Creighton Students Union Full Board Meeting

Monday, August 28, 2017 | 5:15 pm | Hixon-Lied G-04

Present: Present: Dr. Michele Bogard, Connor Campbell, Dhruti Tummalapali, Emily Newcomb, Aditi Dinakar, Alex Blalock, Andrew Capobianco, Claire O'Kane, Erin Quinlin, Emily Pass, Grace Wilson, Isabella Sullivan-Powers, Kaamil Abid, Katie Ford, Mackenzie Enmeier, Madeline Tagaloa, Matthew Matternas, Mina Mirzaie, Olivia Kennedy, Patrick Marta, Simeon Gboun, Thomas Bonus, Gabriella Hezel, Jose Galvan, Manny Ortiz, Nara Tashjian Nicholas Mathy, Tiffany Bihis, Tanner Reprecht

Not Present: Katie Kelsey, Emily Looby, Maisie Porter, Natalie Halbur, Rachel Hortsch, Sydney Fangman, Andrew Geislinger, Elaine Pinacate, Tom Williams


I.  Opening Ceremonies

a.  Call to order (5:18)

b.  Invocation

c.  Roll Call

d.  Approval of Minutes

i.  4.24.17

Dhruti: We have not reached quorum so we cannot complete all the points on the agenda this meeting.

II.  VPIDI Search Discussion: Dr. Moreno

III.  Open Discussion

IV.  New Business

a.  Speaker of the Board – Speech’s

b.  Speaker of the Board – Vote

V.  Old Business

VI.  Executive Reports:

a.  President: Mr. Connor Campbell

i.  Summer Update

ii. Fellowship

1.  Met with Father Hendrickson

2.  Worked this summer on the program

3.  These are the new student leaders on campus

iii.  Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

1.  Publish statement will be released soon for Creighton’s stance on diversity and inclusion

iv.  Provost’s Breakfasts

1.  Dr. Murray wants more face time with students to hear about their issues

b.  Executive Vice President: Ms. Dhruti Tummalapalli

i.  Summer Updates

1.  Graphic design and marketing coordinator

ii. Fall Conference

1.  All student organizations and their teams this Saturday in Skutt Ballroom

2.  Minimum of 2 reps per organization

3.  Much interaction with the organizations

4.  Reach out to organizations that all reps represent to remind them to sign up

iii.  Jaywalk

1.  5k walk/run coordinated by Dylan

2.  during Parent’s Weekend

3.  all undergrad reps are required to volunteer for this event

4.  funds go to Jesuit Academy

iv.  CSU 4 You week

1.  Entities of CSU work together to table and make initiatives known across campus (grad and professional students included)

v. BoR Training

1.  September 9

2.  More interactive, more discussion, goal oriented semester

3.  Required for all undergraduate representatives

4.  Grad will have online training if do not attend the physical training

vi.  NJSLC

1.  Isabella and Maddie went with the exec team this summer

2.  Next week will be presenting

c.  Vice President for Finance: Mr. Alex Blalock

i.  Funding

Procedural changes will be discussed at BoR Training

d.  Vice President for Programming: Ms. Emily Newcomb

i.  Skutt Shutdown

1.  Presence on KFC lawn

2.  Giveaways, smoothies, bounce houses

ii. Cupcake Wars

1.  Next Thursday

iii.  Homecoming

1.  September 10-16

2.  Events for students each night, except Wednesday

3.  Need to decorate a golf cart for CSU and need help with that

iv.  Summer Updates

1.  Work on conceptual ideas

v. Interviews

1.  Street Team

vi.  Homecoming Nominations

1.  For King and Queen

2.  Applications

VII.  NJSLC Update

VIII.  Student Organization Updates/Announcements

IX.  Announcement

a.  Advisor’s Update

b.  BoR Applications

1.  Link on CU involved

2.  Close September 2

3.  Will have interviews and new members by training

X.  Adjournment (5:34)