Explorer Post Program 2012-2013 Application for Participation

You are invited to apply for an exciting opportunity to explore careers related to your field of interest. The Explorer Post program is being offered through the Savannah-Chatham Public School System, local businesses and Learning for Life, an affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America. If selected, you will spend one weekday morning per month from approximately 8:45-11:30am at an Explorer Post meeting in your career interest area, instead of in the classroom.Occasionally, Explorer Posts will meet from 12:30-3:00pm. Activities will include departmental tours, presentations, career seminars, job shadowing, hands-on activities, safety training, workplace ethics training, interactive demonstrations and college preparation. This program will give you first-hand work-site and college campus experiences and the opportunity to develop contacts within the Savannah business community.
You must meet these criteria to apply:
  • Must be a Junior or Senior during 2012-2013 school year
  • GPA must be 85 or higher for medical, 80 or higher for engineering, 75 or higher for all other Explorer Posts
  • On track for graduation
  • Regular attendance, No history of serious disciplinary problems, No excessive tardiness
  • Able to provide own transportation to and from monthly meetings, except Firefighter which meets at Woodville Tompkins. Students in the Firefighter program will ride the Woodville Tompkins bus to meetings.
  • Parental permission
  • Written referral by two teachers

If you are interested and feel you meet the above criteria, submit this application with all parts completed to your school’s Explorer Post school coordinator:

Beach High School- Dr. Karen Blair

Groves High School – Mr. William Brown or Ms. Sharon Ross

Islands High School- Ms. Jennifer Turner

Jenkins High School- Ms. Amy Jenkins

Johnson High School- Ms. Wendy Bragg

Savannah Arts Academy- Ms. Amy Perry

Savannah High School- Ms. Takisha Phillips

Windsor Forest High School- Ms. Elnora Herbert

Woodville Tompkins- Ms. Audrey Fuller or Ms. Bettina Tate

These are the Explorer Posts being considered for 2012-2013:

Communications—Radio, TV, Newspaper, Digital Media, Internet, Marketing Careers

Engineering— Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Architectural Engineering Careers

Firefighter— Fire & Safety Careers

Gulfstream — Aerospace Careers

Hospitality—Hotel, Restaurant, & Tourism Careers

Law & Government— Legal Careers, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement

Medical— Health Care Occupations

Nutrition & Food Science


Name______Birth Date______Gender: Male___ Female___

School ______Grade Level for 2012-13 School Year: ______


Home Phone______Student Mobile: ______

Mother’s Mobile: ______Father’s Mobile: ______

Using the choices listed on page 1, print here your 1st and 2nd choice of Explorer Posts:

1. ______2. ______

Complete the following only if Medical is one of your choices. List your top two career interests within the medical field, for example: Pediatrician, RN, Pharmacist, Radiology, Physical Therapy, Physician, etc:

1. ______2. ______


TO BE SELECTED FOR AN EXPLORER POST, student MUST establish a professional email address AND LIST IT ON THIS APPLICATION. (Examples of professional email addresses: or or ), check it regularly and RSVP in a timely manner.

Student’s professional email address: ______

Mother’s email address: ______

Father’s email address: ______


The following optional demographic information will help Learning for Life maintain United Way funding. This information will not be shared or used in any other way, so please help us insure the continuation of this program by completing this section. Thank you for your assistance!

Race: ____ Caucasian ____ African-America ____ Hispanic _____ Asian

____Native America____Pacific Islander_____Multi-racial _____ Other

Number of Household Members : _____ Free or Reduced Lunch? _____ yes _____ no

Household Income: _____ 0-$9,999 ____ 10-$14,999 ____ 15-$24,999 ____ 25-$34,999

____35-$49,999 _____ 50-$74,999 _____$75,000 & up

Student Contract for participation in the Explorer Post Program

I, ______, am applying to participate in the Explorer Post Program, sponsored by Learning for Life, an affiliate of Boy Scouts of America, the Savannah Chatham Public School System and local business sponsors.

If I am selected to participate, I agree to the following policies and procedures:

  1. Conform to the rules and regulations of the sponsoring business and the Savannah Chatham Public School System Code of Conduct at Explorer Post meetings.

2. Maintain a professional email address (for example: or

), check it regularly for meeting updates and RSVP in a timely


  1. Dress according to the designated school dress code and be responsible for your belongings. Students must dress neatly. Please note: Although shorts are accepted on the school dress code, they are not accepted for Explorer Post meetings, because we will be conforming to our business sponsors’ expectations. Also, if your school has a ‘dress down’ day on the same day as an Explorer Post meeting, you will still need to wear school uniform to the Explorer Post. Exploring is similar to an internship, so you will be expected to dress and act according to workplace rules.
  2. Sign the attendance sheet at each Explorer Post meeting and report directly back to school after dismissal following each Explorer Post meeting. Periodically check with your school’s attendance clerk to make sure that your Explorer Post absences are notated as “field trip.”
  3. Attend all scheduled Explorer Post meetings. Notify the school coordinator if it is necessary to be absent. Students may be dismissed from the program upon a second unexcused absence.
  4. If you are late to a meeting, you will be sent back to school and not participate that day. This will be an unexcused school tardy. If you do not report to school, it will be reported as skipping, followed by the appropriate discipline. If you are tardy a second time, you will be sent to school and dismissed from the program.
  5. Complete pre/post quizzes when administered.
  6. Inform the school coordinator of any problems encountered during a meeting.
  7. Transportation to and from Explorer Post meetings is the student’s responsibility.
  8. Inform your teachers upon acceptance into the program and make up all class work & tests that are missed due to participation in this program.


I agree to follow the above rules. I understand that failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program.


Student SignatureDate


I understand the selection process and give permission for my child to participate in this activity. I agree to assist my child in abiding by all rules and regulations. If I have questions or need more information, I may call Barbara Foley at 912-308-7892.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate



PARENTS/GUARDIANS. I have read all of the statements on the Explorer Post application before giving my approval for participation in Explorer Post activities. I hereby approve and agree to all of the terms, conditions, and waiver of claims of this CONSENT FORM and certify its correctness. Further, I agree that this participant can meet the health and physical fitness requirements of activities and trips during the year beginning October 1, 2012 and ending September 30, 2013. When traveling to a Learning for Life/Explorer Post event under the leadership of an adult tour leader (at least 21 years of age), a participant at least 16 years of age may be a driver subject to the following qualifications: (1) six months’ driving experience as a licensed driver (time on a learner’s permit of equivalent is not to be counted); (2) no record of accidents or moving violations; and (3) parental permission has been granted to the leader, driver, and riders.


(If there are two parents/guardians, both need to sign.)


Student’s first name middle initial Last name


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

High School Insurance Waiver- Waiver of Claims

(Please read carefully before signing)

For and in consideration of ______High School and the Board of Public Education for the City of Savannah and the County of Chatham allowing the student hereinafter named to participate in the activities set out below, I, the undersigned, agree as follows:

I hereby grant permission for ______, born ______

Student’s Full Name (print) Student’s Date of Birth

to participate in the Exploring Program during the year beginning October 1, 2012 and ending September 30, 2013.

I, ______, hereby appoint The Board of Education as my Agent for purposes of obtaining medical treatment in the event of injury. I agree to be responsible for all medical expenses incurred in connection therewith. In the event the Board of Education incurs expenses for medical treatment, then and in that event I agree to reimburse said Board of Education in full.

(Parental Consent Form, continued)

In consideration of the benefits to be derived from participation in this Explorer Post trip or activity, any and all claims against the Boy Scouts of America, Learning for Life, the group/post, and the participating organization, the Savannah-Chatham Public School System, or against the officers, employees, agents, or other representatives of any of them, or any other persons working under their direction or engaged in the conduct of their affairs, arising out of any accident, illness, injury, damage, or other loss or harm to/or incurred or suffered by the applicant named above or to his or her property, in connection with or incidental to the Learning for Life trip or activity, including preliminary training and travel, are hereby expressly waived by the applicant and the applicant’s family or guardians. I am aware that the Boy Scouts of America, Learning for Life, Explorer Post sponsors and Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education assume no legal responsibility for the results of any actions resulting from the use of a private vehicle.

As the parent / legal guardian of the above named participant, I have read the above warnings and release, and understand its terms. I hereby agree to hold the Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools, its direct and contracted employees, agents, representatives, the Coastal Empire Council Boy Scouts of America’s Learning for Life and Exploring Programs, its direct and contracted employees, agents, representatives, and Explorer Post sponsoring organizations and volunteers, their direct and contracted employees, agents, representatives harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims, or demands of every kind and nature whatsoever that may arise by or in connection with participation of my child in any activities related to Savannah-Chatham County Public School or Explorer Post activities. The terms hereof will serve as a release for my heirs, estate, executor, administrator, assignees, and for all members of my family. Whenever injury and/or sickness occur to the participant listed above, and the participant is under the supervision of Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools, and the participant’s parent / legal guardian is unavailable to give his/her permission for treatment, the participant and others whose signatures are attached below do hereby give permission to authorize any emergency action necessary to ensure the safety of the child. The intention hereof being to grant authority to administer and perform all and singularly any examinations, pre-participation physical examinations, treatments, anesthetics, operations, and diagnostic procedures which may now, or during the course of this participant’s care, be deemed advisable or necessary. This does not hold the Boy Scouts of America, Learning for Life, Explorer Post program organizations or volunteers or the Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools financially responsible for any medical care given.

(If there are two parents/guardians, both need to sign.)

Signature ______Date: ______


Signature ______Date: ______


Medical Insurance Company: ______Policy No. ______

Medical Insurance Company: ______Policy No. ______

Physician’s name ______Physician’s Phone Number:______

Address ______City:______State:______Zip ______

Home Phone: ______Mobile______Business Phone: ______

Emergency Contact:______Emergency Phone:______

Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools


Dear Parent or Guardian,

Throughout the school year, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools works to publicize the achievements of our students and the great work they perform. We occasionally publish students' names, photographs, or achievements in school district or school publications or release the information to local media (newspapers, television, radio). In some instances, students may be interviewed and photographed or televised by local media. We may also post the information on the school district’s Web site. Occasionally other entities, such as various local, state and national organizations may contact us and ask for pictures to use in various formats.

We understand that you may not want to have your child's name, photo, or achievements published. In an effort to respect parent and guardian wishes regarding the use of your child’s image, we ask that you please read and fill out the form at the bottom of this letter to let us know if you do or do not want your child's photo, name, and achievements published. Please sign and return this form back to the school where your child is attending.

School Year: ______Student’s Name: ______School: ______

Permission to use photo of and/or interview my child:

_____Yes, I give permission for Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools to photograph, videotape or audio record my child and that this may be used by Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools for district publications, district/school Internet page(s), district-related video productions, or for news and other publications. I also give permission for local news media to photograph and/or interview my student.

Restriction from Internet Use:

_____Please do not publish my child’s photograph on the school district’s home page, individual school home page or any other World Wide Web page for which the photo may be requested.

Restriction from ANY use of photograph:

_____I do not grant permission for my child’s photograph to be used for ANY school district publication, news media usage or the World Wide Web, or for the news media to photograph and/or interview my student.

Date: ______Signature of Parent or Guardian:______

Teacher Referral # 1

Career Specialty Explorer Post Program

I need your input in order to select student participants for next year. These students will be out in the community and will represent ______High School. Along with the criteria listed below, the student must be able to miss morning classes once a month throughout the school year. The student must be dependable and motivated. Thank you for your assistance.


Junior or Senior during 2012-13 No excessive tardiness

Transportation to and from meetings Recommendation of 2 teachers

On track for graduationNo history of disciplinary problems

Passed GHSGTParental permission

No history of attendance problems

GPA must be 85 or higher for medical, 80 or higher for engineering or 75 or higher for all other career areas.

Student’s Name: ______

I do ______do not _____ recommend this student for participation with the Learning for Life Explorer Post school/business partnership program


Teacher comments: ______


Teacher Signature Date

Teacher Referral # 2

Career Specialty Explorer Post Program

I need your input in order to select student participants for next year. These students will be out in the community and will represent ______High School. Along with the criteria listed below, the student must be able to miss morning classes once a month throughout the school year. The student must be dependable and motivated. Thank you for your assistance.


Junior or Senior during 2012-13 No excessive tardiness

Transportation to and from meetingsRecommendation of 2 teachers

On track for graduationNo history of disciplinary problems

Passed GHSGTParental permission

No history of attendance problems

GPA must be 85 or higher for medical, 80 or higher for engineering or 75 or higher for all other career areas.

Student’s Name: ______

I do ______do not _____ recommend this student for participation with the Learning for Life Explorer Post school/business partnership program


Teacher comments: ______


Teacher Signature Date

Student Essay Instructions

To be considered for the Explorer Post program, you must submit a minimum 200 word essay describing reasons you feel you will benefit from this program. The essay must be typed with no errors and returned with this application.

The essay should address the following:

  • Within your career pathway, which two career choices are you most interested in pursuing.
  • How would being involved in a career specialty Explorer Post program help you in planning for your future career?
  • Why do you feel that you are specially qualified to be chosen for this program?
  • Describe extra curricular activities, volunteering, internships and/or jobs that you have participated in and how these activities are helping to prepare you for life after graduation.