Introduction to Theatre
Syllabus for 2007-2008
Instructor: Melissa Zak
Class location: W106
Class time: 8th Hour, M-F, Semester 1
Availability: 5th Hour in W106, 3:30-5:30 in the L/MS library, or by appointment
Phone: 763-258-2589
Course Overview:
· This semester long class is a comprehensive survey course of the theatre. Basic stagecraft, acting, directing, theatre history and technical theatre are examined. Other topics include improvisation, using your voice, understanding theatre literature, auditioning, and scriptwriting
Additional Course Information:
· This course is open to students in grades 9-12 and is the prerequisite for the Acting and Directing classes.
· Students will be involved in the current PA Theatre Production(s)
Text, Readings, Materials:
· Text: Everything About Theatre; Lee, Robert L.
· Materials: 2 different writing utensils, paper (loose leaf or notebook), folder or binder to keep all notes and assignments
Course Policies:
· Be on Time. When one person is absent or late it affect the entire class. Being on time means being in your seat when the bell rings. No one will be admitted to class without the proper pass. Per the attendance policy, 3 tardies will equal 1 absence
· Be in Uniform. To show that you are prepared for class, please be in uniform. See PA’s student handbook for uniform details.
· Be Prepared. Please bring paper, writing utensil, note cards and a notebook or folder to keep notes and assignments in everyday. It is not acceptable to constantly borrow from a classmate. Keep all assignments through the end of the course.
· Be Respectful In behavior, action and attitude towards your classmates. This includes, but is not limited to listening to others, raising your hand to speak, and demonstrating good citizenship.
· Participate. A large portion of your grade will be participation. This will include but is not limited to being on time, being prepared, and being respectful. It also means being involved in all classroom assignments and activities.
· Homework: Students are responsible for turning all assignments in on time. Late assignments are not eligible for full credit. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it will be due on your return. You are also responsible for missed assignments due to absences.
· Grading: Participation (including attendance), homework, quizzes and class projects are used to determine your grade.
Course Calendar/Schedule:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayWeek 1 /
Week 2 / /
Week 3 / / /
Week 4 / /
Week 5 / / /
Week 6 /
Week 7 / /
Week 8 / /
Week 9 /
Week 10 / /
Week 11 / /
Week 12 / /
Week 13 / /
Week 14 / /
Week 15 / /
Week 16 / /
Week 17 / /
Week 18 / /
This syllabus may be subject to revision as the course progresses.
I have read this syllabus and understand its content and my responsibilities.
Student signature: ______Date: ______