2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency

Rebates for Business

Vendor Participation Guidelines

Vendor Participation Guidelines Overview The 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program is a rebate program sponsored by Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas®) under the direction of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The

program began on January 1, 2013 and ends on December

31, 2014. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice. For purposes of the 2013-2014

Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program, a vendor is defined as any third-party payee listed on the rebate form. All license requirements, if any, are solely the responsibility of the vendor. Participating vendors include equipment contractors, equipment vendors, equipment manufacturers and distributors, energy service companies, etc. The typical role of vendors is to contact/solicit eligible customers and encourage the installation of energy- efficient equipment. Generally, the vendor will explain the rebate offerings and their benefits to the customer. The vendor will identify retrofit projects that would benefit the customer and, if an agreement is reached, the vendor will install the eligible equipment. A rebate reservation can be made prior to the purchase and installation of the equipment. See the most current rebate form for more information.

Guidelines for Vendor Activities

Vendors must sign and return the Vendor Participation Agreement. Visit socalgas.com (search “VENDOR PARTICIPATION”) prior to soliciting customer participation. A copy of this form must be on file with SoCalGas. Rebate payments will not be released to a vendor unless a signed Vendor Participation Agreement is on file. Vendors

must not misrepresent the nature of their role or their relationship with SoCalGas in connection with the 2013-

2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program. Vendors must properly install product at the SoCalGas account listed on the rebate form. In particular, vendors must not state or in any way imply to customers, or

any person, that the vendor is employed by or working on behalf of SoCalGas. No vendor participating in these programs may represent or otherwise indicate that

the vendor’s products and/or services are approved, authorized or endorsed by SoCalGas. SoCalGas does not endorse any particular products, services or companies.

Vendors may use the 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business name in promotional materials, advertisements or on the invoice. Vendors may not use the name or logo of Southern California Gas Company

in any promotional literature, advertisements or writing of any kind without the express prior written approval

of SoCalGas. Vendors may advise a customer of the customer’s option to have SoCalGas make the customer’s rebate check(s) payable to the vendor if the customer’s rebate amount is being deducted from the total sale price in advance. The vendor’s invoice must clearly show that the rebate is being deducted from the sales price with the customer’s permission (i.e., the customer must sign the invoice and initial the price reduction). Also, the customer must complete and sign the Payment Release section of the rebate form. SoCalGas reserves the right to limit a vendor’s participation in the 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program if, in SoCalGas’ sole judgment, the vendor fails to comply with the program’s guidelines and requirements.

Rebate Program Guidelines

The 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program has a limited budget. Reservations are strongly recommended to ensure fund availability; however,

a reservation does not guarantee a rebate. Vendors must ensure that all terms and conditions and program requirements are met. Rebate forms without reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program deadlines are reached or until allocated funds

for each program are no longer available. All rebate forms must be postmarked on or before December 31, 2014. Vendors cannot apply to other public goods charge rebate or incentive programs for the same measure. Equipment must be installed and operational prior to rebate form being submitted. Vendor must provide customer with applicable equipment warranty information for all

measures installed. All projects submitted for a rebate may be inspected for the sole purpose of verifying that the equipment is installed and operating before processing

a rebate form for payment. Typically, re-inspections are not performed. If a vendor disputes inspection results, SoCalGas may, at its discretion, perform an additional inspection. If an inspection does not pass due to failure to follow terms and conditions and program rules, SoCalGas

may require the vendor to pay a $200 re-inspection fee or 10 percent of the entire rebate, whichever is higher.

Vendors must comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws when performing installation and related functions. Rebates are generally considered subsidies for tax purposes and could be taxable to the customer or the vendor receiving the rebate check. Vendors are urged

to consult their tax advisors concerning the taxability of these rebates. Rebates greater than $600 will be reported to the IRS on Form 1099 unless the customer receiving the benefit of the rebate has checked corporation or exempt tax status. SoCalGas is not responsible for any taxes that may be imposed as a result of receiving a rebate under the programs. Please see the appropriate rebate form and the Policies and Procedures Customer Handbook for additional program requirements and a list of eligible measures.

At its sole cost and expense, Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless SoCalGas, its respective directors, officers, agents, assigns, successors-in-interest and employees against all claims, losses, damages, expenses, actions, costs, including attorney’s fees, and liabilities or any of them, asserted or incurred by other parties, including, but not limited to, Vendor’s employees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) any act or omission of Vendor, its agents, employees and suppliers, in the performance of the work under the program, whether intentional or negligent, active or passive, or (ii) any breach of any agreement, representation, or warranty made by Vendor in the Vendor Guidelines or Vendor Agreement.

SoCalGas Program Overview

Contact SoCalGas’ Energy Information Center at

1-800-508-2348 before purchasing and installing equipment to confirm program eligibility and to reserve funds for your retrofit project.

Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business

Program Eligibility

• Customers eligible for the 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program are defined as non- delinquent core and non-core commercial, industrial and agricultural accounts.

• The total rebate limit for the 2013-2014 Energy- Efficiency Rebates for Business Program is $200,000 per customer, per program year. Customers with corporate (multiple) accounts cannot exceed $200,000 per corporation or chain account customer, per year.

• The total greenhouse heat curtain rebate cannot exceed the lesser of:

– $50,000 per account per year, or

– 50 percent of the account’s preceding 12 month’s natural gas consumption (therms) x $0.80 (average prorated if less than 12 months usage is available).

• Boiler and large instantaneous water heater rebates cannot exceed $25,000 per unit, subject to the

maximum $200,000 rebate limit per customer, per year. See Terms and Conditions on the application for details.

Application Process

Verify the measure(s) being applied for by consulting the Terms and Conditions located in the rebate form. Calculate the rebate amount. Purchase price includes material

and installation labor. Sales tax and freight (shipping) are not included in the item’s purchase price. For every measure applied for, a matching line item must appear on the invoice, including labor for items such as steam trap installation. Under no circumstances will SoCalGas pay more than 100 percent of the purchase price of the items to be rebated.

1. Submit the appropriate completed rebate application. Include a detailed, itemized invoice on contractor/ vendor letterhead marked “paid in full” with:

✓ Description of installed measure(s)

✓ Make and model number of installed measure(s)

✓ Quantity

✓ Unit cost

✓ Location or project site of installed measure(s)

✓ Total job cost including applicable tax

✓ Applicable tax shown as a line item

✓ Less rebate amount (if applicable)

✓ Total due from customer

✓ Vendor contact name and phone number

✓ Install date

2. Include the manufacturers’ specification sheet; make sure the spec sheet qualifies the measure as detailed in the terms and conditions in the rebate form.

3. Ensure the rebate application, including the Payment

Release section of the form, is signed and dated by the customer.

4. Make a copy of all submitted forms for your records.

5. A rebate check for qualified measures is mailed after SoCalGas receives and approves a completed application including all required documentation, and verifies installation. Incomplete or incorrect applications cannot be processed. You will be notified via mail of incorrect

or incomplete applications.

The 2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Rebates will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, until December 31, 2014 or until funds are no longer available.

The selection, purchase and ownership of goods and services are the sole responsibility of the customer. SoCalGas makes no warranty, whether express or implied, including warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, use or application of selected goods and services.

© 2013 Southern California Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. N1260014 0213

2013-2014 Energy-Efficiency

Rebates for Business

Vendor Participation Agreement

Vendors who wish to be Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program participating vendors must complete this form. A signed copy of this form must be on file at SoCalGas in order for the vendor to receive rebate payments if the vendor is the designated payee.

I have read and understand the Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program Vendor Participation Agreement,

and I agree to comply with all requirements set forth therein. By signing this agreement, I agree to provide my customers with information and documentation that is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that the Federal Tax

ID Number provided is an accurate representation of my company. I understand that the product needs to be properly installed at the SoCalGas account listed on the rebate form. I agree that any confidential information concerning my customer, including but not limited to utility account information, will be used for the sole purpose of facilitating the customer’s participation in the Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business Program. Further, I understand that I am responsible for making sure everyone working for me understands the requirements of the Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business

Program prior to soliciting customer participation.

Vendor Type: [ ] HVAC[ ] Boiler / [ ] Water Heater [ ] Insulation / [ ] Steam Traps
[ ] Greenhouse Heat Curtain/Film / [ ] Commercial Foodservice Equipment / [ ] Other

Payee Federal Tax ID Number: – or

Payee Social Security Number: – –

Vendor Tax Status (Check one): [ ] Corporation [ ] Individual/Sole Proprietor [ ] Partnership [ ] Other

Company Name Mailing Address City/State/ZIP Phone/Fax

Email Address


Vendor Signature Title

Print NameDate


[ ] Add me to your email distribution list for program information.

[ ] Send me information about the On-Bill

Financing program.

Mail this form to:

Southern California Gas Company

Attn: C/I Energy-Efficiency Rebates for Business


Box 513249, ML 19A8

Los Angeles, CA 90051-1249

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by the state’s investor-owned utilities, under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2013 Southern California Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. N1260014 0213