Jordan Scott Goetze 25/09/1985
Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Ecology, the University of Western Australia: 2012 -Present, Scholarships: Australian Postgraduate Award and UWA Safety Net Top-up
Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours: Marine Science, the University of Western Australia: 2004-2006 and 2009Thesis Title: “Evidence of artisanal fishing impacts and depth refuge in assemblages of Fijian reef fish”
2015-PresentPost-Doctoral Scientist Curtin University, Niarchos Fellowship Wildlife Conservation Society
– Global Finprint Project
2015 Consultant to the West Australian Department of Fisheries
– Statistical data analysisand manuscript preparation for stereo-BRUV surveys at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands
2014Consultant to the Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Staff training for EventMeasure software and stereo-BRUV analysis
2010-2015Research Officer, Marine Ecology Group, the UWA Oceans Institute
Primary Research Projects:
- Assessment of the abundance and length of sharks at the Beqa shark feeding site Fiji, using stereo-video technology, Aqua-Trek
- Assessment of the Rottnest Island Marine Sanctuaries: Stereo-BRUV and DOV surveys, West Australian Marine Science Institution
- Jurien Scientific Reference Zone Assessment: Stereo-BRUV survey, W.A. Department of Fisheries
- Gorgon Marine Monitoring Program -Post-development Coastal and Marine State and Environment Impact Assessment using stereo-BRUVs: Demersal Fish, Chevron Australia
2009-2010Research Assistant, Centre for Marine Futures, the UWA Oceans Institute
Primary Research Projects:
- Development of alternatives to MaxN abundance estimates to increase counts of rare sharks
- Gigas 2D seismic survey at North Scott Reef: Behavioural assessment of fishes using Remote Underwater Video
- Assessing the effects of fishing at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands using stereo-BRUVs
- Assessment of Juvenile West Australian Dhufish from stereo-BRUV Surveys, W.A. Department of Fisheries
2007-2009Research Assistant, Securing WA’s Marine Futures project (UWA),
Primary Research Projects:
- Securing WA’s Marine Futures, stereo-BRUV/Towed Video surveys
- A five-year assessment of marine communities in the south-west Capes Region; Stereo-BRUV/DOV surveys, South West Catchments Council
- Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery Assessment; A comparison of fish traps to stereo-BRUVs, W.A. Department of Fisheries
2012-PresentLecturer/Tutor/Demonstrator, the University of Western Australia
-Courses: Field Techniques in Marine Science (Leading stereo-BRUV project), Fisheries Management and Biological Conservation, Marine Ecology, Animal Populations and Ecological Processes
2013-PresentHonours/Masters Supervision
-James Brightmore, Masters Project: A meta-analysis to compare visual and stereo-video sampling of fished and no-take areas around a Fijian marine reserve
-Michael Tropiano, First Class Honours: Tropicalisation of reef fish at Rottnest Island, Western Australia
Peer Reviewed Journals
- Goetze JS, Jupiter SD, Langlois TJ, Wilson SK, Harvey ES, Bond T, Naisilisili W, (2015). Diver operated video most accurately detects the impacts of fishing within periodically harvested marine closures. JEMBE, vol. 462, pp. 74-82
- Goetze JS, and Fullwood L, (2013). Fiji’s largest marine reserve benefits reef sharks. Coral Reefs,vol. 30, pp. 121-125
- Goetze JS, Langlois T, Egli D, Harvey ES, (2011). Evidence of artisanal fishing impacts and depth refuge in assemblages of Fijian reef fish. Coral Reefs, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 507-517
- Harvey ES,Goetze JS, McLaren B, Langlois TJ,Shortis MR (2010). Influence of range, angle of view, image resolution and image compression on underwater stereo-video measurements: High definition and broadcast resolution video cameras compared.Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 75-86.
Scientific Reports
- Saunders BJ, Goetze JS, McLaren BW, Fitzpatrick CF, Harvey ES, (2011). Domestic Gas Pipeline Baseline Fish Survey (Stereo BRUV): Report 2 Dry Season 2010 and West Season 2011, Chevron Australia (Accepted 14th July 2011)
- Saunders BJ, Goetze JS, McLaren BW, Harvey ES, (2010). DomGas project Dry Season Survey 2010 – Demersal fish assemblages sampled using stereo BRUVs, Chevron Australia (Accepted 20th Jan 2011)
- Saunders BJ, McLean D, Delacy C, Bond T, Fullwood L, Goetze JS, Harvey E, (2012). Post-Development Coastal And Marine State And Environment Impact Survey: Demersal Fish
International Coral Reef Symposium 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii: Oral Presentation “The effectiveness of periodically harvested closures as a fisheries management strategy”
International Marine Conservation Congress 2014, Glasgow, Scotland; Oral Presentation “The effectiveness of periodically harvested closures to sustain small scale fisheries”
Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Okinawa, Japan, 2013; Oral Presentation “Fiji’s Largest Marine Reserve Benefits Creatures Great and Small”
Pacific Science Inter-congress 2013, Suva, Fiji: Oral presentation “Diver operated video most accurately detects fishing impacts within periodically harvested closures”
Niarchos Fellowship 2016
Australian Finalist FameLab Science Communication 2016
Emerging Leaders Grant for Synthesis Projects, the UWA Ocean’s Institute $20,000 (2014) and $20,000 (2015).
Southern Ports Authority Corporate Sponsorship - $5000 (2015)
Australian Society for Fish Biology, John Glover Award (2015)
First Prize in the Oceans Institute Post Graduate Conference (2014)
Convocation Postgraduate Research Travel Award $2500 (2013)
Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Teaching Internship (2012)
Ernest Hodgkin Memorial Prize in Marine Science (2010)
First Prize in the Australian Marine Science AssociationPost Graduate Conference (2010)
Restricted Coxswains Certificate, 2008
PADI Rescue Diver (500+ Logged Scientific Dives), 2008
AS2299 Dive Medical, 2015
Certificate of Proficiency in Small Craft Safety, 2000
Senior First Aid Certificate, 2014
DAN 02 Oxygen provider and Resuscitation, 2015
C Class Drivers License, 2002
Survival at sea and offshore facility abandonment safety course, 2010
Scientific Writing Course (David Lindsay), 2011
Statistical packages (Primer & PERMANOVA, R statistical computing)
Photogrammetry software (EventMeasure, PhotoMeasure, CAL:
Meta-analysis in R
Writing peer-reviewed scientific papers and impact assessment reports
Managing laboratory video analysis
Field mobilisation/demobilisation and operations as field trip leader in remote locations
Taxonomy of tropical and temperate fish species
Development of specialised stereo-video analysis software EventMeasure
Calibration of stereo-video systems
Training and supervision of research assistants and honours/masters students
Extensive diver based sampling techniques