Questions on families and households in the 2000 round of censuses

1. Questions concerning the homeless


  1. Does your country have a count of housing units?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. If yes to Q 2, is information collected on (answer yes or no to each)
  2. No of rooms
  3. No of bedrooms
  4. Facilities


Water supply



  1. Does your country have a count of vacant housing units?
  2. Yes
  3. No

4.If yes to question 4, is information collected on whether vacant housing units are intended for future residential use?

  1. Yes
  2. No


  1. Does your country include the homeless population in the count of the population (whether by traditional census or population register)
  2. Yes, by census count
  3. Yes, by population register

c. No

  1. Are the following categories of people counted?

People sleeping rough in the open or in other public places (for example under bridges, in railway stations)

  1. Yes
  2. No

People living in derelict buildings or improvised dwellings (for example cars/tents/sheds) with no recognised mailing address

  1. Yes
  2. No

People with no permanent address but staying short term with family or friends

  1. Yes
  2. No

People staying in shelters or refuges (for example night shelters, women's refuges, youth refuges or other emergency accommodation for homeless people)

  1. Yes
  2. No

People in camping grounds and caravan parks

  1. Yes
  2. No

If yes, can you distinguish between people who are at their usual address (or have no usual address) and those who have a usual address elsewhere?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Can you distinguish between households who own or are purchasing their caravan and households who are renting?

  1. Yes
  2. No

People in boarding houses or cheap hotels

  1. Yes
  2. No

If yes, can you distinguish between people who are at their usual address (or have no usual address) and those who have a usual address elsewhere?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Does your country publish statistics on the homeless population?
  2. Yes
  3. No

If yes, please could you provide an electronic copy of any publications?

8. For the purposes of these statistics, how is homelessness defined?

9. Are the statistics:

stock figures for a particular point in time (for example number of people homeless on census night)?


flow figures (that is number of people homeless in any period of time, such as a year)?

10. From earlier information we learned that in some countries some or all of the homeless population are classified as living in institutional households as opposed to the “other household” category. In a couple of cases, the homeless are either excluded from any household category or considered to constitute private households. In case you followed this practice, do you plan to distinguish between homeless people living in group shelters versus people in institutional living arrangements in your next census?

So far we have not been analyzing homeless people separately.

However, this contingent can be analyzed through two sub-groups:

-persons who live on the premises which they occupied out of need, such as different movable and non-movable objects (basement, wagon, trailer, tent, etc.)

-displaced persons (included in the permanent population) who live in collective centers.

The households of these persons have been included in the overall number of private households.

The refugees who live in institutional households are the exception, because these households have not been included in the contingent of households.

2. Questions concerning institutional and private households

For all persons, regardless of whether they live in private or institutional households, a unique form was filled in on the basis of the signee’s statement.

The type of a institutional household can be determined through the questionnaire filled in by each institutional household, so it is possible to ascertain whether it is a home for the old and feeble, a home for invalids, a home for mentally disabled children, etc.

It is probable that in the following census, the questionnaire will contain data on every institutional household.

3. Questions concerning same-sex partnerships

We do not plan to gather data on same-sex partnerships in the next census.

4. Questions concerning reconstituted families

So far, we have not been monitoring reconstituted families.

All children have been included in the overall number of (single) children in the family, regardless of whether they are natural children, adopted children or stepchildren, and we cannot identify these three categories of children.

Data on families representing samples of the census were gathered afterwards, during the analysis of the census material, on the basis of family relations of certain family members and the person who leads the household.

We are greatly interested in gathering these data in the following census.