CTTS 76 Part 15:2003200*34
Requirements for labelling – Labelling of general household and automotive cleaning chemicals
TTS 76 Part 15: 2003
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Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards 2001
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The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, hereafter referred to as the Bureau, is a body corporate established under the authority of the Standards Act no. 18 of 1997.
In accordance with the Standards Act, the Bureau shall promote and encourage the development and maintenance of standards and further shall establish standards for the following: to improve goods produced or used in Trinidad and Tobago; to ensure industrial efficiency and development; to promote public and industrial welfare, health and safety; and to protect the environment.
The Bureau develops standards through consultation with relevant interest groups, and public comment is invited on all draft standards before they are declared as Trinidad and Tobago Standards in accordance with the provisions of the Standards Regulations.
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NOTE: In order to keep abreast of progress in the industries concerned, Trinidad and Tobago Standards are subject to periodic review. Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
Requirements for labelling – Labelling of Ggeneral household and automotive cleaning chemicals
TTS 76 : Part 15 : 2004
The Specifications Committee that assisted in the development of this Trinidad and Tobago Standard is as follows:
Dr Ivan Chang Yen(Chairperson)University of the West Indies,
Mr Errol GrannumERLS Caribbean Industries
Mr Kenneth KerrMinistry of Health
Mr Greg LaughlinLaughlin and De Gannes Limited
Mr Ramon O'BrienLever Brothers West Indies Limited
Ms Susan RochardAnsa Mc Al Chemicals Limited
Mr Lennox Sham ChoyAgostini Marketing
Ms Arlene StephenMinistry of Legal Affairs, Consumer Affairs Division
Ms Denise Julien - StouteLangston Roach Industries
Ms Felicia ThomasTrinidad and Tobago Bureau of Mr William Murray (Alternate) Standards, Implementation Division
Ms Hayda Wallen(Technical Secretary)Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards
CTTS 76 Part 15:2003200*34
These requirements were declared a Trinidad and Tobago Standard (1st Revision) with effect from ……………, after the draft finalized by the Specifications Committee on Requirements For Labelling of Cleaning Chemicals was approved by the Board of Directors of TTBS.
The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards has recommended that this standard be declared a compulsory standard so as to ensure that adequate information is given to users of general household and automotive cleaning chemicals, and so protect them against danger to health and safety, and to prevent deception arising from misleading advertising or labelling.
This standard will be effective as a compulsory standard on a date to be notified by the Minister responsible for the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards in a Notice to be published in the Trinidad and Tobago Gazette as required by the Standards Act.
In preparing this standard, assistance was derived from the ‘American National Standard for Hazardous Industrial Chemicals – Precautionary Labelling‘ ANSI Z 129.1 – 1994 Hazardous Industrial Chemicals – Precautionary Labelling.
This standard is one in a series of Trinidad and Tobago Standards on Requirements for Labelling.
The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards may be contacted for determination of the appropriate hazard class of the cleaning chemicals.
When requested, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards shall provide advice as to whether labels or drafts of labels comply with the provisions of this or any Trinidad and Tobago Standard referring to labelling.
This standard specifies the information to be included on labels of individual packages of cleaning chemicals, and of collective units of such individual packages, irrespective of package size.
This standard also specifies the information to be included on instruction leaflets accompanying the packages.
This standard applies to the labelling of all cleaning chemicals, and their packages, that are used for general household and automotive cleaning purposes. This includes laundry and other detergents, waxes, polishes, solvents, disinfectants, sanitizers, and scouring pads containing a cleaning chemical.
This standard does not apply to the labelling of cosmetics, and cleaning chemicals primarily intended for use on human beings.
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document.
TTS 6 20 401: 1980 – Guide on the classification of pesticides and certain toxic chemicals
ASTM D56 – 01 Standard test methods for flash point by tag closed tester
ASTM D93 – 00 Standard test methods for flash point by Pensky-Martens closed-cup tester
ASTM D3278 – 96 Standard test methods for flash point of liquids by small scale closed-cup apparatus
3Terms and defintionsdefinitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions shall apply:
3.1accompanying instructions means any document containing instructions or information on the use of the cleaning compound which is supplied on or with a package of the cleaning compound;.
3.2active ingredient(s) means any substance, which, when included in a cleaning compound, is claimed to be responsible for the stated-function (s) of the product;.
3.3address means the full postal address of the principal place of business or registered office of the manufacturer or distributor of the cleaning chemicals;.
3.4appropriate authority means a person, officer, or authority administering a law controlling the labelling, manufacture, importation, transportation, storage, use or sale of cleaning chemicals;
3.54allergenic substance means any chemical which may cause an allergic reaction in normal tissue after exposure to the chemical.
3.5cleaning chemical means any substance, in solid, gaseous, or spray form used primarily for freeing contaminating matter from any surface or space;
NOTE:Cleaning chemical is used as a general term throughout the standard and does not imply that the product is composed of only one chemical;.
3.66common name in relation to an active ingredient, means the name assigned to such an ingredient by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards or other appropriate relevant authority in Trinidad and Tobago;.
3.77container means any:
a)receptacle or enclosure used in packaging and shippingtransportation, or
b)relatively large, reusable enclosures to be filled with smaller packages and discrete objects, to consolidate shipmentstransport;.
3.88corrosive chemical means a chemical material that causes visible destruction of or irreversible alterations in living tissue and/or on inanimate surfaces by chemical action at the site of contact;.
3.9country of origin means either
a)the country where the goods were wholly manufactured, or
b)in cases where the nature or quality of the goods was last changed to a significant extent elsewhere, (other than by packaging), the last country where such significant change occurred.
NOTEThis term shall not refer to action on inanimate surfaces.
3.910detergent means a surface-active compound, either natural or synthetic, which acts as a cleansing and suspending agent in a cleaning chemical.by emulsifying the oils and greases occuring in soils on fabrics, ceramics and other surfaces as a result of its ability to reduce interfacial tension between dissimilar liquids;
3.1011disinfectant means an agent which reduces, inactivates, and/or destroys or irreversibly inactivates infectious or other undesirable bacteria or pathogenic fungimicro organisms on surfaces of inanimate objects;.
3.1112distributor means the person or organisation actually engaged in the marketing of cleaning chemicals;.
NOTEThe manufacturer may be the distributor of his own products;.
3.1213explosive chemicals means liquid or solid chemicals (or a mixture of chemicals) which are by themselves capable, by chemical reaction, of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to surroundings. Included are pyrotechnic substances even when they do not evolve gases;.
3.1314flammable or inflammable chemical means a substance falling within any of the following categories:
3.1314.1flammable liquid means any liquid having a flash point below 37.8° C (100° F), except any mixture having components with flash points of 37.8°C (100° F) or higher, the total of which make up 99 percent or more of the total volume of the mixturemeans any liquid having a flash point below 37.8 C except any liquid mixture having one or more components with a flash point at or above 32.8 C which make up 99 percent or more of the total volume of the mixture;.
3.1314.2extremely flammable liquid means product any liquid with flash point below –6.7 C (19.94° F;).
3.1314.3flammable gas means a gas, which, at atmospheric temperature and pressure, forms a flammable mixture with air when present at a concentration of 13 percent or less (by volume), or forms a range of flammable mixtures with air greater than 12 percent regardless of the lower limit; and.
3.1314.4flammable solid means a solid, other than an explosive, that is liable to cause fire through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or that can be ignited readily and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a hazard;.
3.1415flash point means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapour in sufficient concentration to ignite when tested by one of the methods given in Annex C;.
3.1516harmful substances or preparations means those which, if inhaled or taken internally or if they penetrate the skin, may pose health risks to the person;.
3.1617hazard means any harm or risk to the health or safety of a person or animal which may arise when the cleaning compound is handled, used or stored;.
3.1718hazard class means the class in which a cleaning compound is placed after consideration of all forseeableforeseeable hazards which may arise in its use;.
3.1819hazardous chemical means a chemical (or mixture of chemicals) that is either toxic or highly toxic; an irritant; corrosive, a strong oxidizer; a strong sensitizerallergenic; combustible; either flammable or extremely flammable; dangerously highly reactive; pyrophoric or pressure generating during storage; or that otherwise may cause substantial, acute or chronic personal injury or illness during or as a direct result of any customary or reasonably foreseeable handling or use;.
NOTEIf available data on human experience indicate results different from those obtained on animals, the human data shall take precedence.
3.1920irritant substances and preparations means those which are ‘non-corrosive‘ and which, through immediate, prolonged and/or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membranes can cause inflammation;.
3.2021label means any label, mark, symbol, device, imprint, stamp, brand, ticket or tag applied to, placed on, accompanying, sold with, distributed with, or and referring to any cleaning chemical or package containing cleaning chemical;.
3.2122main panel means that part of a label normally intended to be presented to the consumer or intended to be most conspicuous to the consumer, regardless of the shape or size of the container, at the time when the cleaning compound to which the label relates is offered or exposed for sale;.
3.23manufactures means that process through which a product is generated for sale and/or use by consumers.
3.2224manufacturer means the person or organization actually engaged in, or being principally responsible for, manufacturing or producing the cleaning chemical;.
3.23 25 oxidizing material means:
a)a substance which tends to evolve oxygen when the environmental temperature rises; or
b)an oxidizing chemical which can react spontaneously and vigorously at ambient temperature when in contact with reducing agents;.
3.2426package means any receptacle, container, wrapper, box, or confining band or card in or on which cleaning chemicals are sold, but does not include package liners, shipping containers or any other wrapping or box not customarily displayed to the consumer or purchaser at the point of retail sale;.
3.2527prepackaged means placed in advance of sale in the final package in which the product is intended for retail sale, and in which it may be sold, used, or purchased without further repackaging.;
3.28relevant authority means a person, officer or authority administering a law controlling the labelling, manufacture, importation, transportation, storage, use, sale, advertising or disposal of cleaning chemicals.;
3.26sanitizer means a chemical agent used commercially to reduce the bacterial population in utensils employed in processing, preparing or eating food;
3.2729sell means:
(a)offer for sale,
(b)expose for sale,
(c)and/or have in possession for sale.;
3.28strong sensitizer means any chemical that causes a substantial proportion of people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical;
3.2930toxic substances and preparations means those which, if they are inhaled, ingested or taken internally or if they penetrate the skin, may result in serious, chronic or acute and or chronic health risks and even death.;
3.3031warning mark means one of the symbols or marks shown in Annex B of this standard;.
3.3132warning phrase means the word, phrase or phrases accompanying each warning mark as in Annex B and any other warning phrase given in this standard.
NOTEThe warning mark with its accompanying warning phrase (s) indicates the kind and degree of hazard of the cleaning compound which the user or handler is likely to encounter.
4.0Requirements for labelling
4.1.1Every individual package of cleaning chemical and collective units of such individual packages, that are distributed, displayed for sale or offered for sale, shall bear labels, which shall carry all of the following information in the English language Language and in a legible form. the main panel of the label, the following information shall be carried:
a)both the statements"READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE" and "KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN‘' or other similar statement, which shall be conspicuous;, which shall be conspicuous;
b)the brand name or trade name of the product;
c)generic the common name of the cleaning chemical;
d)a statement of the net contents of the package in terms of SI Units of mass (weight) or volume, or in terms of number of pieces as applicable; and
e)for a hazardous cleaning chemical, an indication, by warning marks and warning phrases, of the hazard class of the hazardous cleaning chemicals. (See Tables 1 and 2, Annexes A and B).
NOTEWhere the cleaning chemical poses more than one hazard, the most serious one should take priority for labelling. Sometimes it shall be necessary to use two or more warning marks depending upon the seriousness of the hazards. the label of each package of cleaning chemical, the following additional information shall be stated:
a)for a cleaning chemical manufactured in Trinidad and Tobago, the name and address of the manufacturer or distributoror of the cleaning chemical, and a statement that the cleaning chemical is made in Trinidad and Tobago;
b)for a cleaning chemical imported in a prepackaged or other form in Trinidad and Tobago, the name and address of the foreign manufacturer or of the distributor of the cleaning chemical in Trinidad and Tobago and the country of origin of the cleaning chemical;
c)the statement "READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE" or other similar statement;
c)d)the main intended uses of the product;
d)e)adequate specific directions as to the manner offor the safe use of the cleaning chemical;
e)f)the common names of all active and of all toxic ingredients;
f)g)where the packaging is not transparent, the physical form where necessaryof the cleaning chemical;
g)h)first aid instructions, for example, in the event of contact, inhalation, absorption, ingestion, fire, spill or leakage of packages;
h)i)for hazardous cleaning chemicals, the safety precautions required for the storage, transportation and use of the products, the warning statement "DONOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE” (or other similar statement), and instructions to dispose of the containers safely and properly after the contents have been used;
i)j)for hazardous cleaning chemicals, a statement of any precautions to be observed to minimize its concentration in effluent, fluid waste and septic tank systems; and
j)k)an expiry date (or other similar designation) where the effectiveness of the cleaning chemical is affected by its age.
NOTEThe Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards shall be the final authority to determine if it is necessary for an expiry date to be put on the label(s) of cleaning chemicals.
4.1.2 The information required in and be included in any instructions which may accompany the package of cleaning chemicals.
4.1.3Where possible, the information required by (c), (g) and (h) shall be given by one of the standardized phrases set out in Annex A.
4.2Labelling of aerosols
In addition to the requirements specified in 4.1, the labels of aerosols shall carry the following warning statement:
or any statement equivalent in content to this.
4.3Warning marks and warning phrases to be used with cleaning chemicals in hazard (toxicity) classes Ia, Ib, II and III
The main panel of the label and any accompanying instructions applying to the package of cleaning chemicals in any of the four Hazard Classes Ia, Ib, II and III, shall carry the warning marks of Annex B and warning phrases as indicated in Table 1.
Table 1- Warning marks and warning phrases applicable to cleaning chemicals of hazard (toxicity) classes Ia, Ib, II & III