24th February 2016.
Dear Parent / Carer,
On Monday the 7th of March from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. we will be running a Revision Evening for Parents and Carers of Year 11 students. These evenings are designed to give parents and carers the opportunity to find out ways to support Year 11 students in the run-up to the GCSE exams, both in individual subjects and more generally.
The evening will begin with a short talk in the school hall outlining the support available to students over the next few months. This will then be followed by a series of four workshops. Please can you indicate your preferences for these workshops using the table on the back of this letter and return this letter via your son / daughter to Mrs Bullock in the Humanities Admin. Office on the Ground Floor of the TC building by Thursday 3rd of March. Although you will only attend four workshops on the night, it would be helpful if you could indicate your order of preference for up to six workshops (with “1” as the workshop you would most like to attend, “6” for your least preferred choice). This is because there is always high demand for particular subjects and we may not be able to give you your top four choices. We will allocate places on a first come first served basis. It may be worth consulting with your son / daughter to find out which four subjects they need the most help in. If there are two people from your household attending, feel free to choose a different set of choices for the second person. We request that students do not attend this event. There is limited parking available on site, please look at the school website for details about parking locally.
In the past, some students have found it a challenge to return the letter to Mrs Bullock, and so parents and carers have arrived at the evening and not been signed up for any sessions. If you would like confirmation by e-mail that your places have been booked, please add your e-mail address to the form overleaf – if you are expecting confirmation from the school but have not received an e-mail by Friday 4th of March, please contact Mrs Bullock direct on the phone number below.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mrs Bullock on 0117 3532875. You can keep up to date on revision related matters by visiting the SMRT parents and carers revision blog at www.smrtrevision.blogspot.co.uk
Thank you for your support, I look forward to seeing you on the 7th of March.
Yours Faithfully
Ian Taylor
Assistant Head Teacher
Please number up to six workshops in order of preference – we will allocate you to four workshops on a “first come first served” basis.
Name of Year 11 student:
Name(s) of people attending:
Subject / Title of Workshop / Teacher / Your order of preference (1 to 6) / Order of preference for second person (if applicable) (1 to 6)English / “How to be a study buddy” How parents / carers can support their children as they revise for English GCSE. / Mr Crocker
P.E. / “The Cutting Edge”. How to use the PE website to structure revision / Mr Murphy
History / “Map It!” Effective mind mapping to aid revision for GCSE History. / Mr Shorter
Music / “Listening with understanding”. A guide to active listening to music. / Mr Hare
Geography / “Tips from the top!” A guide to surviving the revision process for GCSE Geography. / Mr Morrice
RE / “Sort It!” Using revision cards to remember key facts for the RE exam. / Mrs Dickinson
Access Arrangements* / Supporting students who have 25% extra time in exams and other key Access Arrangement information* / Mr Rowland*
General / Revise It! – Effective Revision Strategies / Mr Taylor
Science / “To infinity and beyond!” How to help students prepare for their GCSE Science exams. / Mr Clayson
General / “Emotional Well-being” – A guide to dealing with stress and the sources of support available within school. / Ms. Hetherington
General / The Extra 5% - how Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar can improve students’ grades in a range of GCSE subjects. / Mr Boswell
Maths / How to revise for GCSE Mathematics. / Mr Sims
If you require an e-mail confirmation that we have received your reply, please write your e-mail address below:
*Mr Rowland will run two sessions on the night and then be available to meet with the parents and carers of individual students, who qualify for access arrangements. If you would like to book a ten minute appointment with him between 8 and 9 p.m. please e-mail but still complete and return this form to attend other sessions.