Literacy Council of Montgomery County, MDPresentation 7
Reading – Skill Book 1, Lessons 2 – 6
[25 minutes]
- Large letter charts for lessons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
- Teacher’s Manual
Suggested Teaching Methods
- Lecture
- Demonstration
Essential Presentation Elements
Trainees have learned how to teach Chart 1. This session identifies the ways in which the remaining charts differ.
Note to Trainers: Do not teach the charts in their entirety as was done with Chart 1. This session should provide a quick overview of the chart items that differ from Chart 1. You should spend only 10 minutes on the charts.
Lesson 2
- Point out that the chart format is identical to Chart 1 (picture, letter superimposed on picture, word).
- Tell trainees how this chart differs from Chart 1:
- people are doing things (jumping, kicking)
- chart introduces verbs that end in “–ing”
- for these pictures, they will ask students “what is she (he) doing?” instead of “what’s this?”
- Explain that in some cultures, touching or pointing to body parts is not polite. Use the illustrations book, a doll or a picture dictionary.
Lesson 4
- This chart focuses on the vowels
- Decoding vowels is the most difficult phonics task for students throughout the process of learning to read
- Mention that pronunciation of short vowels is very difficult for most students; this will be addressed in some detail on Day 2 of the workshop
Lesson 5
- Differences on Chart 5:
- “x” is the end sound instead of the beginning sound
- “q” is taught in combination with “u”
- digraphs are introduced
Lesson 6
This lesson establishes several key concepts for reading:
- Point out that this chart does not contain pictures
- Letters now appear alphabetically
- “Sounding out” words is introduced
- Teach only the first line on the chart to demonstrate
- how to teach “capital” letters
- how to blend letter sounds to read a new word (Ann)
- Indicate whether a name is a man’s name or a woman’s name (students from other countries would not necessarily know this)
- Tell trainees that students begin silent reading in this lesson
- Tell trainees that instructions for teaching the story appear on page 137
Have tutors pair off and practice teaching Chart 6 to each other. Do not spend more than 10 minutes on this.
Use the final 5 minutes to discuss the group exercise, address any questions.