Hydrogen Exchange & Covalent Labeling Interest Group06/23/2007

Summary Report for ASMS 2007

Meeting time: Tuesday,June 05, 5:45-7:30, Sagamore ballroom 3/4, Indianapolis, IN

Attendance: > 250 people; Group website:

The hydrogen exchange and covalent labeling interest group held its second meeting at ASMS after being formed in 2006. The attendance was at least three times more than it was in 2006. The current email distribution list indicates ~520 members and approximately half of those were in attendance at the meeting. 150 copies of a group survey were distributed: 94 were completed and returned, 6 were found blank and 50 were not handed in.

The agenda for the meeting was:

1. Welcome/ Introduction (Engen, Hettich)

2. Discussion of Handouts, group business

List of posters and orals on hydrogen exchange and covalent labeling

Email listing for the group

Suggestions for next ASMS meeting

Suggestions for next interest group meeting in Denver

3. Discussion Topic: Tips and Tricks in H/D exchange and covalent labeling

Six short presentations were given to spur discussion:

1. “Software for the determination of backbone amide deuterium levels from H/D exchange MS data”; Bruce Pascal, Scripps Research Institute - Florida

2. “Covalent labeling of nucleic acid substrates: advantages and pitfalls”; Dan Fabris, University of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty

3. “Rapid analysis of HXMS data with HX-Express”; David D. Weis, University of Kansas

4. “Tips with differential chemical modification”; Roxana E. Iacob & Kenneth B. Tomer, NIEHS

5. “Automation of Sample Processing for H-D Exchange Using the LEAP PAL H-D-x Processor”; Peter Smith, Scott Harrison, Gordon Nye, LEAP Technologies

6. “Hydroxyl radical footprinting and oxidation-induced unfolding: cautionary tales for covalent labelers”; Joshua Sharp, ComplexCarbohydrateResearchCenter, University of Georgia

The introduction and welcome concerned the business for the group. A poll was taken of the utility of the listing of posters and orals of interest to the group (available via the group webpage before the meeting). A majority of the people in attendance found the list useful and therefore it will be prepared again for the 2008 meeting. The distributed survey was mentioned and members reminded of the importance of filling out the survey as it will shape the content of the next ASMS meeting in Denver. They were asked to suggest sessions (with session chairs) and confirm if the current sessions were meeting their needs. The large number of returned surveys were summarized and the results reported to ASMS. A major suggestion was to have a tutorial session at a lunchtime meeting, in addition to the evening workshop. This option will be explored for the 2008 meeting.

Bob Hettich then introduced each speaker who had 7 minutes to make a small presentation. John Engen coordinated a discussion after each presentation. The total time for each topic was approximately 15 minutes.

It was suggested early on that the presentations be made available for the members via the group website. As of 21 June 2006, all six presentations were posted to the group website ( and each one had been downloaded multiple times.

Bruce Pascal demonstrated his new deuterator software for automated H/D exchange data analysis. There were >5 questions and/or comments and offers to help with the next version by sending data files from various types of instruments. Some asked about the difference between this and other automated software.

Dan Fabris spoke on covalent labeling of nucleic acids, including examples and details of methods. There were 3-4 questions and comments. Some members expressed their concern that nucleic acids were under-represented at the ASMS meeting in general. It was suggested that a nucleic acid poster session be added to the ASMS program and that other things be done to raise the profile of those working in this area.

David Weis showed his HXExpress software, including a live demo of its speed. There were 5-7 comments/questions including offers to help test the next version and provide data. David promised a version incorporating the suggestions would come out soon. Several people commented that they are using the software and find it very helpful.

Roxana Iacob presented some tips for methods of chemical modification. There was a useful discussion of the literature in this area, on the details of the digestion steps and questions about what happens to the protein structure during the labeling steps. A suggestion was made to post key references on this topic to the group website.

Peter Smith presented the latest version of a LEAP sample preparation robot, including a video of it in action (software and hardware). There was much discussion and comparison of this robot with previous implementations. It was generally agreed that automation will bring new people to this field and that this type of presentation was very useful.

Joshua Sharp provided tips about oxidative labeling of proteins, including how to generate the radical oxygen species. There were 3-4 comments on the method and how one goes about setting up the reaction(s). There was positive feedback that this topic and its implementation was well represented at the meeting this year.

The meeting concluded at approximately 7:40pm and members remained in the room in discussions for approximately 15 minutes afterwards until the convention staff cut the lights and we all went out for drinks.

Respectfully submitted,

John R. Engen

Interest Group Coordinator