Minutes of a Meeting of Sapcote Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Thursday 6 April 2017 in the Pavilion at Sapcote Playing Fields.
Present: Mrs A Davies (Chairman),
Mrs Robinson-Smith, Mrs Rogers Mrs Brannan and Mrs Twitchett
Messrs Hewson, Taylor and Towers
Also Present Mrs S Scott DC.
Mr M Guntrip, Clerk to the Council
Members of the public.
55/17 Apologies for Absence
Mr V Howell, Mr E White CC., Miss D Woods DC
56/17 Declarations of Interest
Mrs Davies declared an interest arising out the employment of her daughter in the cemetery.
Mrs Rogers declared an interest arising out of her membership of the Sapcote Recreation Ground Management Committee for whom she is treasurer and as a member of the Sapcote Good Neighbour Scheme where she is also treasurer. Mr Taylor declared an interest in Granitethorpe quarry as a prospective purchaser. Mrs Twitchett declared an interest arising out of her role as a school governor at All Saints Primary School.
57/17 Planning Application: Residential development of up to 125 dwellings including access (Outline). Land South of Hinckley Road
Following discussion it was agreed that an objection to this proposed development would be lodged on the following grounds:
1. The scale and dominance of this development was not appropriate given the limited services and facilities available in the settlement of Sapcote;
2. The levels of development in Sapcote over recent years had increased the housing numbers by some 39% with no commensurate improvements in infrastructure. This was unacceptable;
3. The proposed development would bring that increase up to 51%, again with no infrastructure improvements;
4. Annual traffic movements over recent years, from new development in Sapcote alone, had increased by 962,000 with no highway improvements;
5. The proposed development would add a further 269,000 traffic movements per year;
6. The increased traffic levels were adversely contributing to congestion, road safety and parking problems. It was not tenable to put more and more traffic in local villages without commensurate highway improvements;
7. The cumulative effect of the constant over trafficking of the Fosse villages was increasing pollution in an area which already substantially exceeded the permitted levels of nitrogen oxides and diesel particulate emissions.
8. The combined waste water & sewage system was declared inadequate during consideration of the original Limes retirement village proposal. The Environment Agency/Severn Trent required the construction of a new sewer from the Limes to the existing sewer right through to the sewage treatment works to deal with the additional effluent from the small number of dwellings proposed. This was never built but a surge relief outfall was constructed into the stream between Sapcote and Stanton and now regularly fed raw sewage into the stream which then flowed through two recreation areas and on to other villages. This situation had become worse with the recent building operations, including the Limes, resulting in incidents of raw sewage flooding houses in Spa Drive & Sapcote Road.
9. The development conflicted with the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.
10. The cumulative effect of development should be a key factor when considering planning applications; refusing to acknowledge the cumulative effect on local villages was destroying communities.
- Sapcote had experienced substantially more than its fair share of new dwellings without any infrastructure improvements; the SHLAA assessment of this site recognised the limited services and facilities to support this proposed development.
Resolved that, the Parish Council objects to the proposed residential development of up to 125 dwellings on land south of Hinckley Road for the reasons detailed above.
58/17 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 2 March 2017
Resolved that, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 2 March 2017, a copy of which had been circulated to each member, be accepted as a true record of the proceedings.
59/17 Public Participation
Mr Smith advised of a rat infestation problem in All Saints Close. Also under this item a complaint was received about ongoing parking in the bus stop layby in front of the Co-op.
The meeting discussed the lack of crossing points in the village and considered that this matter should be considered by the County Council. The purchase of mobile radar speed equipment also to be considered. Clerk to take action on these matters.
60/17 Information Update
The Clerk reported that he had contacted the County Council about the damaged verges in Park Road. LCC said that this was a county wide problem but they did not have the resources to either protect or re-instate verges. They were however prepared to consider suitable protective measures at the Parish Council’s expense and provided they were covered by the parish’s public liability insurance.
Members were advised that the fly-tipped waste which had been deposited at Sapcote quarry on 21 December had been removed. BDC was investigating allegations that a substantial part of it had been pushed onto a ledge over the rim of the quarry and covered with topsoil.
It was noted that on 8 March BDC issued a Breach of Condition Notice on the owner of Granitethorpe quarry in respect of the timber cladding of the stables.
61/17 District Councillors
Mrs Scott said that she had received concerns from a resident about Stanton Road because of the dangers arising from cars being parked on both sides of the road and in some parts making it a single track. Residents were asking if this road could be made into a one way system. Mrs Scott asked if this situation could be reviewed again given the extra traffic in the village.
Mrs Scott also advised that BDC had been asked to support, along with others, a motion to the Secretary of State for Health to have a rural weighting, similar to that of the London weighting, for GP surgeries. Such a scheme would attract the needed physicians and in turn facilitate the better provision of Health Services. It was understood that a number of Authorities, including Hinckley and Bosworth, were already supporting this motion and as portfolio holder for Health Improvement, Mrs Scott said that she too was in support of it.
Mrs Scott added that Glen Parva Parish Council and Narborough Parish Council had signed up to support Blaby District Dementia Action Alliance along with 3 GP surgeries in the Blaby area. The group (DAA) dealt with people and families who were working with the disease on a daily basis. It was considered important for all concerned that the disease was given the attention and high profile that other illnesses such as cancer received. She reminded members that there was no cure for Dementia and once it took hold its progress was rapid and could not be reversed. Mrs Scott suggested that the more we could talk about Dementia as a disease, the easier it would be for families affected.
It was noted that the final interviews for the BDC Director Post would take place on 7 April
62/17 County Councillor
Not present
63/17 Correspondence
B Forster: Complaint about locally important heritage designation in FVNP.*
LCC: Temporary road closure; Broughton Way.*
Tony Slaymaker: Complaint about speeding traffic*
BT: Kiosk adoption agreement
BDC: Request for community transport volunteer drivers*
EMH: Request for assistance with hedge problem
BDC: Dog microchipping amnesty*
BDC: Confirmation of 2018/2019 budget proposals*
M Nelson: Granitethorpe quarry
Historic England: Confirmation of listed building status for war memorial.
BDC: Easter eggstravaganza
Agewise: Enabling the residents of Blaby to age well
BDC: Fines for failing to keep dog microchips up to date.*
* Copied to Members
** Circulated to Members
64/17 Defibrillator
Mr Howell sent a report in his absence; the Pavilion defibrillator had now been fitted and registered with the East Midlands Ambulance Service and was now fully operational.
He confirmed that telephone kiosk adoption had now been completed and a notice placed in the box to indicate the box was now the property of Sapcote Parish Council. The box would now be tidied and cleaned before arranging for an electrician to fit the second defibrillator and bringing it into operation.
He added that 50 people had now requested awareness training and would be attending courses in April and May and later as required.
65/17 War Memorial
Confirmation had now been received from Historic England that Sapcote war memorial had been added to the List of Buildings of Special Archaeological or Historic Interest and had received Grade ll listing.
66/17 Post Office ATM
Members expressed their concern at the intention of Post Office Limited to withdraw the cash machine facility from the Sapcote post office on 7 April. The reason given was that the ATM was obsolete as the software was not compliant with the LINK network (a shared interbank network of automated teller machines) and as the machine did not meet the minimum of 1,500 uses per month its replacement was not considered viable.
Under the present arrangement Sapcote post office was not permitted to use any competing Bank for the provision of an ATM machine but Post Office Limited was prepared to waive this condition for those post offices where the ATMs were to be removed, and permit them to obtain the service from another supplier if they so wished. Sapcote post office had been advised of this. Withdrawal of money would continue to be available over the counter.
67/17 Grace Road Public Open Space
The Clerk referred to the circulated response which had now been received from David Wilson Homes following the December 2016 meeting with members of the Parish Council. There were still a number of points of concern especially with the drainage and warranty of the drainage works. It was agreed that another meeting with DWH was required to allay the concerns raised which had not been properly addressed by DWH.
68/17 Delegates Reports
Nothing to report
69/17 Exclusive Rights
Resolved that exclusive rights to a grave space be granted in respect of Kerina Rudkin
70/17 Planning Matters
Resolved that, the following decisions of the Planning Group be approved
16/1737 Erection of porch to front No objection
7 Frewen Drive
17/0252 Variation of condition 1 attached to planning No objection
permission 16/1106 to amend approved plan
no. 4283/north/03 rev J to provide loft
Land to rear of Church View House, Cooks Lane
17/0247 Residential development of up to 125 dwellings Objection
including access (Outline).
Land South of Hinckley Road (Next to Limes).
17/0301 Variation of condition 2 to 15/0847 to substitute Objection
1.35m post and rail fencing and 1800mm high
brickwork wall with piers and timber infill panels
to 2000mm close board timber fencing along
northern boundary.
Land off Grace Road (next to DWH site).
17/0371 Single storey extension to provide additional No objection
classroom accommodation, new playground and
associated works.
All Saints Primary School
Resolved that, the following decisions of Blaby District Council be noted
17/0168 Retention of use of land for use as haulage business Approved
(sui generis)
Stanley House, Leicester Road
71/17 Finance
Resolved that the following items of expenditure be approved
Cemetery Grass Cutting £ 247.20
Playing Fields Grass Cutting £ 174.00
Peak Cash Flow (Brian Mee Assoc.) £ 421.20
2 Commune £ 480.00
E-on (Christmas lights electricity) £ 14.56
Severn Trent (Cemetery) £ 53.38
Leicestershire Footpath Association £ 5.00
BT Kiosk £ 1.00
BDC (planning fee cricket nets) £ 86.00
BDC (planning fee cricket nets) (Bal) £ 11.50
BDC (Dog bin emptying) (Oct/Dec) £ 132.29
BDC (Dog bin emptying) (Jan/Mar) £ 132.29
LCC (FVNP printing) £ 4,611.00
Planit X (FVNP consultancy £ 12,360.00
David Pearce Electrical £ 532.85
(Elect installation for defibrillator)
LRALC (annual subscription) £ 453.26
RCC (Annual Subscription) £ 50.00
Mrs A Davies (Plants) £ 115.00
Resolved that, the following items of income be noted
VAT refund £ 2,284.36
Allotment: Tyack £ 15.00
Allotment: Scouts £ 15.00
Allotment: Otway £ 15.00
Allotment: Palmer £ 15.00
Burial: Rudkin £ 345.00
72/17 Items for the Next Agenda
2016/17 Accounts
Emergency Planning