June 7, 2016
Irondale City Council Meeting
Pre-Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
I. Invocation and Pledge
II. Call to Order
III. Roll Call
IV. Approval of Minutes for the Pre-Council Meeting & the Regular Council Meeting for May 17, 2016.
V. Approval of Current Bills for Payment
VI. Professional/Consultants’ Reports
VII. Mayor’s Report, Announcements, Special Guest (s)
VIII. Department Heads’ Reports
IX. Councilmembers, Standing Committees, or Special Committee Reports
A. Wilson – Judicial Ordinance, Library
B. London - Parks, Police
C. Pike - Fire, Water
D. Sanderson – Finance, Economic Development
E. Bearden – Public Works, Senior Citizens
X. Reports of Boards and Non-Council Committees
XI. Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that at its regular public meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. on June 7, 2016, in the Irondale City Council Chambers located at 101 20th Street South, Irondale, Alabama, within Jefferson County, Alabama (the “City Council Chambers”), the City Council of the City of Irondale (the “City”) will hear comments from interested citizens concerning the proposed rezoning of the property located at 1600 Sharpsburg Drive, Irondale, AL 35210 from an Inst.-2 Institutional District and R-4 Residential District to a PCD Planned Commercial District . (Jerrolds)
XII. Approval of the Agenda
XIII. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only
XIV. Deliberation on Agenda Items Only
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Resolved, That Resolution 2016-R-94 appoints Aaron Sims to Commercial Development Authority for a one year. (Pike)
2. Resolved, That Resolution 2016-R-95 appoints Terrence Scott to the Commercial
Development Authority for four years. (Pike)
3. Resolved, That Ordinance 2016-96 rezones the property located at 1600 Sharpsburg Drive Irondale, AL. 35210 from an Inst.-2 Institutional District and R-4 Residential District to a PCD Planned Commercial District. (Jerrolds)
4. Resolved, That Ordinance 2016-97 amends the sewer charges and fees of
Section 9 of Ordinance 2016-79. (Mayor)
XV. Public Comments to the Council
XVI. Adjournment