Date: July 6, 2005
To: Technical Advisory Committee of the Whitefly biotype Q Task Force
From: Bob Nichols
Subject: Report of the July 5, 2005 Teleconference
Participants: Co-chairs Tim Dennehy and Lance Osborne, Bob Nichols, Osama El-Lissy, David Byrne, Cindy McKenzie, Christi Palmer, Phil Berger, Steve Naranjo, Scott Ludwig, Joe Chamberlin, Jim Bethke, Frank Byrne, Ron Oetting
QTAC Website:
1. Definition of a Quorum of the Technical Advisory Committee (QTAC)
A quorum shall number one half plus one of the official members of the Committee. There are 19 members. Therefore a quorum is ten members.
2. Updates of recent meetings by Osama El-Lissy, Task Force Coordinator
2a. Report of the June 22 teleconference of the Interagency Committee, comprised of phytosanitary officials of states potentially affected by the Q biotype and their USDA-APHIS counterparts.
The state and APHIS officers responded positively to the recommendation of the QTAC to survey for the Q biotype in their respective states. The limiting factor was funding. After some discussion, all states agreed to perform the sampling with existing resources. Bob Staten has sent the collection materials to the states. Osama El-Lissy will advise the states of the labs. where they may send their samples for analysis
Scott Ludwig reported he had been informed that Texas would not participate. Osama El-Lissy will confer with Shishank Nilake to resolve this question.
Laboratories that will Analyze Whiteflies Collected by States or Public Research
State Laboratory Method
CA CA Dept. Food & Ag. PCR
AZ (Dennehy collection) Univ. of Arizona- Dennehy PCR
AZ, TX, MS, LA, AL Univ. of Arizona – Brown PCR
NY, MI, OH Univ. of CA, Riverside esterase
Growers who want confidential data should not expect to use these laboratories for free sample analysis. Rather, Lance Osborne is preparing a protocol that will apply to growers who may be submitting individual samples for determination of biotype. The first draft of the protocol should be distributed on July 7 and posted to the website following review by the cooperating laboratories.
2b. At a June 30 teleconference, Osama El-Lissy updated the Industry Committee of the June 17 recommendations of QTAC. The Industry Committee supported the recommendations, but expressed concerns about finding funding. The Industry Committee also urged movement towards screening of insecticides for efficacy against the Q biotype.
3. Review of Research Priorities by Area
The Committee proceeded to review proposed research in the project areas as specified at the June 17 teleconference. Drafts of the proposals, mainly as outlines, are posted on the QTAC website.
Ecology research topics were presented by David Byrne and Steve Naranjo
Microbial Insecticide research topics were presented by Lance Osborne, who suggested that the research area be combined with Biological Control
Chemical Control. Christi Palmer had an obligation at 3:00 PM, and left before presenting the recommendations. Lance Osborne briefly presented them.
One and one half hours had elapsed, and the Committee decided to defer further discussion until the next conference call.
3a. No Recommendations have yet been received for the following areas.
Research Area Responsible Individual(s)
Biological Control Phil Stansley, T. X. Liu
Regulatory Control Phil Berger, Bob Staten
Sampling & Thresholds Peter Ellsworth
The responsible individuals are urgently requested to send their recommendations to Lance Osborne for posting to the website
3b. All Committee members are requested to review the research proposals by July 14 by providing technical comments, indicating points that may have been omitted, and proposing the top five priorities.
4. Continuing Threat of State Quarantine Imposition Impedes Research
The research effort is hampered by the prospect of potential state regulatory action, should biotype Q whiteflies be found at specific locations within or outside their jurisdictions. Although USDA-APHIS has declared the Q biotype a non-regulated and non-actionable pest, state agencies independently may decide to prohibit shipment of plant materials or undertake eradication programs at infested locations, including the possibility of eradication efforts at research locations. The result is that the Q biotype is present in the U.S., its distribution is unknown, and growers may view attempts to determine the distribution of Q hazardous to their businesses. Similarly, researchers are required to secure permits to work with the Q biotype, and their facilities may be subject to eradication efforts.
QTAC requests advice from USDA-APHIS concerning means to resolve this disadvantageous situation.
5. How should QTAC proceed ?
There was a discussion about whether QTAC should continue to confer as a Committee of the whole or to delegate specific topics to subcommittees. The Co-Chairs will confer and make a recommendation to the Committee.
6. Next Meeting:
Lance Osborne will prepare an agenda and post it by July 14. A teleconference will be held on Monday, July 18 at 11:00 AM, 12: 00 Noon, 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM in the Pacific, Mountain, Central and Eastern Time Zones, respectively.