Schneider SE6 Test Form / Document Number: ECP 11-0511b
Version: 4.0
Date: 25/11/2015

Schneider SE6 Test Form

Substation Name
Substation Number
Switchboard Number / Manufacturer / Schneider
Serial Number / Type / SE6
Ratio in Use
Preliminary Checks / ()
Disconnect the umbilical cable from the RTU (if fitted)
Visual inspection satisfactory (no visible signs of damage etc)
Earthing satisfactory
SF6 gas pressure satisfactory
Functional/Interlock Checks / ()
Open and close switch
Earth switch cannot be operated when service selected
Switch cannot be operated when earth selected
Open and close earth switch
Test access cannot be opened when switch in On and Off position
Test access can be opened when earth switch closed
Switch cannot be operated when test access open
Switchgear Continuity Test
Switch / Terminals Under Test / Continuity / Switch / Terminals Under Test / Continuity
Closed / L1 - L1 /  / Earthed / L1 - E / 
L2 - L2 /  / L2 - E / 
L3 - L3 /  / L3 - E / 
HV Insulation Tests using Test Voltage from ECS 11-0006
Switch / Terminals / Voltage (kV) / Duration (min) / IR (M)
Under Test / Earthed
Closed / L1 / L2, L3
Closed / L2 / L1, L3
Closed / L3 / L1, L2
Open / L1, L2, L3 / L1, L2, L3
FPI CTs Insulation Resistance using 1kV Test Voltage
(test from CT wiring terminal block)
Disconnect FPI (if fitted) / ()
Remove CT wiring earth link / D190 - D170 / ()
L1, L2, L3 / D111, D131, D151 - Earth / M
Replace CT wiring earth link / D190 - D170 / ()
FPI CTs Loop Continuity
(test from CT wiring terminal block)
L1 / D111 - D170 / 
L2 / D131 - D170 / 
L3 / D151 - D170 / 
Reconnect FPI / ()
Final Checks / ()
Ensure FPI CT shorting-link(s) are replaced if CTs are not used or not connected to FPI or RTU
Reconnect umbilical cable to RTU (if fitted)
Asset data form completed and submitted
Test Equipment
Make/Type / Serial Number / Calibration Date
Certification / ()
All tests have been completed satisfactorily
Commissioning Engineer / Signature / Date

Thecompleted test form shall be left on-site in a plastic wallet and in secure location. A copy of the completed test shall be sent to the relevant ART mailbox.

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Schneider SE6 Test Form / Document Number: ECP 11-0511b
Version: 4.0
Date: 25/11/2015

Appendix A– SE6 Schematic Diagram

© UK Power Networks 2015 All rights reserved1