Exploration and Colonization
1. Compare the colonies of Jamestown (1607) and New Amsterdam (1625).
Jamestown- founded by the English, in Virginia (Southern Colonies), Royal Colony, Agricultural Colony (Tobacco); first permanent settlement
New Amsterdam- founded by the Dutch (taken over by the English & became New York), in New York (Middle Colonies), Proprietary Colony, Trading post (Fur Trade)
2. List the documents that led to colonial self-government.
Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut,
3. What led to a need for slavery in the Southern Colonies?
Dependence on agriculture, lack of labor
4. List the results (negative/positive) of the European influence on the new world.
Columbian Exchange (p.45)
Positive- exchange of goods and crops
Negative- spread of new diseases and slavery
5. How do harbors contribute to economic growth in the colonies?
Allowed an increase of trade between the colonies & Europe,
6. Compare the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. (Using bullet points in space provided)
· The Mayflower Compact was a social contract while the F.O.C. was a constitution(the first written constitution.
· In both documents colonists agreed to obey the laws of the colony; colonial self-govt; representative gov’t in colonial America
7. Using your charts from class, which four colonies on the chart were established for religious reasons. List colony and religion.
Maryland- Catholic
Pennsylvania- Quaker
Massachusetts- Puritans
Plymouth- Pilgrims
8. List the reasons European nations colonized America.
Gold, God, & Glory; looking for NW Passage to find shorter trade route to Asia; sought to expand their power with riches from the “New World”
9. What is the significance of 1607?
The year Jamestown was founded
10. Using your charts from class, which colonies were most suitable for an agrarian (farming) lifestyle?
The Southern Colonies- Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
11. Define population distribution.
Pattern of where people live. New England colonies lived mostly by water resources.
12. Name the first written constitution in the colonies.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
13. Fill in the Venn diagram comparing/contrasting slaves and free blacks in Colonial America.
14. How did the Virginia House of Burgesses help to grow representative government?
Established in 1619 if was the first colonial assembly in North America; Representatives were elected by the people.
15. When did the transatlantic slave trade begin?
It began when plantations in the West Indies needed labor.
16. Using your colonial chart, how does location contribute to economic differences in the colonies?
The further south the more agrarian the society was. The further north the colonies had to diversify (could grow enough crops to survive). So middle colonies were the Breadbasket colonies & the NE colonies were merchants, fishermen, whalers, & shipbuilders; geography contributes to economic differences.
17. Who originally settled New York?
18. Make a list of the Puritan beliefs.
Strict religion, strong connection of Church & State
20. Define "Middle Passage."
The route slave ships took from West Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas; it was about a 3 month journey that was deadly.
21. Explain the historical significance of the Magna Carta.
The first written constitution in the history of the world. (Constitution limits the powers of the government)
22. What impact did Roger Williams have on religion in Rhode Island?
He founded Rhode Island and established religious toleration in that colony; separation of church and state.
23. Define mercantilism.
The belief that the mother country had the right to regulate trade (control trade) as it saw fit, with the intent of strengthening the country’s economy (controlling the country’s imports and exports).
24. Explain the impact of the Great Awakening.
The First Great Awakening (a religious movement between 1730s and 1740s) spread the idea that individuals were equal in God’s eyes which resulted in colonists beginning to demand political equality.
25. Using the triangle, explain triangular trade?