Job Description

  1. General administration:

·  Day-to-day management of the ADC office and programme;

·  Secretary to the ADC Board;

·  Implementation of Board actions.

  1. Student support:

·  Grading test papers as required - Digging series, Try Jesus series and DBS/Group Bible lessons;

·  Answering Bible students’ questions and correspondence.

  1. Communication and Advertising:

·  Communication between ADC and Administrations of the BUC, Ministry, Personal Ministries Leaders, Church Members;

·  Preparation of cards, leaflets and promotional material;

·  Advertising, both in the churches and to the public;

·  Reporting to Messenger and BUC Newsletter.

  1. Course Management:

·  Assessing and upgrading existing courses as necessary;

·  Preparation / acquisition of new courses;

·  Planning and promotion of the courses.

  1. Computer:

·  Daily backup and weekly re-index of database;

·  Running monthly/quarterly/annual reports;

·  Troubleshooting.


Job Description

1.  Write up Journal Vouchers.

2.  Manage Petty Cash.

3.  Receipt cash/cheques.

4.  Prepare Budget Control and Financial Statement.

5.  Prepare Tithe and Tithe and Offering and Sustentation Reports.

6.  General oversight of the accounts department.

7.  Preparation of WWAM accounts for audit.

8.  Reconciliation of accounts.

9.  Computer management.

10.  Account queries.

11.  Deputise for treasurer in his absence.

12.  Banking.


Job Description

The Director of Children’s Ministries at Union level serves as a specialist in children’s spiritual development, and as an advocate for children. The director co-ordinates the activities of the department with the Conference and Mission directors/sponsors within the union territory.

The Union Director of the Children’s Ministries Department is accountable to the administration and the executive committee for upholding church beliefs and policy in order to accomplish the mission of the church.

  1. Provides leadership and act as a consultant in Children’s Ministries for all conferences and missions.
  2. Promotes co-operation and networking among ministries that work for/with children.
  3. Serves as a member of committees as assigned.
  4. Plans a budget for implementing the strategic plans of the department.
  5. Conducts seminars and workshops on child-related issues, introducing effective teaching methods for different age levels based on the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and current educational research.
  6. Evaluates and analyses information to identify needs for materials, programmes and training.
  7. Organises a yearly advisory to work on the plans and strategies of the department.
  8. Provides resources for the conference/mission Children’s Ministries directors.
  9. Provides training for leaders and teachers in the use of GraceLink for children’s Sabbath Schools.
  10. Writes, selects writers and edits new materials and circulates as hard copies and CDs.
  11. Provides articles on children’s ministries for union papers and other church publications.
  12. Interacts with children’s ministries networks within the church and with those of other Christian groups.
  13. Conducts evaluations of projects, events and programmes at least once a year.


Job Description

1.  Develop within the church an awareness of the value of good public relations, and inspire among members a sense of individual participation in the denomination's total public relations and evangelistic effort.

2.  Form a Public Relations Strategy based on informed research as to the needs of the church in this country.

3.  Direct the external profile of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the British Union and act as co-ordinating spokesperson from a national press office.

4.  Develop a Crisis Communication Strategy and provide regular training for the Crisis Communication team members.

5.  Work with the BUC Secretariat to maintain and develop the church's information systems, arranging training for workers when necessary.

6.  Maintain a weekly email news service reporting on church events within the UK and Ireland, and submit regular articles to the Messenger.

7.  Supervise, maintain and develop the BUC websites.

8.  Provide and publicise a wide range of public relations materials for use by local churches.

9.  Hold Communication Training programmes and workshops around the territory of the BUC, giving priority to Ministers and Communication Secretaries.

10.  Monitor all reports mentioning the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the national media and respond as necessary.

11.  Maintain oversight of the Adventist Media Centre (UK), liaising with and giving direction to the Centre manager.

12.  Promote the Hope Channel as the church's official satellite television channel.

13.  Work with the Adventist Media Centre (UK) to produce Hope Channel television programming.


Job Description

1.  Advise and initiate curriculum development projects through the relevant curriculum committees.

2.  Develop policies relevant to all schools, through co-operation with church administration and schools.

3.  Serve as the Executive Secretary for the Union Board of Education.

4.  Inform schools of relevant education developments in the world church and the state.

5.  Make appropriate contacts with government/local education committees on education issues.

6.  Advise church administration and schools on long term development plans for schools and financial management.

7.  Serve as an ex-officio member on all school boards.

8.  Keep files of prospective teachers, and promote church employment to student teachers.

9.  Organise inservice training that affects all schools: both professional and specifically denominational.

10.  Relate with the TED Education Department in matters relevant to the division or world church.

11.  Act as a liaison between Adventist teachers in the state sector and those within Adventist schools to promote professional and spiritual support between the different groups.

12.  Encourage personal development of all staff.

13.  Encourage interaction and sharing of ideas between schools.

14.  Organise regular school evaluations for primary schools and participate in division organised evaluations of secondary schools.

15.  Organise assessment of headteachers and assist headteachers in implementing appraisal schemes in individual schools.

16.  Act as a liaison between Newbold College students and the church administration.

17.  Facilitate and arrange sponsorships and grants for Newbold students and employees seeking further education.

18.  Produce annual statistical reports on all schools in the BUC.

19.  Promote Adventist Christian education.

20.  Assist in training and encouraging local education secretaries.

21.  Encourage and where relevant, instigate programmes and projects to balance the education of Adventist children and youth not in church schools.

22.  Serve as an advisor to the Adventist Teachers' Association.


Job Description

1.  To work under the direction of the Executive Committee and act as vice-chairman of the committee.

2.  To keep the minutes of the Union constituency meetings and of the Executive Committee.

3.  To collect such data as may be desired by the President or the Executive Committee.

4.  To attend to all constitutional issues working with the appropriate committee.

5.  To facilitate the work of the Policy Committee.

6.  To advise on legal issues, eg. Charity Law, Employment Law and Health & Safety matters.

7.  To act as an advisor to Union service departments and institutions.

8.  To chair the Divorce and Remarriage Committee.

9.  To maintain service records and correspondence with other denominational entities.

10.  To serve as the co-ordinator of the Seventh-day Adventist Retirement Plan.

11.  To perform other duties as usually pertain to such office.


Job Description


·  Promote the interests of the department and encourage church members in healthful living by visiting, preaching, and exhortation in local churches in the BUC territory.

·  Conduct mid-week, Sabbath and/or weekend seminars on pertinent subjects as requested.


·  Conduct Health Seminars:

Smoking Cessation

Stress Management

Nutrition seminars etc., as requested

·  Health Risk Assessments:

May be used in conjunction with the above programmes or as an adjunct to the programmes of departments (eg. Community Services); to complement evangelistic meetings; or as an entering wedge in new areas through appropriate agencies (ie. County Fairs etc).


·  Initiate and organise training programmes for ministry and laity in various health programmes (ie. Nutrition Instructors training course) utilising overseas and/or local qualified personnel where appropriate.

·  Give selective input to the Health Evangelism component at Newbold College, and provide settings for the health practicum of graduating students.


·  Act as a resource for locally led programmes providing lecture outlines, literature and visual aids.

·  Adapt overseas programmes for local use.

·  Advise on (or actually provide) exhibition materials.

·  Act as a health advisor to the Adventist Discovery Centre health courses.

·  Supply BTS literature to the general public and keep such accounts as are necessary.


·  Network with professional groups such as AIMS etc., involving Adventist medical and paramedical personnel.


·  Represent the Health department of the Church at Board meetings of Good Health Association (Scotland) Ltd and Good Health Association Ltd, and at other approved meetings such as:

United Kingdom Alliance

National United Temperance Council

Band of Hope

White Ribbon

·  Maintain a close involvement with the GC HM department initiated National Committee for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Dependency.

·  Act as the spokesperson to the media regarding health related issues of interest to Adventists.


·  Co-ordinate departmental activities throughout the Union territory liaising with Division and local fields supplying such information, reports and materials as may be required to the appropriate bodies.


·  Keep the name as a platform to engage other temperance societies and offer Adventist health materials to the general public via registration of the name in various Community Resource Directories (free-entry directories only)

·  In the event of the reorganisation of the British Temperance Society, serve as Secretary to the Board carrying out all the designated duties thereof.


Job Description

  1. Supervise the work of the Ministerial Association.
  2. Provide counsel and support for ministerial workers and families.
  3. Create and provide resource materials for Conferences and Missions in support of ministry.
  4. Recommend a list of relevant publications for the devotional and professional development of workers.
  5. Organise Union-wide pastoral meetings, workshops and seminars.
  6. Supervise the PREACH programme and stage events to invite non-Seventh-day Adventist clergy.
  7. Monitor the quality of training provided for elders, pastoral workers and lay preachers.
  8. Support workers and administrators in conflict management.
  9. Provide mentoring for ministerial workers in church management evangelism and nurture.
  10. Help the Ministerial Association personnel in the Conferences set strategic goals for church growth to meet church planting needs.
  11. Work closely with the presidents of the three Missions to co-ordinate the ministerial needs of their workers.
  12. Liaise with the Union president on the development needs of workers in the field.
  13. Be the Secretary of the BUC MinTac and Global Mission Committee.
  14. Evaluate the pastoral needs of the Union and make recommendations to the administration and Executive.
  15. Perform such other duties as requested by the Administrative/Executive Committee.


Job Description

1.  Work under the direction of the Executive Committee.

2.  Keep a record of proceedings of the Mission Session and Executive Committee.

3.  Collect data as requested by the administration.

4.  Such other duties as usually pertain to this office.

5.  Authorise all receipts to the Mission, whether cash/cheques or credit memos, according to policy.

6.  Bank cash/cheques on a regular basis.

7.  Authorise all disbursements based on invoices/charges received, according to policy or executive committee action.

8.  Manage and reconcile monthly all bank accounts.

9.  Prepare monthly Trial Balance, Budget Control Statement and Financial Statement.

10.  Ensure that the above statements are distributed in a timely manner to all executive committee members, finance committee members, as well as officers of higher organisations.

11.  Prepare annual Operating Budget and ensure that it is followed as closely as possible.

12.  Liaise with ministers/president/executive committee members/church treasurers regarding any financial matter.

13.  Prepare for and attend all executive committees, as well as any other committees that might arise in response to an urgent matter.

14.  Ensure the timely and accurate keeping of accounts as required by church and government/charity policies.

15.  Audit all local church accounts on an annual basis.

16.  Monitor the financial position of the Mission on a regular basis so as to ensure that any negative trends are corrected at the earliest possible opportunity.

17.  Ensure that money received is used wisely and for the benefit of the Lord's work while at the same time make prudent provision for the future.


Job Description

1.  Keep up-to-date on national and international human rights and religious liberty issues.

2.  Keep the membership informed on such issues by writing articles, organising seminars/special emphasis days; preparing materials, etc.

3.  Represent the church in contact with public authorities. Intervene with statutory bodies on religious liberty issues that affect the denomination or individual members.

4.  Co-operate with other bodies interested in religious liberty including the International Religious Liberty Association.

5.  Organise religious liberty conferences in which non-SDA's can participate.

6.  Establish a Religious Liberty resource centre and/or library.

7.  Organise a biennial training seminar for ministers, local religious liberty directors and selected lay persons.

8.  Conduct religious awareness workshops for church members.

9.  Mediate on behalf of members having difficulties at work or in educational institutions in getting Sabbath off - in keeping with the dictates of conscience.


Job Description

  1. To advise the Union President and Executive Committee in Personal Ministries and Community Service issues.
  2. Train pastors and laity in outreach activities and work with field leaders to get approval for outreach projects in their territories.
  3. Model evangelism, conduct field schools and encourage nurture activities.
  4. Work closely with the personal ministries and church growth directors/sponsors of the North and South England Conferences to formulate evangelistic strategies and create evangelistic resources for the Union.
  5. Plan with Mission presidents in the Irish, Scottish and Welsh fields the growth of the churches in those areas.
  6. Develop plans and programmes for the growth of the majority population.
  7. Develop plans and programmes for church growth within the inner cities, targeting ethnic groupings while also identifying the needs of the majority population
  8. Conduct nurture seminars and seek to establish new outreach groups.
  9. Promote and engage in Global Mission and New Church Planting initiatives.
  10. Liaise closely with Personal Ministries, Sabbath School and Youth departments to co-ordinate an integrated strategy for lay involvement inreach and outreach.
  11. Analyse and evaluate successful church growth methods that work with a view to applying them within the Union.
  12. Promote the Annual ADRA-UK Appeal.
  13. Act as facilitator for the Special Needs camp.

Additional Responsibilities: