Tuesday, January 13, 2015

6:00 p.m.

Comm. Steele called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with the following in attendance:

Comm. GranholmElizabeth HeathcoteScott DePoe

Comm. JonesLisa FryeSteve Hovis

Comm. KesslerDebra HatleyGary Milbrand

Comm. Steele

Other Township Employees: Adam Wolf; Kathleen Dellinger, EMA; Glen Myers, ZHB;

Ed Dick, W&S Authority

MinutesOn motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Jones, the minutes of December 9, 2014 were approved as presented. Vote 5 yes.

Payment of Bills

On motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the following bills for December 2014 were approved for payment:

General Fund $250, 553.36

Sewer Revenue Fund 194,753.68

Intermunicipal Sewer Fund 7,367.75

Stormwater Mgt. Fund 2,730.00

Recreation Capital Reserve 6,886.50

General Capital Reserve 34,228.38

Sewer Capital Reserve 115,444.08

Street Light Fund 205.95

EMA Fund 10.00

TOTAL $648,179.70

Professional Services

Non-Reimbursable $56,222.92


PresentationComm. Jones presented John Brownlee with his PEMA Basic Certification. Mr. Brownlee has been with the York Township EMA since October 2012.


Gary Milbrand presented the York Township MS4 Annual Report Review, Public Participation and Comment for 3/10/13 thru 7/31/2014. Copy of the presentation is in the minute book.

Comm. Knepper: Who leads the training classes?

Gary Milbrand: York City, some of the staff members have put on seminars for other municipalities, DEP, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and webinars.

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We are also working with the school. Linda Marshall works with the Green Team with Mrs. Lloyd. Debra Hatley has the Volunteens during the summer and they did the marking of the storm drains. Gary is a judge at the Dallastown Science Fair, working with Mrs. Mathias. There is a tremendous amount of work and we continue to make progress. There is a committee at the township, Gary, Lisa Frye and Scott DePoe.

Comm. Knepper: How do you get credits?

Gary Milbrand: We take advantage of a lot of things for the permit like street sweeping, it’s something we always do, and we can take credit for that activity.

The board members agreed that the presentation was very informative, and Gary directed the citizens that if they have any questions to contact him and also check out our website for more information.



KnepperI attended the meeting for the recreation comp plan, and we heard about all of the opportunities for recreation not owned by the township: churches, county parks, schools, etc.

Red Lion rescinded their connection to YARP. The bottom line for the YARP Commission is public safety. York Township commits more money than anyone.


KesslerAttended the December YARP meeting.

I was interviewed by the researchers from Michigan State on their study on regional police. They were interested in the origin of YARP and I was a township commissioner when it was formed. I was impressed with how smoothly it went.

I attended the Christmas luncheon and we are very lucky to have these people who work for us on a daily basis.

I live in Stone Hill and the streets were just adopted and there were some concerns from the residents how well we would be served with the winter weather. I have received several comments and everyone is very happy with the service in the snow and ice storms. (Later in the meeting Scott DePoe advised Comm. Kessler that Stone Hill is on Adam Wolf’s route and Comm. Kessler acknowledged his appreciation.)


JonesI attended the school consolidation presentation at the York County School of Technology. It was wellpublished in the newspaper. I have the study if anyone would like to read it.

Last night I installed the line officers at Goodwill, Station 19. I believe they are off to a good start for this year.

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Kathy Dellinger is still looking for heating and cooling stations, this is for a short stay and also working on the registry for people who may need assistance in case of evacuation.

She is working on a Memorandum of Understanding between York Township and Dallastown Borough.

Lonny and I attended the Christmas luncheon and are proud to be part of this group.


GranholmAt the December YARP meeting we sent a final notice of termination to Red Lion and drafted an Intermunicipal agreement and ordinance to allow the School Resource Officer to remain at Red Lion Senior High School. We have not been contacted as to whether they will sign the paperwork.

I also met with the group from Michigan State on the regional police department.

I road along with one of the officers and was with the team during a DUI checkpoint over the holidays.

Chief Gross and I met with Rep. Kristen Phillips-Hill and requested funding and support for local police departments.

At the January YARP meeting and if you remember the beginning of 2014 we had a cash short fall around $400,000, but it looks like we will end up on the plus side when all of the 2014 bills have been paid around $136,000. We saved on health care, gas, and capital purchases. I’d like to keep allocating funds to reserve accounts to get to a year when the unit costs don’t rise.

YARP has received donations to purchase 3 AED’s, at $2200 each. Would York Township consider purchasing one of these units? I’m going to speak with Fred to see if we have money allocated for this.

I will be serving as Chairman of YARP Commission for another year. It is a committed board and there are changes coming to make the department even better.


SteeleI attended the YARP December and January meetings. Best wishes to Comm. Granholm as chairman. We appreciate the service you have provided this last year.

I also attended the holiday celebration and had a good time. My group consisted of an old man and the others were younger. We won the contest for identifying pictures.

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TOWNSHIP MANAGER – Elizabeth Heathcote


On motion of Comm. Kessler, seconded by Comm. Jones, Fred Krause was appointed representative and Elizabeth Heathcote was appointed alternate to the York Adams Tax Bureau and York County Tax Collection for 2015. Vote 5 yes.




On motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Kessler, Jodi Heffner was reappointed to the Planning Commission for a 4 year term to expire January 2019. Vote 5 yes.



ExtensionOn motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the board approved a proposal from Penn Waste for a 3 year extension. The proposal will be as follows:

Year 1 July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016

3 bags without cart $32.91 per quarter

With cart $50.91 per quarter

Extra bags $ 3.50 each

Years 2 & 3 July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018

3 bags with cart$35.00 per quarter

With cart$54.00 per quarter

Extra bags$ 4.00 each

Vote 5 yes.

RECREATION - Debra Hatley

Monthly report included in minute book.


ParkThe pavilion was delivered in December and is being stored in the public works area. JMT presented options for the pavilion location at the January Rec board meeting. Replacing the pavilion requires us to upgrade the path to an accessible route per ADA standards. This will require the approval of Met-Ed, as the route will be in the right-of- way and require some changes in elevation. We have seen quotes in the range of $140,000 - $150,000 for all of the upgrades.

We have received the insurance money for the pavilion, but had not anticipated the upgrade s required for the ADA route. Comm. Granholm asked if we had contacted the insurance company about paying for all of the costs that will be incurred with the replacement of the pavilion. Debra will be contacting the insurance company to see if our coverage provides for all costs to be paid with the replacement of the pavilion.

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PurchasesOn motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Kessler, the following equipment was approved for purchase from the 2015 capital reserve fund:

a. (2) 2015 Ford F550 dump trucks

b. 2015 Ford F250

c. Leaf vacuum

d. Tiger mower

Vote 5 yes.


GrinderOn motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Steele, the board approved the proposal from Gannett Fleming to design and prepare the construction documents for bidding and construction of a mechanical sewage grinder to be incorporated on the influent line into the wet well of the Honey Valley pump station.

Comm. Granholm: None of our stations have this. We seem to be having challenges at this station. Were there any discussions on this on the original design? I think I would ask for a copy of their errors and omissions document.

Comm. Steele: We ran that plant without failures. Either it was designed different or something else has changed with what’s going through it. I suggest that you have a discussion with Gannett Fleming. This is the second time this plant has shut down.

Comm. Granholm: Does the new station have the reliability that the old station had?

Gary Milbrand: We had issues at the old station.

Comm. Granholm: You need to look at the design. Maybe we shouldn’t do projects with them if this is going to continue.

The staff will set up a discussion with Gannett Fleming on this issue.



ReleaseOn motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Kessler the following surety releases were approved:

Price Rite Expansion surety reduction of $259,331.07

Queensgate Towne Center surety reduction of $180,295.50

Vote 5 yes.

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ExtensionOn motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the Leader Heights Healthcare parking lot expansion, LD2013-8-1, was granted a 90 day extension. Vote 5 yes.

SOLICITOR – Steve Hovis

Ord. 15-1

CBPRPOn motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, Ordinance 2015 -1, re- authorizing the intergovernmental agreement with the county, was approved with the following voice vote:

Comm. JonesYes

Comm. KnepperYes

Comm. KesslerYes

Comm. GranholmYes

Comm. SteeleYes




DriveSolicitor Hovis advised he had been contacted by Attorney John Miller requesting consent on an old deed to close the description on a property located along Mellinger Drive and allow his client to get title insurance. Comm. Jones made a motion to a consentable line adjustment on Mellinger Drive to close a 22.5’ closure error on the deed. Motion seconded by Comm. Kessler. Vote 5 yes.

LitigationSolicitor Hovis advised that the Supreme Court has issued an order denying the appeal filed by Dennis Ness and John Bowders challenging the adoption of the York Township Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.

Elizabeth Heathcote advised that as of October 30, 2014 York Township has spent $14,358.18 on this litigation.


SessionThe board was in executive session to discuss a personnel issue.

AdjournThe meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
