Added a New Tab Called Service Auth to the System Maintenance Module
Alphaflex Update 1.20
- Added a new tab called Service Auth to the System Maintenance module.
The Service Authorization Template Setup section allows the provider to maintain their own service limitations by insurance and or service. For instance, if you want to limit your H2022 authorizations to 1 per day, you can manage those settings on this new tab. Additionally, there is a section called Service Pass-through Setup. This is where the provider can add service by insurance pass-through types and number of allowed services by visit or year with an effective date and end date.- We have added new options and selections to the Assessment Note and Med Management Note. The most notable change is a new section called Assessment Extra Section and Med Extra Section. These are configurable additions to these notes that can be managed in Administrative Modules…Data Maintenance…System Maintenance under the DropDowns tab. For instance, if I wanted to add a value to one of these sections of the note, I would navigate to the DropDowns tab in System Maintenance and select either Assessment_Extra_section or MedNote_Extra_Section and entries for these dropdowns will allow users to add text fields to the new fields in Assessments and/or Medication Management notes.
- There are significant changes in the way treatment goals, the crisis plan, and the PCP plan are now being handled. If you are creating a new PCP Plan for a client you will first want to visit the Crisis Plan tab on the client’s homepage because that will auto-fill your PCP Plan once you are ready to fill it out. Also, the treatment goals and PCP data are entered directly into the PCP Treatment Plan window. These goals will still be selectable from a client’s note and your PCP review will still work the same way. We have added additional documentation and instructions to the University clinical training guide.
- We have had billing issues in the past with providers updating rates within Alphaflex. We recommend that you discuss rate updates with the Alphaflex billing staff first so we can ensure the proper service to insurance mappings and billing configurations are set up correctly.
- Added a new tab to the User Maintenance User HR module called Record Note. This tab will allow you to add customizable notes for a user. For instance, if a clinician is transferred from one service or program to another, the notes can be recorded here. The dropdown list is managed under System Maintenance…DropDowns tab.
- Added an addendum section to the bottom of submitted Medication Management notes, Assessment notes, SOAP notes, and Billing Tickets.
- Clients that have been discharged, and do not have an active episode, will no longer be displayed on the Group Scheduler for future appointments.
- Corrected issues that users were experiencing when updating to Internet Explorer 10.
- Added an "All" option to the Insurance dropdown for the report "Withheld Billing Due to no Auth letter". Also, the insurance list is now in alphabetical order.
- If a clinician has more than one site in User Maintenance, the site dropdown list will no longer default to any particular site.
- Changed procedures to now allow used units for an Alphaflex authorization to be refunded when a claim that was fully denied has been completely written off.
- Updated grid column names on the Client Homepage tabs.
- We have created a new report under Administrative that allows providers to view claims and their response status from the Insurance. For example, if I want to search for claims that I have not received a response for, I can search by Date Range, Payer, Client, Service, and Status.
- Alphabetized several dropdown values including Scheduling Status, RU, and the billing configuration lists.
- Corrected an issue that was occurring when printing a client’s chart note(s).
- Expanded the search results grid in the Client Search module.
- Fixed an issue where some internet browsers were retaining search results in the Funding Source Billing module.
- Enhanced the Notes – Contact Type report to now include Client ID and Service.
- Updated the Monthly Billed vs Paid report. The Adjusted Amt column is all adjustments except denial adjustments. The Denied Amt column is all the denial adjustment records. The Outstanding Amt is simply the "Billed Amt - Paid Amt - Adjusted Amt - Denied Amt".
- Added “License” and “Degree” to the Query definition for the custom report module under the Clinical model.
- The Write-Off report has been renamed as Manual Adjustment Report and the calculation issues have been corrected.
- Client Authorization history has been updated to display the diagnosis code instead of the diagnosis code ID.
- Corrected an issue where a user was unable to create an “All Day” appointment.
- Added a blank value to the Response Received dropdown in the Claims Log module to allow users to search for all responses.
- Modified the system so that if a client has an MCO auth with no limits set, the auth will pull the limits specified in the Service Benefit plan for that particular service.
- We have modified the electronic prescription medication validation to display an error message prior to the medication being sent if there is no NDC code stored for that medication.
- For crossover claims, we corrected an issue where the billing history for a claim was showing an incorrect insurance name.
- For electronic prescriptions, we have enhanced the medication search to not include duplicate entries.
- Adjusted the report, Revenue Earned Per Clinician, to filter by billed date instead of date of service. The “Duration of Paid Services” column will now only show times for paid claims.
- Added the option “All” to the Insurance dropdown for the report “Withheld Billing Due to no Auth letter” to enhance the search function.
- Moving forward, when you create a new entry in the rates maintenance module, please contact the Alphaflex Billing Team to set up the appropriate billing configuration for that particular service to insurance mapping.
- Corrected an issue where the authorization units on the client’s summary page were not being updated as often as they should have been.
- Updated error messages when submitting notes to be more accurate to the actual issue.
- Fixed an issue that was causing claims to remain in “To Be Approved” status when the automated billing process runs.
- Updated the “Client Authorized VS Used Unites” report, adding two new columns. Auth Site Name and Client Site Name. When a site is selected in the filter, the system will filter by site specific authorizations. If no site exists on the authorization, the system will display the site of the Primary Clinician for the client.
- Corrected an issue where the status of notes were not displaying correctly when searching for a note.
- The electronic prescription grid has been modified to include all fields that are in the e-prescribe dashboard. We added Patient and Prescriber fields. We also modified the border of this page to better utilize screen space and minimize scrolling for users.
- Updated the print control for Internet Explorer on our servers where previously Windows was giving an error.
- Added “Insurance Authorization Number” to the custom report module under the “Authorizations” query for the Clinical report model.
- Corrected an issue where users were unable to approve notes due to consolidation with an existing claim that had denied.