Notes from NP meeting 9thAugust 2017
Present: Sandra Gamble, Steve Coxhead, Richard Scott, Julia Ford and Anthony Northcote Apologies: Mike May
1.SG welcomed AN and updated the meeting on the grant from Locality (now received), although no official remittance has been received as promised so there may be some timing issues regarding exactly when the grant availability period commenced of which AN confirmed he was aware, but these were not insurmountable.
2.AN agreed and signed the Letter of Appointment.
3.SG reported that the Gaiger site 7 was not included in the Wiltshire Council draft DPD. However, the PC can comment on this draft DPD and say that our consultation undertaken as part of the NP process has 68% of respondents choosing Site 7. There are also two queries on the revised Settlement Boundary Review.
4.AN spoke to “Our Place: Our Plan” - a list of things to do.
Documents required:
-NPlan: Update policies
-Policies Map: Ask WC to produce an illustrated Policies Map, with overlaid information eg showing protection for educational sites, green spaces, conservation area and any other info we require. If any policies have a land element, they should be on the map.
-Basic Conditions Statement: check list that what we are proposing is in Wiltshire adoptive policies and with regard to national policies.
-Consultation Statement: summarise consultations we have done and give general indication what was said and what we did, themes or issues raised and how the PC responded to it, ( eg drainage).
-Strategic Environment Assessment(SEA) Screening andHabitats Regulation Assessment(HRA) Screening : check with WC if needed as goal posts moved over the 4 years of our plan. SG will forward to AN contact details re requests for screening SEA and HRA.
-Designated Area Map : publish separately.
Evidence :
All evidence should be proportionate and in line with Wiltshire or national policy, or what people want (evidence on site selection). Housing Needs Assessment survey focusses on affordable housing, but nothing to say we cannot do more housing as long as we are not undermining the Core Strategy. Housing could be phased over a longer time scale than the current plan period to 2026.
External Influences:
Adjoining parishes – Market Lavington (service centre) some consultation and work done but are in conflict with WC re sites. Worton is working on plan, consulting on Housing Site allocations plan tilSept17but dispute over a site. Issue could be if both ML & WL grow together (coalesce).
Other issues:
Logo/Branding: decide on style, branding, font etc. Each document in a different colour and in plain English as far as possible. Photos: need some general photos. Every policy must have justification, either as an introduction then policy, or the justification separately. Suggested an Executive summary but this would be only for community use, not the Inspection.
General Broad Structure:
Introduction, Background on WL, Vision, Objectives, Policies, Implementation and Delivery, Glossary, Policies Map (separate) and any Non-planning issues, which could be transport, bus services, community aspirations and priorities for the PC to progress further.
Proposed Policies:
BE1 Settlement Boundary general policy, not just housing by also employment
H1 Other Housing – conversions, and as our settlement is linear there is pressure on infill so avoid overdensity, backland infill and resist tandem development.
BE2 Design of any new development to be in keeping, either materials, scale of buildings, orientation or boundaries.
E1/2 Retention and development of employment
CF1 Community facilities – protection of and new, useful for funding.
CF2 Educational facilities – restricting educational areas for purely educational purposes.
NE1 Designation of Green Space – local green spaces of value to the community, eg Pococks wood behind Catholic Church, entrance to Sandfield, these can be privately owned, not too extensive and be in reasonable proximity to people.
BE3 – Highway impact, and ensure adequate onsite parking .
NE2 Setting of West Lavington parish – landscaped buffer to northeast of Site 7 parallel to stream. Identify if possible important views around the village, (general not specific) and define and justify.
Possible other topics:
Heritage Assets – listed buildings etc already protected.
Prevention of Surface Water Flooding: any “hot” spots needing particular reference?
5.Housing survey 27thSept to 25thOctober 2017, with results available on 16thNovember.
Resolution for acceptance of results to be programmed in when results are known to enable prompt publication of consultation.
6. Proposed startdate for Reg 14 Consultation 24thNovember.
Closing date 5 January 2018 (6 weeks) or 12 January (7 weeks)?
7. So need to write to Reg 14 Consultees prior to this period.
8.Things to do:
-Go ahead with housing survey
-Review Policies
-Logo and branding
-Ask WC to produce illustrated Policies Map
-AN to check with WC re screening requirement for SEA and HRA
-Designated Area Map
-Copies of past consultation to AN
-Drop Box to be organised by AN for any photos or exchange of date.
-Photos, general
-Has Kaye got the Plan in Word (not PDF) for AN?
-Finalise list of Consultees.