A novel by Vladimir Nabokov, A film by Stanley Kubrick
Conference to be held at the University of Toulouse, France
October 23, 2009
Organizers: René Alladaye, Marie Bouchet, University of Toulouse
Morning session 10h30-13h00 Lolita, displacements and replacements
Chair: Marie BOUCHET
University of Toulouse, UTM
10h30-11h15 Didier MACHU
University of Pau, France
«Lolita et le totalitaire»
11h30-12h15 Zachary BAQUÉ
University of Toulouse, UTM
“Putting the Geography of the United States into Motion: Kubrick's Lolita as an American Travelogue”
12h15-13h00 Lara DELAGE-TORIEL
University of Strasbourg
“Shadow of a Double: Taking a Closer Look at the Opening of Kubrick's Lolita”
Afternoon session 14h15-17h30 Lolita, Themes and variations
Chair: René ALLADAYE,
University of Toulouse, UTM
14h15-14h45 Lara DELAGE-TORIEL
University of Strasbourg
Sound artist, Strasbourg
“Musical creation around Lolita”
Intersemiotic exploration of Nabokov’s Lolita, designed for the conférence, combining voice, music and sound objects.
Conceptors: Lara Delage-Toriel and Xavier Fassion
Voice, bandoneon, cello: Lara Delage-Toriel
Sound objects, voice: Xavier Fassion
14h45-15h30 Cristelle MAURY
University of Toulouse, UTM
«Esthétique du film noir dans
Lolita de Stanley Kubrick»
15h45-16h30 Marie BOUCHET
University of Toulouse, UTM
“Music and Songs in Lolita, novel and film”
16h30-17h00 Round table session
The conference proceedings will be published online before January 2010, in Miranda, the peer-reviewed online academic periodical of the English Studies Research Center of the University of Toulouse (C.A.S., Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes).
For more information about the conference, contact:
Marie Bouchet.:
René Alladaye:
or go to: