All in for Kids Luncheon
April 7, 2015 ∙ 11:30 am- 1:30 pm ∙ Lynnwood Convention Center
Prior to the Luncheon:
Please note: The Foundation Director and Table Captain Chairs are available to meet with you individually to discuss recruiting strategies for your table. Please make an appointment! We would love to work with you.
Recruit nine (9) friends to sit at your table. Although there is no fee for the luncheon, guests will be invited to make a donation at the event. Encourage them to give generously.
Send a letter or e-mail to your potential guests letting them know you are inviting them to the event. A sample invitation will be provided to you.
Phone your guests to make sure they are going to be available to join you.
By February 15th - Send a personal invitation. Make the invitation personal. Write a brief personal note on the invitations to the people on your guest list. The Foundation will provide you with paper invitations at your request, or you can use the variety of e-invitations available. If you should need assistance with postage and/or mailing your invitations please let the Foundation staff know. Call 425-408-7680 or email:
By March 10th – Register your guests along with their dietary needs
***Please encourage your guests to register online and list you as the table captain***
March 24 ~ March 31st – Two weeks prior to the event - Please contact all of your guests to confirm their attendance – we’d love for all tables to be full.
By March 31st - Send your guest list to the Foundation office or register them online at . Confirmation is needed for seating chart, name tags, and reminder email. Your guests will receive a reminder email prior to the event.
Day of the Luncheon (more instructions will be provided in your luncheon packet):
· Arrive by 10:15 am for kick off meeting and to pick up your table captain packet.
· Greet your guests and thank them for coming. Make relevant introductions and facilitate networking.
· When directed, please distribute the pledge cards envelopes.
· Collect all donation envelopes and give to a designated volunteer at the close of the event.
· Have a wonderful lunch and know that your time and efforts benefit a great cause—providing outstanding educational opportunities for the students in the Northshore School District.
· Sign thank you cards to your guests for processing by the Foundation.
Please contact the Foundation if you have any questions about the luncheon or your responsibilities as a Table Captain. For immediate information: Carmin Dalziel at 206-409-3507
January - February Invite your guests (phone, personal invitation, mail, email)
January 16th Optional Table Captain Training
February 15th Mail Invitations
By March 10th Register your guest and their dietary needs to
Online at: or
By Phone: 425-408-7680
By Email:
March 24 – 31st Reminder phone call to guests. Make sure all guests are registerd
April 1—6th Receive your guest list for review
April 7th - 10:15 am Come to lunch and enjoy
The All-in-for-Kids luncheon is the signature event for the Northshore Schools Foundation and it serves as the PRIMARY fundraiser for all the grants and funding that the Foundation provides every year. It is an opportunity to acknowledge community partners and sponsors, introduce people to the important work that is funded by the Foundation, and celebrate the impact that has been made thanks to previous donations. The Luncheon is budgeted to raise over $150,000 this year through sponsors, individual gifts and employer matching funds. Your leadership as a Table Captain is essential in creating an environment where our cause is celebrated and advanced, and a place where supporters feel valued and see that their investments make a difference.
You are the heart and hands that make this part of the process possible, and it fuels everything else we do. THANK YOU.
January - February Invite your guests (phone, personal invitation, mail, email)
January 16th Optional Table Captain Training
February 15th Mail Invitations
By March 10th Register your guest and their dietary needs to
Online at: or
By Phone: 425-408-7680
By Email:
March 24 – 31st Reminder phone call to guests. Make sure all guests are registered
April 1—6th Receive your guest list for review
April 7th - 10:15 am Come to lunch and enjoy
The work you do for this event will benefit all students in the Northshore School District. Thank You!!
1. How do I put together my guest list?
Think first of your family, friends and co-workers—then expand beyond there to your social network, organizations, and other affiliations.
Invite as many folks as you can. You never know who has an interest in education or a personal connection to our mission.
This is a “not to be missed” event. You are giving folks the opportunity to be inspired and motivated as well as a chance to make an investment in the future of our students, community and country by getting involved. The Light a Fire for Learning Luncheon is the largest non-profit event in the Northshore area!
2. What is the best way to encourage guests to attend?
A personal contact (phone, note, etc.) works wonders. Call your guests before the invitations are sent in mid-February or immediately after to confirm that they have received their invitation. It is best to contact your guests prior to the receipt of invitations so they are alerted to the mailing and won’t toss the invitation in the circular file.
Be sure to review the enclosed Luncheon Fact Sheet so you are clear about the specifics of the event. In addition to “when” and “where”, have a clear sense about what the luncheon hopes to accomplish and the programs the Foundation supports. Take a look at the Foundation website for information about recent grants:
3. Is there a charge to attend the Luncheon? Do I have to ask for money?
There is no fee to attend but at the end of the program guests will be given the opportunity to enhance education in Northshore with a contribution. Everyone will be encouraged to contribute. We hope, of course, that many people will make larger contributions while some may make smaller ones. As a Table Captain, You do not have to ask for donations. One of the luncheon speakers will make the "ask." You will pass out the envelopes at your table, encourage your guests to give generously and collect the envelops when they are complete. Tables where the captain gives a small pitch about why they invest in the Foundation or who thank givers as they are filling out their pledge/giving cards usually increases the gifts at the table.
4. I don’t know if I can ask someone to attend knowing that my guest will need to contribute!
Each potential guest must make that decision for themselves. You are the bearer of the invitation – giving the guest the opportunity to support education.
5. What if someone really wants to attend but can’t contribute?
Your guests will have the choice to contribute on the spot with a credit card or check or divide their gift over the course of several months. This second option will make it easier for your guests to manage.
Thank you AGAIN for all you do and WHO YOU ARE!