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Welcome to Woldgate School and Sixth Form College.
We are delighted that you have decided to apply for a place for your son or daughter at our school. We understand that the decision about where to entrust the care of your child is very important and we thank you for choosing Woldgate School and Sixth Form College.
As a school community we pride ourselves on the fact that our pupils are happy and enjoy learning. We realise that achievement comes in many different forms and we are committed to ensuring that your child has every opportunity to flourish, grow in confidence and make the most of their individual gifts and talents.
Woldgate is a school with a distinct vision for education. Our view of an outstanding school is based on shared values, where every child is known and cared for as an individual. To cultivate this, we build a supportive and caring community, where a child’s talents can grow through academic study and the opportunity to participate in the many activities, productions and visits that make Woldgate School unique.
We are a school with a positive, welcoming, warm atmosphere, in which pupils take pride in their achievements and where each individual pupil achieves academically through consistently good teaching, in an environment that seeks to nurture their love of learning and challenges them to excel.
The collaboration and relationships between parents, pupils and school is key to our success as a learning community. Communication is central to these relationships, which is why my colleagues and I will always be available to discuss the education and personal development of your child.
As part of the application process we would ask that you complete the attached form. This will ensure as a school that we have all the necessary information come September, to place your child on roll and ensure they make a successful start to the term. We are conscious of the level of detail required and realise completing this document will take time, but we do hope you understand, that in asking these questions, we are trying to ensure the very best experience for your child.
Parents should also complete the Loacal Authority Admission process that can be found at the following address:
We know that your son or daughter’s education is precious and as teachers we are privileged to play a part in helping your child to be happy and successful. Thank you for applying to become part of our school community.
Mr Sloman
Head of Lower School
Home/School AgreementOur Home/School agreement formalises our partnership and forms the basis of how we will work together, to ensure your son or daughter both enjoys school and is successful in their studies.
We would suggest that you read through this agreement with your child, to ensure you are both happy with our community and school expectations.
Working together, in partnership, we can ensure that your son or daughter is happy, enjoys school and is successful in their academic studies.
We would ask, therefore, that in signing this agreement you commit to working with the school to support your son or daughter and to ensure our teachers, Head of Care & Achievement and Head of School is supported in their work.
You can offer this support by agreeing to:
· attend Parents Evenings and additional meetings as calendared that relate to your child’s education. If you find yourself unable to attend a meeting due to work commitments, we would ask you do attend a meeting with the Head of Care and Achievement or Attendance, Achievement and Care Co-ordinator within fifteen working days.
· signing the Pupil Planner every week to acknowledge achievement, support good behaviour and ensure work is completed at home, to support the school in ensuring high expectations are maintained.
· the use of the pupil Code of Conduct, to ensure our small community can continue to be a calm and purposeful place to learn and work.
· contact the Attendance, Achievement and Care Co-ordinator if you have a query or issue you would like to raise, with regard to your child. If your child has any concerns, call us directly and we can make sure the query or issue is addressed promptly.
· report absences by telephoning the pupil absence line before 8:40am in a morning, to ensure we are aware you child is not attending school on that day.
· ensuring your child is in school, studying and learning during the school term.
· not to comment on social media (Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat) about another child, parent, member of staff or the school itself.
· support the school in ensuring the correct school uniform is worn at all times, from the moment your child leaves home and while they are at school. We have a uniform shop on the school site and we are very happy to support parents should you struggle to find a specific size of garment.
· support the school and our community. We are a successful school because parents work closely with our staff to support our children. Our reputation and success as a community of pupils, parents and staff, is because we all work collectively together, to do the best for all of our children.
Pupils Code of Conduct.
As a pupil, with your parent/carer, you agree to support the school in achieving the following.
We want our school to be a warm, welcoming, happy place, where we take great pride in our community.
To do this we will:
· be honest and fair
· show respect to others by the way we speak to each other and the way we present ourselves, accepting when we are wrong
· wear the correct uniform.
· never use inappropriate language or seek to cause another harm.
· always treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
Support our school ethos – Our school is a warm and welcoming place to learn and work. We would ask that you are supportive of our ethos as a school and do your very best, to demonstrate acts that are worthy, of great merit, character and value.
Woldgate is a positive, warm and welcoming school where pupils aim to do their very best and take pride in their achievements. By constantly challenging our pupils to excel, we nurture aspiration and strive to cultivate a lifelong love of learning in our young people. We provide a creative, safe and caring environment where every child is known and cared for as an individual. In this climate, every young person has the opportunity to thrive as they develop in personality, character and intellect and become a highly successful learner and individual.
We believe we provide a unique education for our young people. As a school at the heart of the community it serves, we work in partnership to ensure our children not only receive a broad and balanced education, but also have the opportunity to enjoy the Yorkshire Wolds and make a wider contribution to the area in which they live.
Show respect for Others – At Woldgate School, respect for others is taken very seriously. Everyone in the school, both pupils and staff, will show the same respect and curtesy without exception and at all times.
Support your school and our wider community – When you are wearing school uniform, you are representing our community. It is important, that you remember, that your conduct in school and outside of school is equally important. Your Head of School will expect you to communicate our ethos, expectations and pride in our school, to the wider community. You should, therefore, take pride in your school when outside of school and should not comment on social media (Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat) about another child, parent, member of staff or the school itself.
Take pride in your appearance and uniform – Uniform is for us, a basic expectation and underlines our commitment to pupils feeling smart, taking pride in their school and community. We do, therefore, believe uniform is far more than simple clothing, it is fundamental and as a pupil, we would ask you read the guidance with care and support the school in ensuring high expectations are maintained.
Woldgate School Blazer - Black with the Woldgate School badge and green piping on the pockets.
V-neck School Jumper - Grey with single bottle green stripe on collar.
School Tie - Upper and Lower School tie (light blue and light green thick stripes respectively) thin stripes represent School House. Must be worn at all times.
Skirt - Grey, knee length with box pleats
Trousers - Mid-grey. Trousers should be loose fitting (not skin tight) and plain (without brass zips, logos or studs on the pockets for instance). They should be waist height, so not to expose underwear. (Not leggings/treggings/jeans/cargo/chino in style). They can be worn with a thin back belt if necessary (no fashion belts/large buckles).
Shirt - Standard white, loose fitting shirt with stiff pointed collar (not open necked) to take tie; shirt must be long enough to be tucked in and wide enough at the neck to fasten the top button. Fashion shirts or blouses that include embroidery, logos, or slim collars that are not designed for a tie should not be worn.
Shoes - Plain (no decoration), professional, black, low-heeled, sensible, full leather shoes with a plain black sole are appropriate for school. Trainers and plimsolls are not acceptable - as they are fashion items and do not protect the feet in Science or Design Technology lessons. Plain black, low heeled boots can be worn under trousers only. UGG-style boots are also a fashion item and should not be worn.
Socks - Plain white or black only. Socks must not be worn over tights and must cover ankles.
Tights - Plain (not patterned) and black in colour. Leggings are not permitted.
Uniform Dress Rules (All Pupils)
Make-Up/Jewellery - Discreet make-up is permitted. Excessive make-up will not be tolerated. No jewellery should be worn. If ears have been pierced, plain studs (3mm diameter – only one per ear) may be worn and removed for PE (only one pair of studs may be worn at any time). No other body piercing is allowed.
Hair - Pupils’ hair styles must be reasonable – we do not allow more extreme hair styles e.g. bright/multi-colours or Mohican cuts. Head scarves are not to be worn, except for religious reasons, and hair bands can only be worn if thin and black. Pupils considering a radical change of hairstyle should check with their Head of Care and Achievement in advance to ensure that it is within School guidelines.
Outdoor Clothing - Denim Coats/Jackets, hoodies and non-school jumpers are not allowed. Hats cannot be worn. Coats cannot be worn in school buildings or lessons. Lockers are available upon request to store outdoor coats during the day.
We want everyone to have the opportunity to learn so that we can be successful now and in the future.
To do this we will:
· concentrate; listen to your teacher and one another; follow instructions and work hard.
· talk appropriately in the lesson and not when the teacher is talking.
· bring the correct equipment to lessons
· arrive at lessons on time
· listen to everyone
· follow instructions quickly and carefully
· ask for help if we are not sure what to do
· not eat during lessons. A small bottle of water is allowed unless Health and Safety Rules prevent this.
Bring the correct equipment, be organised and complete homework - Pupils should arrive to lessons prepared to learn due. It is their responsibility to ensure they have all the necessary equipment and kit for the school day before leaving home, and that they submit all homework on time and to a high standard.
Basic equipment:
· Writing pens in black, blue, purple and red.
· A pencil and pencil sharpener.
· A ruler.
· A rubber
· A calculator (scientific).
· A protractor and pair of compasses.
· A glue stick.
· Felt tips and colouring pencils.
· Hair bobble.
Celebrate your achievements – We would encourage you to collect as many rewards as possible when you start school. We are passionate about recognising your achievements and would encourage you to actively participate in the rewards process.
Rewards can be granted for:
· Acts of great merit, character and value.
· House activities
· Skills for Life.
The Head of Care and Achievement and the Headteacher also issue rewards.
Behave well - Pupils should recognise that positive behaviour is crucial to making excellent progress in school. They should understand that their behaviour around school and in lessons must be excellent and a model to others. They must try their best in every lesson, concentrate and focus on the work in hand.
Be punctual and have good attendance - attendance is essential, and any absence will have an impact upon progress and achievement. Pupils should understand the need to be prompt, arriving at school by 8:45am, to attend form registration and lessons and understand that interventions will be put in place by the school to reduce poor attendance.