Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bureau of Grants Management
Code Description Number CFDA Class (DS-State)
120 Dist. Data Mgmt Syst. 7048-9200 84.372 DF
130 Nutrition: FFV 7049-0230 10.582 DF
132 Teacher Induction/Train. 7010-0216 DS
134 Community Action Service 7035-0004 DS
135 Migrant Student Data Exch. 7048-9144 84.144 DF
137 M.T.C. Content Institutes 7010-5400 TF
138 Living Democracy Comm.Ser 7044-9005 TF
139 RE-SEED Program 7061-9604 DS
140 Teacher Quality 7043-2001 84.367 DF
141 T.Q.-Content Institutes 7043-2001 84.367 DF
146 A.P. Content Institutes 7043-0210 84.330 DF
150 Math/Science Partnerships 7043-2003 84.366 DF
151 II B Content Institutes 7043-2003 84.366 DF
152 Math Training Initiative 7061-9804 DS
153 Math/Science Initiative 7061-9804 DS
160 Enhanced Ed.Through Tech. 7043-2002 84.318 DF
164 Tech.Data Driven Decision 7043-2002 84.318 DF
165 Integrated Tech.Models 7043-2002 84.318 DF
170 Tech. Enhancement-Options 7043-2002 84.318 DF
171 Content Institutes 7043-2002 84.318 DF
175 SAELP-Leadership Develop. 7044-0021 TF
176 SAELP-Leadership Coaching 7044-0021 TF
180 LEP Support 7043-3001 84.365 DF
184 LEP- Summer Support 7043-3001 84.365 DF
185 Language Instruction 7043-3001 84.365 DF
187 State- LEP Summer Support 7061-9404 DS
190 State Assessment Program 7043-6001 84.369 DF
193 Elementary Violence Prev. 7010-0005 DS
194 Safe SchoolsII 7010-0005 DS
195 Student Attendence Review 7061-9307 DS
196 Char.Ed Content Institute 7027-0201 84.215 DF
197 Trans. Routing Software 7035-0006 DS
198 School Linked Services 7032-0650 DS
199 Spec.Ed Transportation 7061-0012 DS
216 Mental Health Support 7043-7001 84.027 DF
219 Reg. Support/Under Perf. 7061-9408 DS
220 Support/ Under Perf.Dist. 7061-9408 DS
221 Spec.& Support/High Need 7061-9408 DS
222 Expanded Learning Time 7061-9408 DS
223 State- Compass Schools 7061-9408 DS
224 Regional Planning 7061-9408 DS
225 Implementation-Expanded 7061-9412 DS
226 Planning- Expanded Learn. 7061-9412 DS
235 Concurrent Enrollment 7061-9600 DS
240 Sped 94-142 Allocation 7043-7001 84.027 DF
241 Sped Supplement 7043-7001 84.027 DF
242 Sped: Electronic Portfolio 7043-7001 84.027 DF
243 Sped 94-142 Transition 7043-7001 84.027 DF
244 IEP Training 7043-7001 84.027 DF
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bureau of Grants Management
Code Description Number CFDA Class
245 Sped 94-142 Y.A.L.D 7043-7001 84.027 DF
246 Project Focus Academy 7044-0020 84.323 DF
249 Sped Public/Private Collb 7043-7001 84.027 DF
250 Specialized Training 7043-7001 84.027 DF
251 Sped SPRIG 7043-7001 84.027 DF
252 Sped Corrective Action 7043-7001 84.027 DF
255 Sped Integration 7043-7001 84.027 DF
256 Spec Assistance Mentoring 7043-7001 84.027 DF
257 SPED School to Work Trans 7043-7001 84.027 DF
263 Sped Autistic Programs 7043-7001 84.027 DF
266 Professional Development 7043-7001 84.027 DF
267 SPED-Middle School Read 7043-7001 84.027 DF
268 Low Incidence Programs 7043-7001 84.027 DF
274 Sped Program Improvement 7043-7001 84.027 DF
284 Adult Curriculum Dev 7035-0002 DS
285 Adult Ed Corrections 7038-0107 84.002 DF
286 Adult Ed Volunteers 7038-0107 84.002 DF
287 ABE State Volunteers 7035-0002 DS
289 Sped-Professional Develop 7043-7001 84.027 DF
297 Project Impact 7043-7002 84.173 DF
299 Community Service CII 7038-9004 84.219 DF
302 Title V(Formerly TitleVI) 7043-5001 84.298 DF
304 Even Start 7035-0166 84.314 DF
305 Title I Distribution 7043-1001 84.010 DF
306 Chapter 1 Neglected-DOC 7043-1005 84.013 DF
307 Chapter 1 Delinquent-DYS 7043-1005 84.013 DF
308 Chapter 1 Migrant 7043-1004 84.011 DF
310 McKinney Homeless 7043-6501 84.196 DF
316 School Achievement 7043-1001 84.010 DF
317 Racial Imbalance (Metco) 7010-0012 DS
322 Title 1 Pro Improvement 7043-1001 84.010 DF
323 Title 1-School Support 7043-1001 84.010 DF
327 Workplace Literacy Ptship 7038-0151 84.198 DF
331 Drug Free Schools-Dist 7043-4001 84.186 DF
332 Drug Free Schools-CII 7043-4001 84.186 DF
333 Drug Free Schools-Emergen 7043-4001 84.186 DF
334 Comp Health Res Library 7032-0228 13.118 DF
337 English Literacy MELD 7038-0193 84.223 DF
340 Adult Basic Education D. 7038-0107 84.002 DF
341 Adult Basic Education CII 7038-0107 84.002 DF
342 Adult Ed.Career Centers 7038-0107 84.002 DF
343 Adult Ed SABES 7038-0107 84.002 DF
344 Adult Ed PALMS 7038-0107 84.002 DF
345 Adult Ed. Learning Ctr. 7035-0002 DS
348 English Literacy 7028-0141 84.223 DF
353 Ad.Ed. Learning Together 7038-0107 84.002 DF
354 Learn & Serve Sch. Based 7038-9004 94.004 DF
355 Community Service Learn. 7047-9008 94.004 DF
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bureau of Grants Management
Code Description Number CFDA Class
359 ESL/Civics 7038-0107 84.002 DF
400 Occ Ed-Vocational Skills 7043-8001 84.048 DF
401 Perkins Post Secondary 7043-8001 84.048 DF
408 Occ Ed-Consortium 7043-8001 84.048 DF
409 Alloc - NEW TECHNOLOGY 7043-8001 84.048 DF
410 State Lead-Prof Develop 7043-8001 84.048 DF
411 State Lead - Research 7043-8001 84.048 DF
413 State Lead - Curr Devel 7043-8001 84.048 DF
414 Student Org./Vica 7043-8001 84.048 DF
419 State Lead- Other 7043-8001 84.048 DF
420 SP-Voc Skills Training 7043-8001 84.048 DF
421 Program Improvement 7043-9126 84.048 DF
422 CTE-Summer Transition 7043-9126 84.048 DF
423 CTE.-Content Institutes 7043-9126 84.048 DF
424 SP-Other 7043-8001 84.048 DF
425 Elim. Sex Bias Voc.Skills 7043-8001 84.048 DF
429 Eliminate Sex Bias-Other 7043-8001 84.048 DF
430 Occ Ed Corrections 7043-8001 84.048 DF
431 Career Resource Network 7062-0019 84.346 DF
432 High Schl.Reform 7027-4444 84.215 DF
452 Corr-Skills Training 7043-8001 84.048 DF
460 Cert. of Occ.Proficiency 7010-1022 DS
461 C.O.P. - Curriculum Devel. 7010-1022 DS
462 Connecting Voc/Coop. Ed. 7010-1022 DS
463 Embedded Academics 7010-1022 DS
464 Program Reclassification 7010-1022 DS
468 Tech Prep Other 7043-8002 84.243 DF
479 Jr. Achievement 7035-0123 DS
480 School to Work Transition 7027-0016 DS
494 Workplace Education 7038-0107 84.002 DF
510 Title I School Improvement 7043-1006 84.377 DF
511 Title 1- Stipend 7043-1006 84.377 DF
520 Learn & Serve Comm. Based 7038-9404 94.004 DF
528 School Safety Initiative 7061-9611 DS
529 After Schl. Meals Program 7061-9611 DS
530 After School Programs 7061-9611 DS
531 After School Programs 7061-9611 DS
532 Elementary Violence Preve 7061-9611 DS
533 Charter School Start-Up 7010-0017 DS
534 Public Charter Schools 7062-0016 84.282 DF
535 Pub. Charter Schools 7062-0017 84.282 DF
536 School Based-Comm.Service 7061-9611 DS
537 Charter Sch.Dissemination 7062-0017 84.282 DF
538 State Workplace Education 7035-0002 DS
542 Summer Meals Expansion 7053-1925 DS
543 Summer Vacation Meals Pro 7053-1929 DS
544 School Breakfast Demonstr 7053-1928 DS
545 Univ. School Breakfast 7053-1927 DS
546 Breakfast Expansion 7053-1925 DS
547 Breakfast Expansion 7053-2114 10.553 DF
548 Nutrition Education 7053-2118 10.564 DF
549 Nutrition Summer Start-up 7053-1925 DS
561 Adult Ed State Homeless 7035-0002 DS
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bureau of Grants Management
Code Description Number CFDA Class
562 YouthBuild -ABE programs 7061-9626 DS
563 ABE State Corrections 7035-0002 DS
564 Mass Family Literacy Cons 7038-0160 84.314 DF
568 Educator Quality Enhance 7010-0216 TF
569 Ed.Quality T-CAP 7010-0216 TF
578 Leadership Initiative 7010-0216 TF
579 After School Learning 7061-9610 DS
580 Gifted &Talented 7061-9621 DS
581 Transition to Teaching 7043-9002 84.350 DF
582 Transition To Teaching 7043-9002 84.350 DF
583 School Support Program 7043-1001 84.218 DF
584 Javits Gifted & Talented 7044-0250 84.206 DF
585 School Improvement 7032-0405 84.348 DF
586 G & T:Planning/Prof.Devel 7061-9621 DS
587 Implementation& Support 7061-9621 DS
588 Domestic Violence Prevent 7028-1400 DS
590 Advanced Placement Progrm 7061-9620 DS
591 Advanced Placement Incent 7035-0210 84.330 DF
592 Targeted Summer Support 7061-9404 DS
593 Higher Ed Summer Support 7061-9404 DS
594 Student Achievement 7061-9404 DS
595 Comm. Service Partnerships 7038-9008 94.004 DF
595 Comm. Service Partnerships 7038-9008 94.004 DF
596 Class2003-Support 7061-9404 DS
597 Class 2003 - Summer 7061-9404 DS
598 Student Achievement Help 7061-9404 DS
599 After Schl-Academ.Support 7061-9404 DS
610 Fam. Lit.-ABE Challenge 7035-0002 DS
611 Adult Ed Mentoring 7035-0002 DS
619 High School Partnerships 7061-9404 DS
620 Math&Science Academy- 7061-9612 DS
623 Future Teachers Clubs 7010-0216 TF
624 SPELL Program 7061-9404 DS
625 Summer Academic Support 7061-9404 DS
626 Summer Success 7061-9404 DS
627 High School Improvement 7061-9404 DS
628 Professional Development 7061-9404 DS
629 Mass Standards in Action 7061-9400 DS
632 Academic Support Services 7061-9404 DS
633 Tutoring in Reading Prog. 7061-9404 DS
634 Reading Excellence Supp. 7043-7001 84.027 DF
642 CDC supplemental grants 7032-0228 93.938 DF
643 Health Ed Assess. Trainer 7032-0228 93.938 DF
644 CDC: Model Schools 7032-0228 93.938 DF
645 Reg. Health Coordinators 7032-0228 93.938 DF
646 Compass SchoolsII 7010-0029 DS
647 21st Century Comm.Learng. 7043-4002 84.287 DF
653 Workforce Development 7003-1631 DF
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bureau of Grants Management
Code Description Number CFDA Class
658 Spanish Community Serv. 7035-0004 DS
659 ABE Learning Disab. Trng. 7038-0191 84.257 DF
661 ABE Health Education 7035-0002 DS
665 ABE Distance Learning 7035-0002 DS
666 Adult Literacy Hotline 7035-0002 DS
667 ABE SABES-State 7035-0002 DS
668 ABE Transitions Programs 7035-0002 DS
669 Distance Learning-Federal 7038-0107 84.002 DF
670 ABE Curriculum Dev.Impli 7038-0107 84.002 DF
671 Coord.Family Lit.Project 7038-0107 84.002 DF
672 Coord.Family Lit.Project 7038-0188 84.314 DF
674 Coord.Family Lit.Project 7043-7002 84.173 DF
675 Coord.Family Lit.Project 7043-1001 84.010 DF
690 Rural Ed Achievement Prog 7043-6002 84.358 DF
701 Kinder. Enhancement prog. 7030-1002 DS
702 Kindergarten Transition 7030-1002 DS
703 Parent-Child Home Literac 7030-1004 DS
717 CDC Teen Pregnancy Prevent.7049-0229 93.938 DF
718 Health Leadership Institu 7032-0228 93.938 DF
719 Wellness Programs 7057-0519 10.574 DF
720 TEAM Nutrition grants 7062-0011 DF
721 NSLP Equipment 7060-2118 10.579 DF
727 Read.1st-Targeted Assist. 7043-1002 84.357 DF
728 Reading First Program 7043-1002 84.357 DF
735 Jobs for Youth Initiative 7030-1003 DS
736 Reach Out and Read Prog. 7030-1003 DS
737 Literacy Partnerships-GR1 7010-0033 DS
738 Literacy Partnerships-GR2 7010-0033 DS
755 ARRA-McKinney 7060-6501 84.387 DF
760 IDEA – ARRA 7060-7001 84.391 DF
762 ARRA-Early Childhood 7060-7002 84.392 DF
770 Title 1- ARRA 7060-1001 84.389 DF
771 Title 1 ARRA Sch.Improv. 7060-1001 84.389 DF
775 Title II-D ARRA Collab 7060-2002 84.386 DF
776 Title II-D ARRA Compet. 7060-2002 84.386 DF
777 Title II-D ARRA Pro. Dev. 7060-2002 84.386 DF
780 ARRA- Stabilization 7061-0004 84.394 DF
782 ARRA- SFSF Recovery 7061-0004 84.394 DF
783 ARRA –SFSF Recovery II 7061-0005 84.397 DF
790 Alternative Ed.Programs 7061-9614 DS
791 Safe Environments 7061-9614 DS
792 Mass.Service Alliance 7061-9634 DS
850 GED TEST Centers 7035-0002 DS