June 8, 2006
ATTENDEES:Sharon Koskela, Gary Nasser, Janet Gruis, Ryan Leckner, Judi Nelson,Brenda Carpenter, Al Winterberger, Lowell Warne, Todd Sanquist
Chairman Leckner called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance
SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Leckner made a motion to approve the May minutes and Nasser seconded. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Nasser made a motion and Nelson seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written and reported. Motion carried. (See attached).
Nelson made a motion that we claim payment for the June 8th open house for the Growth Management Orderly Annexation agreement with the City of Park Rapids but not for the June 12th open house. Motion carried.
Nasser made a motion to approve the bills for payment and Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Permits Issued:For the month of May, one permit was issued to Ken Gabriel (13.10.00500) for a house construction permit.
Kempnick north of highway 50 (Fireflight Road) was granted an easement to put up structure-never recorded. Remains one parcel. Resident has put up a second building. The second building is within shoreland-permitted by Hubbard Co. Won’t ever be allowed to split. At the time of variance, HubbardCounty’s regulations were different as well.
Rosemary Wallace Rezoning Request from Ag-F to RR (Cty. Rd. 50) wanted to split it into two (2) separate parcels. Planning Commission recommends approving (see file). Koskela made a motion to approve the request and Warne seconded. Motion carried.
Blumberg Rezoning Request 40-acre parcel (SW corner of County Rd 11). Front along Hwy 34 is slated as commercial on the preliminary plat. No subdivision. The property where the house sits would be commercialand the remainder would be RR. Planning Commission recommends approving (see file) Blumberg’s rezoning request from RR and Ag-F to commercial. Warne made a motion to approve the request and Nasser seconded. Motion carried.
Barrett’s Pit– Barrett reopened the entrances onto 209th. No permit or permission to use is in effect. Also, Barrett has attached his truck hauling signs to the HenriettaTownship signs. Winterberger asked Dave in person about these issues. Nothing was resolved. The road is now blown out. Central Specialties is the company occupying the pit. The 209thAvenue road is not a designated haul road according to the conditional use agreement. They were watering down the south. CSI belly dumpers are going out wrong side and should be coming out on east going north and out to 11. Nelson made a motion to have Winterberger respond to the Barrett pit tomorrow morning, June 9th,to serve Mr. Barrett with anorder to cease and desist with regards to road accesses and sign violations. Also, theBoard instructs Ralph Sanquist to blade the entrances shut and close them down as theyare considered illegal entrances. Additionally, because of the safety of the township personnel we request a deputy sheriff respond with Winterberger, along withChairman Ryan Leckner or Lowell Warne. Nasser seconded. Motion carried. A separate cease and desist order should be issued regarding Mr. Barrett’s posted signs on the township’s signage.
- Richard Swenson Conditional Use Permit – Winterberger will write a letter to begin the reclamation process within time constraints of the ordinance.
- Jones/Berdig Property – Tabled until further notice. The City, township and county will need to coordinate a solution together.
- CharlesAvenue – not resolved or recorded at HubbardCounty.
Bladed roads. Worked on patching tar and chip roads. Astech returned a signed contract but no letter indicating their course of action. On 200th – spot filling only. Todd Sanquist will examine. Woodrum’s will repair a road for us (200th). Discussion included posting 5-ton limit signage. The Tech-coat company’s taconite product will be the material used to patch. It was reiterated the importance of having this in place before road overlays. It was felt that the $100.00/hr. which included three(3) guys plus materials to be a fair charge. Because of the traffic counts and safety issues it was agreed that 169th South be added to the repair order with Woodrum’s as well.
Two culverts were examined, one of which needs replacing. Also, Todd Sanquist spoke to the subject of his recollection of the HellKamp Creek project. He recalls a field man came from Widseth Smith and Nolting. Carpenter recalled receiving a telephone call looking for Sanquistto meet while the field representative was in the area.
An Astech representative needs to meet with Todd regarding road repairs and preparation prior to seal coating. Both Sanquist and Astech recommend sweeping prior to preparing for chip and seal. Todd has had calls regarding driveway approaches and will continue to make recommendations only to property owners about them and other road situations that enter into play with township roads. Public Accesses will be inspected by Al Winterberger andpins markedon lot corners on Deer Drive and DakotaShores for mowing.
ParkRapidsLakes Area Chamber – Temporary Liquor License –When it comes to the statutes, as long as the County and Township approve, it is perfectly legal to issue a temporary on-sale liquor license. Magozzi outlined their appropriate licensing, insuring, and staffing, as well as, proper checks to include wrist banding and I.D. checks at the entrance to the dance. Prior noise issues were mentioned. Leckner made a motion to approve the temporary 3-day liquor license. Nasser seconded. Nelson-objected. Motion carried.
HenriettaTownship Board Minutes – June 8, 2006Page 2
John Everson presented another survey. The Echo Drive property has been surveyed and resurveyed (11/30/2005) and 6/6/06. Mr. Everson stated all residents are in agreement with this newest solution. The Board again indicated to Mr. Everson he must have easements for each property. No timeline for return to the Board was given.
1.Paradise Cove Resort Plat – Resident indicated he was not instructed to take the plat for signature tothe township, and now runs into time constraints. After discussion and review of the plat, Koskela made a motion to approve the plat of the planned unit development on LakeBelltaine, developed by Robert and Sharon Schinnert and signing upon receipt of final plat. Leckner seconded. Motion carried.
- NevisTownship– Dan Edstrom, from NEVIS Township board attended and again expressed his concerns of 219th Avenuefrom the culvert down to Highway 34. Their Board believes it should be broken up and recompacted. Estimated cost would be around $2000. Discussion ensued regarding Henrietta’s plans to resurface and save what is there indicating that lack of proper maintenance from the beginning is what has jeopardized the road’s long-term durability. Mention of a town-line agreement was made. NEVISTownship indicated their current responsibility has been to plows the road. Carpenter will write letter to NevisTownship of our plan for 219th and the agreement that NevisTownship will pay for their portion of the overlay process.
- Odean Hokanson – Mentioned once again the need for a covered bulletin board for notices.
- Cemetery – Lawn ServicesMemorial Day weekend complaints were received that the lawn was not mowed. Discussion ensued regarding problems last year as well. After unsuccessfully reaching 4-H leaders to handle the problem, Michael McMorrow was contacted to complete the project. At that time, Michael indicated he was available for the duration of the year if necessary. Nasser made a motion and Nelson seconded that Mr. McMorrow be hired for lawn services at the cemetery. Motion carried. Nelson made a motion and Nasser seconded that the 4-H club be notified that we will no longer be using their services. Nasserseconded. Motion carried.
- Township Attorney – communication is strained and efficiency is compromised. Would like to locate counter part from Walker, MN. Nelson will research.
- Bolton – Dru EstatesLeckner received correspondence of an attempt to register the land adjacent to HenriettaTownship’s10th Avenue. Discussion ensued as to where that road address was located. It appears that it actually is referring to township road 169thAvenue. Leckner made a motion that Nelson investigate and take the action requested on the consent form. Warne seconded. Motion carried.
- DakotaShores – A resident complaint was received about the ditch spraying schedule. Lowell Warne will contact Greg Hensel to find out the spraying schedule. One to two supervisors will ride along and review the spraying.
HenriettaTownship Board Minutes – June 8, 2006Page 3
- Growth Management Joint Task Force – Discussion of capital improvements in any of the properties that are being annexed was discussed. Extendingwater and sewer within the agreement /w the city of Park Rapidswas also discussed – The Board needs to pass a resolution allowing extension of sewer and water into the township. Also, discussion that Township can’t own property unless for some government purpose took place. As soon as it is signed, it becomes under city jurisdiction. Discussion that a signed moratorium in 2003 may hinder the township from moving forward with the orderly annexation agreement. Investigation of this issue is necessary.
A letter addressed to the Hubbard County Auditor requesting processing of any and all tax monies due the Township according to MN Statute 414.033, Sub. 12,was presented for all parcels annexed by petition or orderly annexation into the City of Park Rapids to-date. Carpenter will finalize and mail.
Leckner made a motion to adjourn, and Nasser seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Carpenter, Township Clerk
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