Bible study Note: Jesus; The Seeking Savior
The church at Laodicea had grown complacent in their relationship with the Lord. Jesus came to them, saying, “I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20).
- How can we guard against becoming lukewarm like the church at Laodicea?
Know who is knocking.
In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is referred to as the “Beginning of the creation of God,” in the sense of its “Originator.” John uses the word arche, which He also used in the first chapter of his gospel to refer to the time before creation. It describes a “chief position,” of time, rank, or place.
Jesus is the beginning and the end, the Lord of lords, and our Cornerstone. How does recognizing His position and power affect how we handle His request to enter our lives? Does that recognition make it easier or harder to surrender control of your life to Him?
Read His Word.
Read John 1:1-14.
- What is Jesus’ relationship to the Word of God?
- How often do you read the Bible? Have you taken time to commit Scripture to memory? What changes can you make in your life to give the Word greater priority?
Prepare your heart for the Lord’s message.
Once we realize God’s position and the power contained in His Word, we should begin to see how “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). Therefore, it is wise for us to prepare our hearts for any message God wants to share with us.
Read the parable of the sower in Luke 8:5-18.
- How do the types of soil affects the way a seed germinates and grows?
- What kind of soil is your heart most like? What issues should you deal with so the Lord’s teachings can penetrate and become fruitful in your life?
When Peter, James, and John saw Christ in all His glory during the transfiguration, the Father spoke to them, saying, “This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!” (Mark 9:7).
- Can you think of a situation or issue about which you’ve been refusing to listen to God?
Submit to His Will.
There’s no need to wait for a voice from heaven commanding you to listen. As Paul said, "The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you" (Phil. 4:9). The Lord provides direction for our lives through His Word, the Holy Spirit, and the confirmation of fellow believers.
- What part of your life do you need to surrender to God’s Will? Has the Holy Spirit been bringing something to mind that you keep ignoring?
- Is there anything in your life that contradicts Scripture? What about your fellow believers—has anyone confronted you regarding an aspect of your life that you are protecting? Pray about these issues, and make sure you give them over to the Lord.
Repent of any wrongdoing.
If Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart, that means you have kept Him outside. Examine your life and consider where you may have become self-reliant.
Remember that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). We have no reason to fear being honest with God and admitting our failures to Him.
- Is there anything you need to bring before Him?
Act according to His purposes.
Once Jesus becomes Lord of our life, we need never fear losing our salvation. However, our fellowship with Him can suffer if we disregard His leading in our life (Ps. 66:18).
Read John 15:10, 1John 3:22, and Matthew 7:24-25.
- How is our obedience to the Lord’s commandments tied to our relationship with Him?
Through prayer, invite God to increase His presence and guidance in your life.
God is not a dictator who suppresses His people’s voice. He wants to hear our concerns and opinions, and He promises to answer our prayers. Even though we may not understand His decision or get the answer we want, Scripture assures us that His way of doing things is always in our best interest.
Read Matthew 7:7-11, Psalm 91:15, and Romans 8:27.
- What is God’s attitude toward our prayers? What does He promise to do when we pray?
Prayer: Father, thank You for persistently knocking on the door of my heart. Teach me to recognize the authority and power of Your Word. Help me to develop an open heart and ears sensitive to the sound of Your voice. I submit to Your will and confess my failings. Make my path straight as I step forward in response to Your guidance. Thank You for always being there for me, listening to my concerns, and answering my prayers. I look forward to seeing how You answer my prayer today. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.