November Reinsurance Meetings Held in Moscow Attracted a Record Number of Participants and Guests
NovemberReinsurance Business Meetingshavetakenplacefortheseventh timeon November 27-28. The mainorganizer: AllRussianInsurer’sUnion (ARIA), and BusinessFormatGroup (DelovoyFormat) contributing as a co-oganiser.
570 participantsandguestsattended the Event at Moscow’sprestigious President Hotel to conduct negotiations and to present new reinsurance products and programs. SCOR reinsurer has been the sponsor of this conference, actively supported by the following partner companies: Eastern Reinsurance company (Official partner), Unity Re (Strategic partner), Ingosstrakh (Partner), Profile Re (Partner), Kapital Re (Partner). 257 participants represented 147 companies from 22 countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Latvia, Malaysia, Moldova, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Czech, Switzerland, and Estonia. Out of 147 registered companies 75 were from Moscow, 17 – from Russian regions, 55 – from foreign countries.
ThesituationontheglobalandRussianreinsurancemarkethasbeenreviewedbythechairmanoftheOrganizingcommittee, theheadoftheinwardtreatyreinsurancedepartmentofIngosstrakhIgorAlexeev. Philippe Trainar, vice-president of SCOR, presented a detailedanalysisofthe situationprevailing ontheglobalfinancial markets. Thedeputygeneraldirectorforreinsuranceoperations and chief underwriter of the Eastern Reinsurance Company Nurlan Nadyrbaev outlinedprospects of the development of some classes of insurance under the present conditions.
Reinsuranceprogramsof particular companies werepresented by Igor Shehovzev, director on development of Unity Re, Evgeny Stanchenko, General director of Profile Re, Alexander Edakov, head of the outward reinsurance department of Ingosstrakh and Igor Alexeev, theheadoftheinwardtreatyreinsurancedepartment of Ingosstrakh, Elena Orlova, underwriter of Kapital reinsurance, Alexander Derkach, head of the reinsurance department of Asiatrans Re. Bruce Selby Bennett, Head of Benfield CEE and CIS division informed about the merger of AON and Benfield that has been completed recently. Sergei Misyurov, the general director of “Belorussian national reinsurance organization”, made a review of the Belorussian reinsurance market.
Traditional Beaujolais Nouveau held in the evening of November 27 coincided this time with 10-th anniversary of the establishment of SCOR’s Moscow representative office.
Within the framework of November meetings impact of the global financial crises on Russia and Russian insurance industry prospects against this background were discussed during the Roundtable with major speakers: Anton Teach from Troika Dialog investment company, Dr. Eduard Grebenshchikov, head of the research and international co-operation department of ARIA and Dr. Alexei Laikov, director of RIFAMS insurance and reinsurance broker.
OnNovember28 duringthepressconferenceforjournalistsDenisKessler, theGeneralDirectorofSCORgroupannounced theforthcomingopeningofSCOR’sRussiansubsidiarythat would apply for a reinsurance license soon. Mr.Kessleralsosharedhisvisionoftheglobalreinsurancemarket developments and made some short term forecasts.
Participants and guests of the event attended the exhibition on the History of the development of insurance in Russia, organized by Rossiya insurance company.
Source: ARIA press service