled in at the end of that semester. Makeup work for the new course will be at the discretion of the teacher of that course.

·  Individual student integrity is a standard of excellence for Pre-AP students. All students are expected to do their own work. Each teacher will follow MISD policies and individual school procedures in dealing with any breach of the school Honor Code.

Student Agreement

I have read the description for this Pre-AP course, understand the course expectations, and accept its academic challenges. I agree to organize my time and efforts to successfully complete the course. Due to the increased rigor and challenge of this course, I will notify the teacher as needed to request help and attend tutorials if I fall behind in class assignments or have difficulty with course content. I understand that my success in this Pre-AP course is primarily my responsibility.


Print Student Name


Student Signature Date

Parent Agreement

I have read the description for this Pre-AP course, understand its requirements, and agree to support and encourage my son/daughter in his/her endeavors in the course. I will notify the teacher immediately of any concerns I have relating to the Pre-AP class or my child’s progress.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Please return entire agreement to your Pre-AP teachers.