Housing Summit: Baruch College
14th Floor Vertical Campus Conference Center
One Bernard Baruch Way (Corner of 24th Street/Lexington Ave.)
“Housing- a Path to Independence”
March 24, 2016
Registration: 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast: 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks:9:00 am -9:30am
BIP’s Grant Background and collaborative efforts between YAI, WIHD and NYSACRA.
- Victor Calise-Commisioner Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
- Vera Halpenny, Senior VP of Services, YAI
- Carol Napierski, Senior Director of Administration, NYSACRA
- John Maltby, Director Community Support Network, WIHD
Morning Session: 9:30am -10:30 am
“How Can Federal, State and New York City Network to Create Optimum Housing Options”
- Kristin Miller, Director, Supportive Housing, CSH“The Source for Housing Solutions”
Moderated Panel10:30 am - 12:00 pm
“Strategies for Creating a Viable Housing Network Downstate”Managing Needs and Addressing Barriers
Panel Discussion
OPWDD: Metro DDRO Donna Limiti, Director, Hudson Valley DDRO Mary Newhard, Deputy Director, Long Island DDRO, Wilfrid Chou, Director Of Capital and Tech Support, Lauren Nelson, Self-Direction Liaison
Patricia Downes,Senior Policy Analyst, OPWDD. OPWDD’s perspective on housing initiatives and state partnership
City: Mayor’s Office –Victor Calise, Commissioner, Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities or WaleiSabry, housing Coordinator Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
Developers: Seydelle Knepper, SKA Marin
Arlo Chase, VP of Real Estate and Property Development, SUS
NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR): Bret Garwood, Senior Vice President, Multifamily Programs at New York State Homes and Community Renewal
Banking:Priscilla DiLello, TD Bank
Questions from the audience: 11:45am -12:00 pm
LUNCH: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm-Provided
Afternoon sessions: 1:00 pm-2:15pm rotating sessions 2:20pm -3:45pm: audience may attend two
Session 1: 1:00 pm -2:15 pm only
“Navigating the System”-Joint BIP Initiative NYSACRA and WIHD.
- Carol Napierski, Senior Director of Administration, NYSACRA
- John Maltby,MS, Director Community Support Network, WHID
Session 2:“Technology that Matters” (Rotating Session)
- Meghan O’Sullivan, At Home Technologies LLC
- Grainne Vis, Director of Residential Services, IRI, Telehealth
- Tatyana Tayts, Assistant Director of Nursing, IRI
- Elvira Fardella-Roveto, RN and Donna Mapp-Reid, RNC,CCM Telehealth Supervisor, St. Mary’s Healthcare System, Telehealth Nursing Support
Session3:“Assessing and Meeting Housing Interests.”YAI Housing BIP. Long Island Success Stories (Rotating Session)
- Lisa Sterrantino, Assistant Residential Director
- Allison Downer, Senior Regional Support Supervisor
- Self Advocate
Session 4:1:00 pm – 2:15 pm only
“Understanding HCR and What it Means for ID/DD Housing”
- Bret Garwood,Senior Vice President, Multifamily Programs at New York State Homes and Community Renewal
Session 5 2:20 pm -3:45pm only
NYC –Mayor’s Office Discussions: Identifying Barriers and Advancing Housing Options
- WaleiSabry, Housing Coordinator Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
- Carolyn Wember, parent, attorney and advocate
- Jennifer Teich, AHRC
- Karel Karpe, attorney and advocate
- Linda Schellenberg. Director of Community Services , Center for Family Support
- Adam Glantz, Customer Service HUD
- Lin Saberski, Dept. Commissioner: Early Intervention and Outreach Services, HRA