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Our college seeks to provide the most effective and innovative teaching practice, and learning opportunities, for our students. As such, we subscribe and commit to a workplace of continuous and sustained self-improvement through the analysis of relevant data.
- Establish a workplace where continuous improvement is embedded in the college’s ethos and culture.
- Identify and use a range of data sources to improve student learning.
- Enhance the learning opportunities for students by identifying innovative practices and strategically implementing improvements.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of practices and programs.
The following guidelines will be adhered to in relation to the use of data at the college:
- Our college relies upon, and values, robust, authentic and valid data.
- NAPLAN, VCE results, Victorian Curriculum, On Demand Testing,Year 7 – 10 ACER testing in English, Mathematics and Science, Student Attitude to School Surveys, Parent Opinion Surveys and Staff Surveys and student forums will be analysed to inform practice and to develop programs for the college.
- The Leadership Team will analyse whole school data and develop the Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plans to identify priority areas and to determine college goals.
- In doing so, the Leadership Team will set high and realistic expectations, and clearly articulate expected levels of performance by students and staff.
- Targeted whole school and personal professional development will provide significant support in the achievement of identified improvement goals.
- The Data team will analyse whole school data and presented this to staff on a regular basis through the formal meeting structure.
- VCE teachers will be provided with data from the VASS data service. The Principal team will work with VCE teachers to improve student learning outcomes.
- At staff meetings and in Domain meetings Year 7 – 10 teachers will review CAT (Common Assessment) data to inform learning & teaching strategies, and assessment practices
- CELF and ACER testing will be analysed to identify students at risk. Strategies will be developed to support these students.
- Individual staff members will, in consultation with others, analyse their own performance-related data to improve their own performance levels in targeted areas. This will form part of their Performance and Development Plans.
- The Annual Report to School Community will be tabled at School Council for discussion. The report will also be placed on the college website.
This policy will be reviewed every three years, with recommended changes being presented to College Council.
Ratified by HPSC Council September 2017Date of next review: 2020