Basic Theology

TTH 500 99 – Online course

Fall 2010Dr. Johnny Pressley 3 semester hours

Cincinnati Bible Seminary


Course Requirements

Weekly reading (25% of semester grade)

Quizzes (25% of semester grade)

Writings (25% of semester grade)

Class online discussions (10% of semester grade)

Comprehensive exams (15% of semester grade)


1.All information and assignments for this course will be posted online on Moodle

a.Go to the CCU homepage (home.ccuniversity.edu)

b.Click on the Moodle link

c.Login with your username (student ID number) and password

d.Need help with login:

1)Contact the Registrar’s office (513-244-8170)

2)Or contact our Moodle (513-244-8475)

2.The Basic Theology course will officially begin Monday Aug.23

Primary Text

Jack Cottrell, The Faith Once for All (College Press, 2002)

Available for purchase from our campus bookstore (513-244-8134)

Advance Work

No advance work required for this course. All reading, writing, and discussion will be done as we work through each week’s lesson.Anyone wishing to get an early start can find some advance work posted on Moodle one month before class begins.

Course Objectives

The Basic Theology course is a survey of the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Christian faith. This study will introduce the discipline of theological study, and then focus upon key doctrines related to God, Christ, mankind, sin, salvation, and the second coming. This course is designed to help you clarify your own thinking regarding our basic beliefs and to equip you to explain these doctrines to others. It is intended to serve as a prerequisite course for Seminary study, for students who have not taken an undergraduate basic doctrines course.

Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

a.Give an easy-to-comprehend explanation of the major doctrines of Scripture

b.Identify key Scripture passages that teach each of these major doctrines

c.Define many of the theological terms often used today in connection with these doctrines

d.Show the practical relevance to the individual Christian and the church of Bible doctrines

e.Identify some popular ideas that are not based upon clear Biblical teaching

Semester Schedule

Aug 23Introduction to Systematic Theology

Aug 30The Word of God

Sep 6The Nature of God

Sep 13The Moral Attributes of God

Sep 20The Works of God

Sep 27God and Creation

Oct 4Man and Sin

Oct 11The Holy Spirit and Mid-term Exam

Oct 18The Person of Christ

Oct 25The Death and Resurrection of Christ

Nov 1The Plan of Salvation

Nov 8The Blessings of Salvation

Nov 15The Church

Nov 22Thanksgiving Break

Nov 29The Second Coming of Christ

Dec 6The End Times

Dec 13Final Exam

Course Agenda

1.The weekly lessons

Instructions for your study will be posted each week on Moodle

A typical week

  • Read study notes from Pressley (posted on Moodle)
  • Read assigned pages from Cottrell’s Faith Once for All
  • Read brief supplemental articles from the Web (links posted on Moodle)
  • Complete online quizzes related to the assigned reading


Occasionally throughout the semester, you will be asked to write on a theological topic

  • All writing assignments will be brief: half a page to 2 pages
  • Some will be reflections upon the week’s lesson and reading
  • Some will be a summary of your research into a topic
  • Instructions will be posted regarding research and writing expectations
  • No major term paper required

3.Class online discussions

Occasionally throughout the semesterdiscussion questions will be posted

  • Instructions will be posted as to how to make online comments and how to read and react to the comments of other classmates
  • You will be given a grade based upon your participation

4.Comprehensive exams

Two comprehensive exams will be givenduring this semester

  • Instructions will be posted (with a study guide)
  • Exams will be taken online
  • Mid-term exam: during the week of Oct.11-17
  • Final exam: during the week of Dec. 13-16

5.Special notes


  • Each lesson week will begin on a Monday
  • Each week’s lesson officially closes the following Monday at 1:00 a.m., but will remain on Moodle for an extra week as a grace period for those rare occasions when you are running behind

b.Due dates

  • All assignments will have a due date and an expiration date
  • The due date for assignments will be during the lesson week of the assignment
  • The expiration date is at the end of the following grace week, when the assignment is removed from Moodle and no further submissions will be accepted

Grade Scale

A (100 – 95)B+ (91 – 89)C+ (82 – 80)D+ (73 – 71)

A– (94 – 92)B (88 – 86)C (79 – 77)D (70 – 68)

B– (85 – 83)C– (76 – 74)D– (67 – 65)


1.Any part of this course and its expectations may be revised by the professor as needed, with fair notice to be given in class

2.To contact Dr. Pressley outside of class:

Office: the Seminary Dean’s Office (downstairs Library/Grad building)

Phone: (513) 244-8104Email:

Mailing address:Dr. Johnny Pressley


P. O. Box 4320

Cincinnati, OH 45204