The West Virginia Adult Education (WVAdultEd) Program is funded by the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, enacted August 7, 1998 as Title II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
WVAdultEd is administered through the West Virginia Department of Education, Office of Adult Education and Workforce Development, Building 6, Room 230, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0330.
The WVAdultEd Instructor Handbook is produced by the WVAdultEd Professional Development Program, whose fiscal agent is the Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) 3, 501 22nd Street, Dunbar, West Virginia 25064-1711.
For questions or concerns related to the content of the WVAdultEd Instructor Handbook, contact Cathy Shank at the WV Adult Education Hotline, 1-800-642-2670, or via email at .
RESA 3does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law in access to, employment in, or provision of any of RESA 3’sprograms, benefits, or activities.
West Virginia Adult Education: Programsand Resources
Program Overview
Federal Role in Adult Education
State Role in Adult (Basic) Education
County/Local Role in Adult Education
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Core Values
Our Goals
What is Adult Education (AdultEd)?
Who does WVAdultEd Serve?
What are the target populations served by WVAdultEd?
What specialized programs are a part of WVAdultEd?
Where are WVAdultEd programs and services located?
How is Adult Education involved in Career Pathways?
What is the meaning of all these acronyms?
WVAdultEd Instructor Support Services
AEMIS Technical Assistance
DHHR Special Services (SPOKES and SPOKES Assessment)
Distance Education Services
Professional Development (PD) Services
Schoology WVAdultEd Teacher Groups
Special Populations Services
Technology Integration Specialists (TIS)
Partners under WIOA
The Office of Adult Education and Workforce Development
West Virginia Division of Rehabilitative Services (WVDRS)
Workforce Investment Boards/WorkForce West Virginia Career Centers
Other Key Partners
The Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Bureau for Children and Families
Literacy West Virginia
West Virginia Adult Education Association (WVAEA), Inc.
West Virginia Community and Technical Colleges
West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE)
West Virginia Library Commission
Adult Education’s role
in the West Virginia Career Pathway System
Commonly Used Acronyms
Office of Adult Education and Workforce development Staff
Statewide Staff Based at RESAs
Regional Assessment Specialists
Regional Adult Education Coordinators (RAEC)
Program Overview
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) recognizes that today's workplace presents numerous opportunities and challenges for adults in West Virginia. Employers need workers with strong basic skills and an ability to adapt to change. Today's families are faced with multiple responsibilities as they address their children's educational needs as well as their own. Special populations, such as the homeless and incarcerated, must deal with additional challenges in order to lead safe and productive lives.
To effectively serve the foundational learning needs of these diverse groups, a learning system that is flexible and responsive is necessary. The West Virginia Adult Education (WVAdultEd) program has developed such a system for adult learners.
WVAdultEd programs build skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners.
Educational services are available at no cost to adult learners and are designed to meet the educational needs of each individual. Certified adult education instructors provide instruction.
Federal Role in Adult Education
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014replacing theWorkforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998.WIOA reauthorizes Title II: the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA).
WIOA retains and expands the purposes of AEFLA. UnderWIA, AEFLA aimed to help adults improve their educationaland employment outcomes, become self-sufficient, andsupport the educational development of their children, butunder WIOA, AEFLA’s purposes have been expanded to includeassisting adults to transition to postsecondary educationand training, including through career pathway programs.Further, WIOA formalizes the role of adult education inassisting English language learners to acquire the skillsneeded to succeed in the 21st-century economy.
AEFLA (Title II of WIOA)provides the framework for the West Virginia Adult Education (WVAdultEd) program.The federal Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) provides grants to states to fund adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy; family literacy; English language acquisition and integrated English literacy and civics education, workforce preparation, or integrated education and training.
Individuals eligible to receive services must be at least 16 years of age and not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law. Additionally, an eligible individual must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) be basic skills deficient, 2) not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, or 3) be an English language learner.
The amount of funding each state receives is based on a formula established by Congress. States, in turn, distribute funds to local eligible entities to provide adult education and literacy services.In our state, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) distributes these federal funds to local programs.
The National Reporting System (NRS) is the accountability system mandated bythe federal government. The NRS ( includes student measures to describe adult education students, program participation and assessment of the impact of adult education instruction, methodologies for collecting the measures, reporting forms and procedures, and training and technical assistance activities to assist states in collecting the measures.
States are required to report data to the NRS, to meet performance standards for student outcome measures, and to assess local program effectiveness using these standards.
State Role in Adult (Basic) Education
The West Virginia State Legislature also provides funding to support WVAdultEd. Both federal and state WVAdultEd funds are administered in accordance with an approved five-year state plan through the WVDE Office of Adult Education and Workforce Development. Funding is distributed to local programs through a multi-year competitive grant process.
The WVAdultEd state and regional staff based at WVDE and at Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) provide technical assistance to local programs in the areas of program administration; instructor training; student retention; delivery systems; assessment, curriculum; disabilities and other special learning needs; English Language Acquisition (ELA); technology;high school equivalency assessment; evaluation and monitoring; and other associated issues.
According to theWest Virginia State Board of Education Policy 2420, the following are the Adult Basic Education (ABE): Essential Elements (§126-57-4):
- Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs will provide instruction in foundational skills related to employment, family, educational, civic and personal goals.
- Each ABE program will develop a planning document that specifies program goals and objectives and is regularly reviewed and revised.
- Each ABE program will develop and utilize a needs assessment system to determine the type of course offerings, preferred locations and class scheduling most appropriate to meet the needs of the community.
- ABE programs will develop a system for obtaining continual community input and coordination to ensure that services are relevant, to avoid duplication of effort and to create a smooth transition of services for the adult learner.
- ABE programs will target student recruitment activities toward adults most in need of educational and life skill services.
- Curriculum and instruction will be geared to a variety of student learning styles and levels of student needs.
- Emphasis will be placed on the use of technology as an instructional tool and a learning skill for participant use.
- Adults with special learning needs will be identified and provided with appropriate accommodations for learning.
- Community support services will be identified and utilized to meet the adult learners’ needs.
- ABE classes will be located in facilities that are safe, handicapped-accessible and conducive to learning.
- Adult learners will be assisted to improve in foundational skills that: (1) support their educational needs; (2) enhance existing strengths; (3) enable them to function more effectively in their roles as worker, parent and citizen; and (4) prepare them for further education or training.
- A data collection system will be utilized to document and record participant achievement.
- ABE program instructors will participate in an ongoing process for professional development that considers the specific needs of its staff and adult learners.
- A continuous improvement process will be executed to ensure that all services are of the highest quality and meet standards of accountability.
County/Local Role in Adult Education
Many WVAdultEd local programs are operated through county boards of education that designate one employee to serve as County WVAdultEd Director. This individual is responsible for determining the need for WVAdultEd programs within the county, promoting these programs, recruiting students,coordinating the scheduling of WVAdultEd classes, hiring instructors, and overseeing financial and attendance reports. In a few counties, the RESA performs these functions.
Programs are also offered through volunteer literacy programs, community-based organizations, and institutional education programs with their own local program coordinators.
For a list of adulteducation local program directors, check online at
WVAdultEd Instructor Handbook, Section 1, 2017-20181
We Build Skills for Success
Our Vision
To be a highly valued provider of quality educational programs that offer every adult in West Virginia an opportunity to build skills for success.
To realize this vision, we will:
- Increase the foundational skills and literacy levels of adults in West Virginia.
- Focus on customer needs.
- Be recognized leaders in adult literacy and foundational skills development.
- Value and support dedicated skilled staff and volunteers in their literacy efforts.
- Be a key player in the state’s workforce development system.
- Enhance the design and delivery of flexible, affordable adult education programs and services.
- Be a valued participant in the continuum of adult education opportunities.
- Meet performance expectations through continuous improvement.
Our Mission
To enable adult learners to be literate, productive, and successful in the workplace, home, and community by delivering responsive adult education programs and services.
To accomplish this, we will:
- Recognize and accommodate the varied learning needs, levels, and goals of diverse adult learners.
- Use resources effectively and efficiently to provide a network of quality, affordable programs and services at the local, regional, and state levels.
- Collaborate with other organizations and initiatives with shared purposes.
- Recognize and support the important role that parents play in the educational success of their children.
- Position basic skill development as an integral part of economic development.
- Provide flexible opportunities for adults to obtain high school credentials and workplace skills.
- Foster a talented, dedicated staff by offering ongoing support and professional development opportunities.
- Provide research-based content, methods, and materials in meeting the expectations of our customers.
- Utilize technology to deliver and expand innovative programs and services.
- Monitor and continually improve our performance.
Our Core Values
Quality Integrity Lifelong Learning Teamwork Service
The key words representing our core values spell out the word QUILTS. The design of WVAdultEd’s QUILTS reminds us of our commitment to reach our vision and fulfill our mission through valued guiding principles. Our values help cultivate highly satisfied customers, pride of accomplishment among staff, and a positive reputation for our organization and its work.
We take responsibility for QUALITY…
by being accountable for delivering effective and efficient programs, having a commitment to excellence, practicing continuous performance and process improvement, creating best practices, and individually pursuing professional growth.
We act with INTEGRITY in all we do…
by always being respectful, honest, truthful, and accountable; being good stewards of resources; demonstrating ethical conduct; and building trust as individuals and as an organization.
by recognizing every adult’s inherent ability to learn, inspiring a quest for knowledge, ensuring access for all who desire to learn, fostering a positive learning environment, helping adults achieve their personal learning goals, acknowledging different learning styles, embracing diversity, and championing individual worth.
We embrace TEAMWORK …
through effective collaboration with all partners, using participatory planning, open communication, and decision-making in pursuing common goals.
We are committed to SERVICE…
that is historically rooted in strong customer service by listening, understanding, and meeting the needs of those we serve; exceeding all expectations; being responsive and innovative to emerging adult educational needs; and staying focused on changing customer requirements.
Our Goals
- Sustain a high-performing, resource-balanced, flexible, and customer-focused organization by strengthening its structure and operations.
- Identify, design, and implement quality programs and services that address customer needs.
- Sustain organizational values and processes that develop, engage, and reward employees and cultivate a commitment to excellence.
- Establish and sustain collaborative relationships with other organizations to strengthen and expand adult education programs and services.
- Use technology to improve communication, efficiency, delivery of instruction, and ease of access to programs and services.
- Raise awareness of the organization and promote a positive image of its work.
- Use an effective continuous improvement process that ensures accountability balanced to the needs of the customers and staff.
WVAdultEd Instructor Handbook, Section 1, 2017-20181
What is Adult Education (AdultEd)?
According to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Adult Education means:
Academic instruction and education services below the postsecondary level that increase an individual’s ability to do the following:
- Read, write, and speak in English and perform mathematics or other activities necessary for the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent
- Transition to postsecondary education and training
- Obtain employment.
The purpose of AdultEd is to:
- Assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency
- Assist adults who are parents or family members to obtain the education and skills that are necessary to becoming full partners in the educational development of their children; and lead to sustainable improvements in the economic opportunities for their family;
- Assist adults in attaining a secondary school diploma and in the transition to postsecondary education and training, including through career pathways; and
- Assist immigrants and other individuals who are English language learners in improving their reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills in English; and mathematics skills; and in acquiring an understanding of the American system of government, individual freedom, and the responsibilities of citizenship.
Who does WVAdultEd Serve?
Adults who lack the skills and knowledge to fully participate in, contribute to, and benefit from West Virginia’s postsecondary education system and economy are eligible to access adult education services in a variety of settings across the state. Core services are offered at all locations to adult learners who meet the federal eligibility requirements for enrollment.
AccordingtoTitleII oftheWorkforceInnovation OpportunityAct,eligiblestudentsarethoseindividuals who:
- Have attained 16 years of age;
- Are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under state law;
- Lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to function effectively in society;
- Do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, or have not achieved an equivalent level of education; and/or
- Are unable to speak, read, or write the English language.
What are the target populations served by WVAdultEd?
- Adults and out-of-school youth seeking a high school equivalency diploma
- Adults preparing for college entrance or for enrollment in other post-secondary education or training
- Unemployed or under-skilled workers seeking to obtain or retain a job, or to get a promotion
- Adults seeking to improve basic academic and computer skills for daily living
- Parents of young children
- Adults with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) seeking to improve English language skills, or prepare for U.S. citizenship and naturalization
- Teenage high school dropouts seeking to obtain or retain a driver’s license
- Adults in correctional facilities and regional jails
- Recipients of public assistance
- Residents of homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters
- Home-based adult learners seeking online basic skills study opportunities
What specialized programs are a part of WVAdultEd?
- Distance Education
Distance education makes it possible for adult learners to study outside the traditional classroom setting.Classroom instructors may apply to become a certified distance education instructor. Once they have completed the required Certified Distance Education Instructor Home Study Module, certified distance education instructors will be able to get credit for hours their students are working ona state-approved curriculumoutside of the classroom. See Section 13 of this Handbook for more detailed information.
Contact: Rebecca Metzger, Phone: 1-800-257-3723 ext. 202.
Email: . - English Language Acquisition (ELA)
The English Language Acquisition (ELA) program addresses the needs of adult English Language Learners (ELLs) including immigrants, temporary residents, and citizens of the U.S. whose native language is not English or who live in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language.See Section 14of this Handbook for more detailed information.
Contact: Cathy Shank, Phone: 1-800-257-3723 ext. 112.
Email: . - Institutional Education
Correctional facilities and regional jails offer a full-range of basic education services. See Section 15of this Handbook for more detailed information.
Contact: Jacob Green, Phone: 304-558-8833.
Email:. - Integrated English Language and Civics Education (IEL/CE)
The goal of Integrated English Language and Civics Education (IEL/CE) is to prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment with in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency. See Section 14of this Handbook for more detailed information.