Oxana Semernia1, Jose Italo Cortez2, Natalia Sosnitskaya3, Liliana Cortez2, Manuel Rodriguez2
1Department ofTeachingPhysics andTechnologicalSubjects’Education Industry
Kamianets-Podilsky IvanOhienko National University, Ukraine
2Research Laboratory of Digital Systems and Renewable Energy
Faculty of Computer Science, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico
3Department of Teaching Physics and Mathematics and Information Technology in Education
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
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The article examines similarityand differencesin the teacher’s functions such as a manager and a moderator on the example of aPhysics teacher. The specific tasksfor the currenttesting of students' knowledge in Physics are being analyzed.
Keywords:Physics teacher, manager, facilitator, competence, level of awareness, pedagogiccreed.
There are constant changesin thelearning process such as such as changes in structure, content, concepts, approaches etc. Therefore,futurePhysics teachermust be able toadaptto these changes.While studyingin highereducational establishmentsstudentsare laying the foundationskillsto adapt tochangesin educational activities.Such featuresare calledskillscompetenciesandactivities toidentify these competences [2].
Today a teacher of Physics is serving as a managerin education and,simultaneously, is amoderatorof studentcompetencies.
Let us define thebasic functions ofa teacher-manager as well as thebasic functions ofa teacher-moderator. Let us compareandsummarizethem. The functions ofthe teacher-manager are the following: administrative, organizational, communicational, didactic, educational, controlling, environmental, research-orientated, structural and technological [3].
The functions ofthe teacher-moderator may be described in the following way: teacher-manager, teacher plays the role of a journalist, showmen, interviewer,commentator, columnist, teacher shares the experience (nottheory), the function of looks anddiction.
Thus, thefunctions ofthe teacher-manager andthe teacher-moderatorcomplementoneanother andcreatea competentmodern specialist [2].
Teacheracts as ideologue andcarries onideologicalculture of the nation.Hebuilds student’sindividualitywhile teachingPhysics.
Physics instructor teaches children’s the basics of nature interrelationships, the laws of nature. Moreover, it can simulate the ideology of thinking of his pupils towards the development of the scientific picture of the world outlook. These opportunities are developing a teacher of Physics. So Physics teacher is the moderator and the manager.
Teacher-manager controls and organizes cognitive activity of pupils; the teacher is able to teach these moderators expertise’s to pupils in an accessible way. Functions of the manager and moderator for a teacher of Physics here are complementary. This allows you to control the quality of pupils' knowledge and it allows you to simulate the image of a competent pupil. Children like to explore the world of nature since birth. The main objective for a teacher of Physics is to improve the quality of pupils’ curiosity. This can be done in the following way:Teacher of Physics is aware of the educational,developmentalpurposes of teaching. The learning process of students produces a result, when it is under the control. Monitoring of current study of pupils' knowledge results gives error statistics and error correction capabilities. While teaching Physics teacher controls the learning process and can simulate specific intelligence of pupil.
Therefore, the preparation of future teachers of Physics is tightly connected with mastering the features of the manager and moderator.
Let us analyze some examples of tasks for future teachers in developing the features of a manager [1].The tasks are:
1.Prepare aPhysicslessonscripton the topic "Preemptive power. Principle of Archimedes". ConductaPhysics lesson. Analyze thelesson.
2.Prepareoutlinereferences on the topic"Gravity" for pupils.Explainthe theoretical basisforthe topic.
3.Make a physicaldevice fordemonstrationof mechanical motion.Applyit whileexplainingnew material.
Demonstrateproblem forfuture teachers-moderators. [1].
1.Preparea demonstrationlesson on Physics with a computer presentationon the topic "Nuclear Reactor." Conductthe lesson.Analyze it.
2.Write an article on theindividualsubjectand publish itin a collection ofscientific papers.Discussthe main theses ofthe article.
3.Organizeextracurriculareducationaleventon Physicson the topic "Inertia Trial Case".Involvethe present students’ audienceinto the event.Run the ‘trial’.Analyzeand evaluatethe work of each student.
Consequently, the suggested tasks complement the functions of manager andadd new features tothe moderator. Currentandsystematic useof the specialtaskscreatesdevelops teachers’ skills of managers andmoderators.
The mainmotifof trainingfuture teachersof Physics is the systematicaccomplishment ofprofessional taskswhile learningspecifictechniques.The level ofcomplexity of the taskandcompetenceofa student are identified by the teacher of specificdisciplineor theyare listedbefore thetask in parentheses, like in the task below [1].
It iscalling ‘the level ofcompetence of futureteachersof Physics’.If the student accomplishes the task, his level of competencecorresponds with it.If the task is not solved,then it is necessaryto solve thetask, which level is somewhat lower thansuggested before. Onlythetasks, which can be accomplished by the students,activatetheir cognitiveactivity.Therefore,the teacherconductscurrentmonitoringof students’ knowledge and knowsthe level of trainingof each of them.
Let us compare the tasks for the different degree of awareness:
1 (degree of awareness- ability). Preparedidactictaskfortestcertificationin Physicsin the firstsemesterof the8th grade.
2 (degree of awareness-persuasion). Prove thatthe reason of the bodymovement is the power, not its speed.Takethe limits of its uselikein classical mechanics.
3 (degree of awareness- skills). Solve theproblemwith explanationsfor thesynthesizedalgorithm.Oxygen (10 g) has apressure0.303MPa and its temperature is 10C.After heatingat constant pressureoxygenoccupiedvolume of10 liters.Findthe initialvolume andthe finaltemperature of thegas.
During the currentprofessional activities, students learn to developpedagogicalcompetenceandoutlook.Students learn toidentify andpresentthe results ofindividual projects. Studentsindependentlyimplementcreativityand stimulatemotivation tochoosethe Physics teaching profession[3].
The strategy of training Physics teachersasmanagers andmoderatorsof the educational processcan be described by the following basicstatements.
1. Determine theglobal goalof trainingfuture teachersof Physics.
2. Developtargetbinaryprogram withspecial subjectsfor training.
3.Producedidacticmaterialin accordance withthe requirements of students’ awareness level.
4.Developlectures,practical, laboratorysessionsplans for the binarytraining program requirements.
5. Developtopicsfor independentandindividual workof students.
6.Conductcurrent andtopicalcontrol ofcognitiveactivity of futurePhysics teachers.
7.Applyand manageeducational andcognitive processes.
Let us look at how these stages.
Move on the first stage on the topic “The global goal of training teachers of physics”.
This goal is seen in terms of two aspects, such as the large-scale dimension and narrower. For large-scale representation of the global goal is characterizing by such features as the transfer of the social experience of the individual and on this basis, the formation of socially significant individual-to-individual spiritual and intellectual values. As for theglobalphysics teachertraining objectivesin a morenarrow sense, you should attractattention to suchfeatures. These features, such as the formation ofstudents'scientific principlesof physicsto thelevel of intellectual, scientific and philosophical, and social and cultural enrichment ofthe individual.
In general, the content of the physical education teachers of physics consists of four blocks.
1. Create a system of theoretical, methodological and applied knowledge on basic physics.
2. Create the totality of methods those are necessary conditions for transformation new knowledge.
3. Implement the practical experience of creative approaches for updating knowledge.
4. Create a system of moralnorms in society.
Let us look at the next phase of strategy for the training of teachers of physics.
Move on the second stage on the topic “Target and a double program of special subjects”.
This program clearly described levels of assimilation of each training unit as a stream-grade level of students, and at the final stage of training students.A feature of such programs is that special discipline "Didactics of Physics". The program consists of two parts, such as didactic and basic school physics.
Let us will submit in the table 3.1. fragment of the target program on didactics.
This table clearly described to achieve the necessary levels of standards of knowledge, both didactic and on school physics.
Table 3.1.
Binary target program "Didactics of Physics"
№ / The content of the training material / The Perfect level of acquired knowledge / The Finallevel of acquired knowledge
Didactics of Physics
1. / Structure and content of school physics / Imitation / Persuasion
2. / Especially the study of physics didactics / Fullness
3. / Formation of the concept of a physical quantity
4. / Forming ideas about the mechanical movement
8. / The study of electrical phenomena / Ability
9. / The study of magnetic phenomena
10. / The study of the phenomena of light / Fullness
School physics
1. / Physical quantity / Ability
2. / Mechanical phenomena
5. / The mechanical energy
6. / Pressure / Fullness
7. / Thermal phenomena / Ability
10. / Light phenomena / Fullness
11. / Physical training experiment / Ability
Thus, the target binary program helps the student and the teacher better understand the purpose of training and learn the ultimate goal, which will characterize the results of the training and the result of a manifestation of future teachers of physics.
Let us go to the next stage of the strategy-training teachers of physics.
This stage refers to the development of didactic material on the set goals that we set in the binary target program for "Didactics of Physics."
Move on the third stage.Look, we give examples of educational material on the didactics of physics in the form of special tasks to form a competent teacher.
1. Compile guidelines for the solution of physical problems on light events for our students.
2.Designers create experimental experience on the topic "Flat mirror". Conduct the experiment. Analyze it.
3.Analyze and make connections between school subjects of mathematics and physics on light phenomena.Complete the table and make a block-schema.
4.Write and prepare plans physics lessons on the topics "Photometry andPower of Light" and "The dispersion of light".Hold fragments’ of lessons. Make introspection lessons.
5.Present a PowerPoint presentation or a video lesson on the topic "Light in the world around us".Conduct such a lesson.Analyze the errors and inaccuracies lesson. .
In general, the learning activities of special purpose for the future teachers of physics allow them to train in the profession.Besides, as you have seen, these are focusing on the target binary program.In this program, specify the level of assimilation of educational material, such as the possession of knowledge.
We intended level of assimilated knowledge that conviction at the end of the course didactics of physics. Therefore, in a line training of physics teachers, we will always come back to the subject of the study of light phenomena. In order to have article formed a future students of physics’ about the introduction of the idea of the nature of light. This is the corpuscular and wave-particle duality.
Let us go the fourth stage on the topic “The lectures, practical, laboratory sessions on didactics of physics”.
We are developing lectures, practical and laboratory classes, corresponding binary target curriculum didactics of physics.This applies to the content part of the discipline.To studyphysicsdidacticshave405hours. In the classroom, it is 194 hours.Moreover, outside of the classroom it is 211 hours.
Let us look at an example plan of practical training on didactics of physics on the topic "Studying the phenomena of light" for the students.
Ask and answer the questions.
1 (degree of awareness- understanding).What role does the light in a person's life?
2 (degree of awareness- understanding).Is the Moon a light source?
3 (degree of awareness- fullness). What is studying fiber optics?Hover for examples the LEDs in the home.
4 (degree of awareness- fullness).Why the world is colorful?
Lesson Plan
1. Talk about the methodological elements of studying the phenomena of light.
2. Say how the analysis of the basic concepts of the topic.
3. Illustrate the construction of optical imaging.
4. Tell us about introduction to the study of concepts of the lens and about the imaging in thin lenses.
5. Do exercise.Suggest ways to study wave characteristics of light for pupils.Demonstrate this by examples.
We conducthands-on trainingin a creative andrelaxed atmosphere.This is aconversation ordiscussion, ortalk, followed by questions. Students talk about the introduction of basic concepts of light phenomena in the examples and problems.We played together in the professional game to hold fragments of lessons on such topics.
Move on the fifth stage on the topic “Autonomy and individual work of students”.
This part of the strategic plan training regulated by administrative guidance. However, we are making substantial changes in the training of students in aspectsof educational content. This is mainly relevant issues didactics of physics.
1. Write about the development of cognitive interest of pupils in physics.
2. Illustrate the technology active learning physics.
3. Illustrate the methods of physical solutions of design.
4. Describe about physics experiments at home.
Let us go the sixth stage.Control over the educational process of students.We recognize therapid,stream, topic and summary control.In more detail, this information is describing in the book of Atamanchuk Peter [4].
Let us go the seventh stage.This phase of strategic activities to prepare students for their future profession of physics is very important.The main idea ofthe correction andcontrolof students’cognitive processis the implementation ofa global goal. See counterparts in the first stage. We can manage the process of assimilation of knowledge by students, using the results for controlling.In addition, see colleagues, strategy becomes a ring system.Up to the eighth step of the plan and again, we repeat step by step and so on.
Call it a pedagogical phenomenon effective teaching didactics of physics. Detail you can read it in the books of authors [3, 4].
In thechangingnature ofthe educationalprocess,the teacheractsas a multi-functional personality. Teacheris themanager and afacilitatorof the educational process. The teacheris theideologueof the physical pictureof the world.The teacheris theinterpreter ofinnovationand information technologies of the present and futuresociety.
[1] Atamanchuk PS Didactic seminars of the course "Methods of Teaching Physics" (general): Tutorial / PS Atamanchuk, ON Semernya, TP Poveda. - Kamenetz-Podolsk: Kamenetz-Podolsk National University, John James, 2011. - 384 p.
[2] Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 23.11.2011 № 1341 On approval of the National Qualifications Framework. - [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
[3] Semernya AM Methodological Principles of effective teaching future teachers of physics: a monograph. / A. Semernya. - Kamenetz-Podolsk: Kamenetz-Podolsk National University, John James, 2012. - 376 p.
[4] Atamanchuk PS Managing the teaching and learning of Monograph / PS Atamanchuk. - Kamenetz-Podolsk: K-PDPI, 1997. - 136 p.