UNIV 1108 Syllabus – Fall 2016

Dr. Xuechao Li (Suechow Lee), Office location: 203 Milledge Hall


Office Hours

MW: 3:30—4:30PM or by Appointments.

RefenceText: (1) Functions and Change by Crauder,Evens and Noell (Edition 5e)

(2) (Reference) Mathematical modeling by Mary Ellen Davis and C. Henry Edwards (2ndEdition). And some handout material will be hand out during the class

Graphing calculators are required for course. The techniques used in the course will be shown using a Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator. The TI-83, 83 Plus, 84 Plus Silver.

Functions & Change (5e) Online information:

1. http://www.webassign.net

2. Find the “Have a class key?” Is Webassign used in your instructors class click here.

3. Enter the class key: (period 1:25—2:15PM)

Instructor / Section / Class Key
Xuechao Li / UNIV 1108, section 13404 / uga 28354797

4. Follow the guild to build your login ID and your password.

Please enter your daily-checking email address when you register on webassign.net (All announcements regarding this course will delivered to you through webassign email address which include, but not limit to, HW due date, test-date posting, date and location of final, or canceling the class meeting, etc)

Goal of this course

The goal of this course is to improve the ability of students to apply quantitative skills and reasoning to the analysis of real-world data and give students an opportunity to learn something significant about how math is used, and why math is important. In doing so, the student will develop the foundations for the quantitative demands of other general education courses in natural and social sciences and foundations

to be successful in Math 1101, Introduction to Mathematical Modeling, at The University of Georgia.

Rules and Requirements:

Attendance: You will do all homework outside of class online using the homework on the webassign site. We will meet MWF, about 5-10 minus of this class time will be used to go over some questions you have about the material presented in previous class as well as the homework assignment.

Homework: The homework assignments located on the webassign site are divided by chapter. Each chapter’s assignments are due by the date of the exam for that chapter. Homework will account for 10% of your grade for the course.

Homework is an important component to being successful in this course. In order to cover all of the information that we need to each day, it is required that you email me homework questions that you have by 9:00 pm the night before we meet for each class. I will then answer your questions at the beginning of each class period. Because there are a lot material needed to be covered in a short period of time, there may be times when I ask that you meet with me during my office hours so that we may discuss your questions.

Chapter Tests: No-Make-Ups. There will be 4 tests that you will take during this semester. You will have an option to drop your lowest test score for one of our 4 in class tests. Your chapter tests are worth a total 60% of your course grade. The final exam may be used to substitute ONE missing chapter test in the event of an excused emergency absence. An excused emergency absence will only be granted when you have notified me of the illness/emergency prior to the class meeting on the test day, and with a document excuse presented to me later. The exact dates of the tests will be announced in class.

Quizzes are online (Webassign.net), and quizzes are worth 5% of your course grade.

GRADING & CLASS POLICIES (Attendance Policy):

Good attendance is a must. You cannot succeed to the best of your ability if you are not in class for each lecture. Do not lure yourself into the false security of thinking you only need someone’s notes and you can figure out the homework yourself.

Typically 4 absences of any sort result in an automatic WF in the course.

Class Lectures: We will start each class lecture with questions concerning the previous assignment. Please ask questions: this is the only way we learn.

Final Exam

Final examination will be a comprehensive, about 30-40-questions. Note that the final examination may not take place in this classroom or at the time indicated in the University’s Schedule of Classes. The date and time will be announced later in the semester. Final worth 25% of your grade.

The final test exam may be used to substitute ONE missed in class test in the event of an excused emergency absence. An excused emergency absence will only be granted when you have notified me of the illness/emergency prior to the class meeting on test day.

Note that if you are a drop back student from Math 1101 : Your first one test or two tests at Math 1101 will be automatically dropped. Thus all of your three chapter tests in UNIV 1108 will be kept and counted toward to your course grade.


Grading is on a standard 10-point grading scale.

Note: You are RESPONSIBLE to keep track of your own grades.

Example of how to calculate your grade: Suppose you have scores on your four chapters tests which are 93,65,80, and 92 respectively. After drop the test of 65 which is the lowest one, Then your chapters tests earning for you is:

Suppose your quizzes are: 80, 90, 60, 70 which gives you that

Suppose that your final is 68 over 100 which gives that

Suppose your homework is 10%.

Your course grade will be which is B.

A: >=9%, B: >=80%, C: >=70%, D:>= 60%, F: < 59%

For drop back from Math 1101 students: Your first two tests at Math 1101 will be auto dropped. So all of your two chapter tests in my class (UNIV 1108) will be kept and counted toward to your grade.

Attendance Policy You are expected and required to attend every class meeting. However, illnesses and accidents happen. Thus, you have three absences from the class. More than three and you may be withdrawn from the course with a grade of WF. The exception is illness; you should contact instructor and have medical excuses from the Heath Center. You may have any number of such excused absences.

Tardiness is disruptive to the class. While the occasional tardiness is excusable due to the difficulties in finding parking or crowded buses, regular tardiness will be penalized by being counted as unexcused absences. A warning will be issued before penalties are enacted.

University of Georgia Honesty Policy

The Honesty Policy at the University of Georgia is described in detail in the publication A Culture of Honesty and is available through the Office of the Vice President for Instruction or online at www.uga.edu/ovpi/academic_honesty/culture_honesty.htm.

1.  “No student shall knowingly perform, attempt to perform or assist another in performing any act of academic dishonesty.”

2.  Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: plagiarism, unauthorized assistance, lying, tampering, bribery, or theft.

It is your responsibility as a student at The University of Georgia to be aware of what constitutes academic dishonesty and to avoid any hint of it in your work at the University.

Tentative dates for tests.

09/09/2016: Test 1 (Chapter P & Chapter 1)

10/12/2016: Test 2 (Chapter 2)

10/28/2016: Test 3 (Chapter 3)

11/30/2016: Test 4 (Chapter 4)

Final exam (Comprehensive)

Final exam: date , time and Location: will be announced later this semester.